Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 102: When destiny ends!

"Da da-------"

Raindrops kept hitting the ground, and the originally large courtyard had been turned into ruins during the battle between the two.


Uchiha Izumi gasped and squatted on the ground, holding the sword in his right hand to support his body. On the outside of Uchiha Spring, there is a red barrier burning with karma fire. Under the high temperature, the falling raindrops evaporated quickly, making the face of the spring in the mist blur.

The Uchiha Fire Formation, by releasing the fire attribute chakra in the five fingers, summons the earth's karma fire, and surrounds the things it wants to protect in a circle. It is already the strongest barrier technique that the Uchiha clan can perform under normal circumstances. The strength of the wheel barrier is already second only to the Four Red Sun Formation. In the original work, Obito relied on this move to easily resist the attack of the Eight-Tails.

Quan stood up slowly, then took the initiative to disperse the protection of the flame formation, and looked at Uchiha Itachi opposite. During this process, the immortal pattern at the corner of the spring also disappeared as the magic chakra was exhausted.

At this moment, Itachi was obviously in a very miserable state. The Akatsuki organization's iconic red cloud black robe had been taken off by Itachi, revealing the black grid clothes underneath.

His right hand was supporting the ground, and his left hand was covering his eyes in pain, while drops of blood and tears were slowly flowing down from his fingers. And outside Itachi, there was a huge red Susanoo shadow.

It's just that at this moment, Susanoo is in an extremely unstable state like his user. He only maintains his skeletal form and may dissipate at any time.

Susanoo, the strongest ninjutsu that combines attack and defense exclusively for Mangekyou, obviously still failed to break through the Uchiha clan's strongest barrier defense. And the huge consumption that followed was obviously too much for Itachi's frail body to bear anymore.

And now, this fateful showdown between Uchiha has reached its final stage!

The competition between the two in physical skills is meaningless. There is no doubt that Izumi is stronger in this aspect than Itachi, who is good at illusions. As for Itachi's shurikens that shoot out from nowhere, don't worry too much. The damage done by shurikens is limited. With absolute defense, it's obvious that not just a few shurikens can hurt Uchiha Izumi.

As for illusion?

As a member of the Uchiha tribe, Izumi is very resistant to general illusions, and he also had specific training on Itachi's illusions before coming here. However, Izumi also knew that no matter how much he practiced, he would never be able to defeat Itachi in illusion, so he did not arrogantly try to have an illusion showdown with Itachi, but instead pulled Itachi into a physical showdown where he was better at it.

However, it is obviously not easy to avoid eye contact with Itachi on the ever-changing battlefield, unless Izumi can train the abnormal physical sense like Akai to judge the opponent's actions by looking at his feet.

And Quan is obviously not the type of Akai who can specialize in physical skills, but fortunately, she has learned the Thorn Forest Sea Immortal Technique and can sense it after entering the immortal mode.

(These two words are sensitive words, separate them with a comma ╮(???????)╭)

An omniscient and omnipotent teacher may be the most powerful cheat in the ninja world. Under Liu Yu's reminder, Quan did not waste time and effort on absorbing natural energy to condense Senju Chakra on the spot. Instead, he followed Naruto's method in the original timeline and relied on his shadow clone to condense Senju Chakra in advance when needed. Summoning directly through the psychic scroll, after all, he was facing Weasel who had slaughtered a clan, so Izumi should have made no matter how much preparation he had.

In this way, after Izumi Uchiha closed his Sharingan and relied only on Sage mode for perception, Itachi's situation quickly fell into a disadvantage. Mangekyou Sharingan's exclusive Tsukuyomi couldn't find a chance to use it, and with the blessing of Sage Mode, Izumi's various physical abilities had been greatly improved, pushing Itachi step by step into a desperate situation.

When he couldn't stop Izumi using conventional methods, Itachi naturally used Susanoo's unique pupil technique of the Mangekyō Sharingan. The two soon fell into a conflict between spear and shield in this duel. duel.

