Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 332 The Last Uliang Clan Member

After the giant bear left, Liuyu originally planned to continue the training plan for Naruto. But the next moment, Liu Yu frowned, then closed his eyes and began to feel carefully.

When Bang Rizuo saw this scene, he made a slight gesture. After receiving the signal, the bodyguards became alert and carried the young master Bang Rizuo into the carriage.

After a while, Liu Yu opened his eyes, with a sneer on his lips, and thought to himself: "Are the mice finally unable to bear it anymore?"

The next moment, just when Naruto was about to ask what happened. With a slight breeze blowing by, Liu Yu disappeared in an instant, leaving only an afterimage on the spot, leaving behind a confused Naruto.

“Good and fast”

Bang Riji couldn't help but be slightly surprised. Is this the fastest speed in the world of ninjas? ! !

But the next moment, Liu Yu teleported back again, then grabbed the confused Naruto and teleported away again.

On a mountaintop more than ten kilometers away from the convoy, four ninjas wearing Kusagakure vests were meditating in a circle. In their center was a crystal ball with a diameter of ten centimeters, which could help them. Increase perception range.

Not far behind these sentient ninjas, there were dozens of ninjas wearing Kusagakure forehead protectors. Every ninja had a sinister look on their face, and they had obviously been looking forward to this action for a long time.

However, the person who was leading the group had a calm face, as if he didn't care about what was about to happen. One thing worth noting is that there is a five-leaf bindweed pattern engraved on the man's shoulder pad, which is the emblem of the Ura clan that has been destroyed in the ninja world.

These people are the remnants of Caoyin Village. When Liu Yu led his troops to attack Caoyin Village, these people were either performing security duties at the border, or they were out on missions after receiving a commission. It is precisely because of this that they were able to survive the night when Caoyin Village was destroyed.

After the destruction of Kusagakure Village, some ninjas who didn't have much sense of belonging to the so-called village simply threw away their forehead protectors and became wandering ninjas in the ninja world.

"As for revenge?"

"What a joke!"

"I was lucky enough to survive. How could I risk my life for that so-called village?"

This is the voice of those survivors who choose to become Lang Ninja, and it is also the common choice of most Kusagakure survivors.

Since some people choose to let go of the past, there must be others who cannot let go of the past. A small number of die-hard members of Kusakure Village did not give up. Instead, they prepared to kill the culprit who caused the destruction of Kusakure Village, the current leader of Tsukigakure Village, Kusanagi Ryuha.

After experiencing the brief chaos of the village's destruction, these Kusagakure remnants gathered under the command of Ura Yoruichi, the only remaining member of the Ura clan.

These Kusakure remnants are outright desperadoes. There is an irreconcilable hatred between them and Tsukigakure, which can only end if one of them falls completely.

For this reason, these people often attack teams performing tasks outside Tsukiyakure Village, causing Kusachi Yuta and others to always try to find opportunities to deal with these annoying "rats"

Fortunately, not everyone gave up on them because of the destruction of Kusagakure Village. At least the roots of Konoha and Iwagakure Village still provided them with some secret support. After all, they had a common enemy.

And this time, they also got the traces of Kusanagi Ryuyu through an important informant who surrendered to Yueyin Village, so this time they gathered everyone to prepare to attack Kusanagi Ryuyu.

As for the chances of success this time, they don't care, after all, this is their only chance.

Of course, they also knew the absolute strength gap between themselves and Kusanagi Ryūha, so they prepared a detailed plan this time.

They also knew that the members of the Cao Qian clan were all perceptive ninjas, so this time they deliberately gathered outside the opponent's perception range and relied on the perceptual crystal ball to sense the opponent in reverse. At the same time, they also knew that the Caoqian clan could use the surrounding vegetation to expand their perception range, so they chose to ambush on this barren mountain without any vegetation.

But the development of things will never be so satisfactory.

Their standard for judging the perception range of the Cao Qian clan is that of ordinary Cao Qian clan members, but as Liu Yu, the only owner of the Bamboo Escape Blood Successor of the Cao Qian clan, obviously cannot judge by common sense.

The expressions of the several sensing ninjas who were originally responsible for sensing the whereabouts of Kusachi Ryuha near the crystal ball changed drastically in an instant, and one of them stood up in a hurry to remind him of something.

But the next moment, a yellow figure hit the crystal ball hard, and the precious crystal ball burst, and the four people around him had no time to react.

The next moment, a white silhouette appeared directly in the center of the four sensory ninjas. At the same time, the visitor was whispering: "Bamboo Escape, Dragon Tooth Thorn"

The ground shook violently, and four sharp bamboo spears shot out, directly piercing the four sensory ninjas including the one who tried to get up.

The yellow figure that fell earlier was Naruto who was brought back by Liu Yu on his way back. At this moment, Naruto's mind went blank. Before he could even realize what was going on, Liu Yu carried him by the back of his collar and moved him at a speed that he had never seen before in his life.

When he finally stopped, what caught his eyes were four Kusagakure ninjas who had been pierced by sharp bamboo.

“What the hell is going on???”

Naruto, who fell into a daze, kept murmuring in a low voice.

After dealing with the four sensory ninjas, Liu Yu stepped out lightly without paying attention to Naruto who was in a daze, and at the same time, a cold voice came from behind: "Naruto, do you understand what hatred is?"

Opposite Liu Yu, the dozens of Kusagakure ninjas who were on standby suddenly changed their faces, and their faces were full of fear, but no one showed any timidity. Instead, they took out their weapons and prepared for battle.

Although Liu Yu's sudden appearance disrupted their plans, since things have come to this point, there is only one way left, fighting.

Unlike other Kusagakure ninjas, Yura Yaichi's face was full of calmness at the moment, and there was also a sense of relief that was about to be relieved.

In every ninja clan, there are always one or two outliers. Just like the Senju Hashirama of the Senju clan tried to influence the ninja world that had been killing for hundreds of years with love; Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi of the Uchiha clan were concerned about Konoha, and even betrayed the clan for this.

In the Ura clan, there was also an outlier like Yura Yaichi. As an outstanding genius in the clan, Yura Yoruichi had the potential to inherit the position of clan leader.

However, because he opposed the pro-war faction in the clan to exclude and suppress the Kusa clan, and opposed the clan members' unscrupulous means for power, he was eventually sent to guard the border and was expelled from the power core of the Ura clan and Kusa Village.

When the clan tried to take advantage of the chaos of the Third Ninja World War to unite with the Iwagakure Village to wipe out the Kusa clan, he was the only clan member who raised objections.

But he could not go against the will of the clan, and the disaster of the Kusa clan's extinction still arrived as expected.

At this moment, Yura Yoruichi's expression was extremely calm. When he learned that some of the remaining members of the Kusa clan had fled to Konoha, he began to wait for this day to come.

And now, this day has finally come!

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