Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 103 We are all Uchiha!


The long blade dragged out a string of metal sparks on the ground.

During this battle, Izumi was not too worried about Itachi's Susanoo. What really made Izumi alert was another spiritual weapon exclusive to Itachi's Susanoo - the Ten Fist Sword!

As a legendary artifact of Uchiha, once it stabs the enemy, it will permanently seal the enemy's soul in the dream-like illusion world.

This illusion that directly targets the soul has transcended the scope of pupil arts. In a sense, this is an illusion that cannot be broken. Only Itachi, the caster, can unlock the seal of the Ju Fist Sword. This is also the reason for Quan's battle. The most feared place in the world.

Fortunately, Izumi still has Liuyu's help. In the original timeline, Itachi also used the Ten Fist Sword to seal Orochimaru who attempted to seize Sasuke's body, but later Orochimaru was successfully resurrected through the curse seal of the sky on Anko and Orochimaru's body.

And this provides Ryūha with a way to avoid the seal of the Juken Sword, which is to divide a part of his soul like Orochimaru and store it elsewhere for emergencies.

What are the consequences of dividing a soul?

In fact, it is already very clear.

Based on the settings of illusion abilities in the official formula book, Orochimaru and Itachi are the same. Both of them have a numerical value of ten, which is much higher than Jiraiya's six. With Orochimaru's talent and an illusion value of up to ten, this is enough to show that Orochimaru's illusion skills are very high.

(Itachi: Orochimaru's numerical value is ten, that's because Orochimaru's ability can only reach ten; my numerical value is set to ten, that's because the upper limit is only ten.)

But in fact, Orochimaru had no room to struggle when facing Itachi's genjutsu, and he didn't even know when he was under the genjutsu.

If this is the case, it can also be explained by the fact that Itachi's Sharingan is the Mangekyo Sharingan, and its pupil power is far greater than the ordinary Sharingan. But when it came to Sasuke's counterattack, Orochimaru's failure was a bit unjustifiable.

The only explanation is that Orochimaru's behavior of dividing his soul and hiding it in the curse seal of the sky greatly weakened his own illusion resistance. But similarly, Orochimaru's move of dividing his soul also ensured that the Ten Fist Sword could not completely seal him.

In order to ensure nothing goes wrong in this battle, Izumi actually divided part of his soul and placed this part of his soul in the body of the psychic ninja cat "Li".

As for the negative impact of dividing his soul, Quan can no longer care about it. To complete revenge, it is impossible to pay no price.

However, Itachi only used the Yata Mirror and not the Ten Fist Sword in the previous battle, which had to make Izumi suspicious. But it doesn't matter now. The Ten Fist Sword is a spiritual weapon that can only be used when Itachi is in Susanoo state. Now that Itachi's Susanoo has dissipated, he can temporarily relax.

As for Ienaki and Ienami?

This is not the exclusive pupil technique of the Mangekyou Sharingan. If Itachi did not have certain certainty and the necessary reasons, he would not use this forbidden technique at the cost of consuming a Sharingan, nor would he allow himself The Mangekyō Sharingan is wasted here.


After letting Susanoo go, Itachi, who relied on the broken stone wall behind him to calm his breathing, couldn't help coughing twice. He subconsciously covered it with his right hand, but he felt a warmth unique to blood.

"Maybe it's not bad to end like this!"

Feeling the state of his body, Itachi thought in his heart. Then Itachi raised his head and looked at the figure that was approaching him.

Although the gradually disappearing light has made Itachi no longer able to see the appearance of the person coming, But Itachi still knew what he was afraid of on the other side. But Quan overthinks it, and he won't use the Ten Fist Sword on her, but even if he uses the Ten Fist Sword, it probably won't change much.

Izumi has made targeted protection for his Tsukuyomi, Susanoo and even the Yata Mirror. It is impossible to imagine that he also has a ten-fist sword. In all likelihood, the ninja cat just summoned by Izumi has a way to break the situation.

"It's over!"

Finally, Izumi came to Itachi dragging the sword in his hand.

"Yes! It's really time to end!"