As Uchiha Itachi's exclusive "spiritual weapon", the Yata Mirror possesses all properties and can change its properties according to the properties of the attack, making the attack ineffective. In a sense, this is Uchiha Itachi's absolute defense.

Even though Quan had the blessing of celestial magic, it was not easy to break through Itachi's defense. More importantly, Susanoo is a ninjutsu that integrates offense and defense. Relying on Amaterasu, the battlefield situation temporarily returned to a balanced state.

Izumi couldn't break through Itachi's defense, but similarly, Itachi couldn't break through Izumi's defense either!

Not to mention the instantaneous body technique that Izumi has improved to a higher level with the blessing of senjutsu. The Uchiha Fire Formation alone is the strongest barrier technique of the Uchiha clan. It is obviously not the incomplete Susanoo of Itachi. What can be broken.

At the same time, just like the curse of the Mangekyō Sharingan, once the eye is opened, it will inevitably lead to darkness. In terms of eye power, Izumi's Three Magatama Sharingan is far inferior to Itachi's Mangekyo Sharingan. But correspondingly, the burden on the body of the Three Magatama Sharingan is much less than Itachi's Mangekyo Sharingan. This also leads to a problem, that is, Izumi's battery life and recovery ability are far better than Itachi, not to mention that Izumi also has a shadow clone deployed in advance to restore the magic chakra.

And now, it has come to the final moment. Under the burden of the Mangekyou Sharingan, Itachi no longer has much ability to fight anymore.

Seeing the other party's weak look, Quan reluctantly smiled, and then bit his own finger to quickly form a seal.


Under the call of the blood contract, as a smoke dispersed, a snow-white and dressed-up ninja cat appeared in front of Quan through the psychic talisman array. And it is worth noting that the ninja cat that appeared in front of Izumi actually had two tails on its tail. It was obviously another Nekomata.

In addition to the panda clan that inherits Ryūha, Izumi is naturally a ninja cat psychic beast who has not given up the tradition of the Uchiha clan. In this regard, Itachi, who chose the crow as his psychic beast, and Sasuke, who chose Orochi and Eagle as his psychic beast, are more like different species.

"Looks like it's about to end, nya!"

As soon as the ninja cat appeared, he looked at the situation on the battlefield and then made his own judgment. Now Quan has recovered part of his chakra and can barely continue to fight. However, Itachi's Susanoo coat has completely dissipated. Looking at the blood and tears in the corners of his eyes, if he forcibly overdraws his pupil power, it will only completely destroy the pair of Mangekyō Sharingan.

There is no doubt that Izumi had the upper hand in this fateful duel. Of course, this does not mean that Izumi is much better than Itachi in terms of physical strength.

Battles between ninjas often rely on intelligence, and through Ryūha, Izumi clearly showed Uchiha Itachi's trump card, which also led to Izumi having the upper hand in the battle from the beginning.

As for why Liu Yu knew this, Liu Yu didn't say, and Quan didn't ask. It doesn't matter how the information comes from, what matters is that the information is true and accurate.

It can be said that this battle was very frustrating for Itachi. The Izumi who received Ruyu's guidance is not the Sasuke who came forward with little knowledge in the original work. In the original timeline, everything about Sasuke was basically as Itachi expected, and the battle between Itachi and Sasuke followed Itachi's preset route. But the battle with Izumi was very different. In a way, Itachi was more like the person who was forcibly dragged into the preset route.

"Li! Be careful, it's not over yet!"

Izumi looked at Itachi opposite with a solemn expression and reminded her that even now, Yue has not let go of her vigilance towards Itachi. After all, Itachi's genjutsu can last more than a month.

"Got it, Meow!"

Nodding his head clearly, the ninja cat whom Izumi called "Li" immediately left the center of the battlefield with a few jumps. He became alert, as if he was guarding against something, and seemed to be waiting for something.

"It's time for the fate of the Uchiha clan to be decided between the two of us!"

After watching Li leave, Izumi took a deep breath and then slowly walked towards Itachi, dragging his sword.

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