Finally, as the distance got closer, Itachi once again saw the face of the person in front of him clearly, and a hint of relief appeared on his face. This ending might be the most suitable for him. But before all this ends, I still want to know how Izumi will deal with Sasuke's problem.

"Where do you see Uchiha going in the future? Where will Sasuke go on this road?"

Looking at the person in front of him, without paying attention to the light of death flashing on the blade, Uchiha Itachi directly asked the doubts in his heart. After all, at this point, Sasuke was the only one that Itachi couldn't let go of.

"What do you think of Sasuke?"

Uchiha Izumi asked back, staring straight at Uchiha Itachi, as if he wanted the scene in front of him to be engraved deep in his heart forever.

By this time, Izumi probably knew what Itachi was thinking. Undoubtedly, under the current situation, Itachi was shaken. He did not regret everything he had done, but felt confused about the path he had imagined. He could no longer let the Uchiha clan or Sasuke take the path he had imagined. of the road.

Uchiha and Konoha!

Perhaps it was the best choice for the Uchiha people to follow Uchiha Madara and leave Konoha!

And it was precisely because he could clearly see Itachi's confusion at the moment that Izumi was able to stare directly into Itachi's eyes without worrying that the other party would take the opportunity to cast illusions.

Uchiha is a group that advocates strength! The basis of the Uchiha coup was that the power between the village and the Uchiha began to become imbalanced, and the Nine-Tails Rebellion was just a trigger. If the three ninjas were all present and the three generations were in their prime, the Uchiha clan would never have thought of a coup.

But now, he has defeated Itachi and has become the "strongest" being in the Uchiha clan. The future of Uchiha will be written by himself.

Uchiha is also a proud clan, and this pride determines that they will not tolerate surrendering to the increasingly weak Hokage clan.

Itachi chose the extreme method of massacre, undoubtedly because he stood at the top of the Uchiha clan and believed that he had the ability to decide the future of Uchiha.

And Itachi's behavior is actually a reflection of Uchiha's unique pride. He rejected the Uchiha clan at the time and chose his own path. In Itachi's philosophy, he did not destroy the Uchiha clan, but instead protected the glory of the Uchiha clan and brought new life to the Uchiha clan.

But it's different now. The person who can lead Uchiha forward on his behalf has appeared. And Itachi was tired. If someone could replace him and lead Uchiha to a new life, he wouldn't mind letting go of this burden, even if it cost his own life.

However, Itachi has never been an existence that transcends the clan. In his heart, Konoha is not greater than everything else. For Itachi, perhaps Sasuke is the most important thing in his life.

In the original timeline, Itachi was worried that Sasuke would be hostile to Konoha when he knew all the truth, so he entrusted the other gods to Naruto in an attempt to use the other gods to modify Sasuke's will and let him protect Konoha.

Because he didn't want to see his younger brother embark on the path of confrontation with Konoha! But when the final confrontation between Konoha and Sasuke is inevitable, who will Itachi choose?

"What do I think of Sasuke?"

Hearing Quan's rhetorical question, Itachi was slightly startled.

"You've never understood what an Uchiha is."

"What is a village?"

"What is a clan?"

"What is a ninja?"

"I used to think that you made those choices only after you understood this, but now it seems that I was too naive."

Without explaining Itachi's doubts, Izumi issued his own questions one after another.

"You may think that you are different from the ordinary Uchiha people. You can see further than them. You are a transcendent existence of the clan. And those with narrow eyes will only stare at the so-called clan, and those who talk about the so-called Uchiha The tribe will only destroy Uchiha stupidly."

"But in fact, I, you and Sasuke all have the same surname in front of our names ---------'Uchiha'"

"You think that everything you have done has protected Uchiha's glory, but in fact, Uchiha's glory does not need you to protect it at all. You are not qualified to redefine Uchiha."

"The way you deal with the clan is no different from the attempt by Uchiha Yashiro, Uchiha Inari, Uchiha Tekka and others to plot a coup. The only difference is that they betrayed Konoha and you betrayed the clan."

Quan's voice was very calm, as if what he was describing was not the past of their cursed clan. However, these plain words cut through Itachi's heartstrings like a knife.


After a long silence, Itachi slowly said: "Maybe, this is our fate as Uchiha, right?"

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