Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 167: Planning?

"Here you go, what you want!"

After explaining, Orochimaru took out two scrolls from the experimental console, and then threw them to Uchiha Gen on the other side.

Gen Uchiha caught it steadily, but there was doubt on his face.

"I have synthesized the Zhujian cells stored in the No. 1 scroll, and included a relief solution, which can help you minimize the rejection of the implant."

Orochimaru explained calmly; We are all smart people. When he saw Uchiha Gen coming to the door, Orochimaru had already guessed what he wanted.

The use of the power of the Mangekyou Sharingan comes at a cost. This power will gradually erode the user's light, and Uchiha Gen has no reservations about the use of eye power in these battles.

If you want to obtain eternal light, you must either capture the Sharingan of your blood relatives to replenish your pupil power, or you can only transplant Hashirama cells for balance replenishment.

This is not the first time Orochimaru has done this kind of balancing of Sharingan and Hashirama cells. The last result was Danzo's disgusting right hand.

Uchiha Gen didn't care about Orochimaru's explanation. His focus was on the No. 2 scroll. He didn't believe that Orochimaru would throw such a useless thing over.

"As for scroll number two?"

Having said this, Orochimaru licked his lower lip and showed that elusive smile. "Jie Jie", even the smiling Gen Uchiha felt a little numb.

"Those are your teacher's cells, and they are also the source of the underworld's dirt materials."

Before Uchiha Gen could turn the doubts between his brows into words, Orochimaru explained again:

"The strong vitality contained in the first-generation cells can make up for the lack of eye power of your Uchiha clan, but this is not the only option."

"Your teacher's cells contain more powerful vitality. According to my inference, it is enough to make up for the lack of your pupils, and even help you to reach a higher level."


Seeing the excitement rising in the other person's eyes, Orochimaru poured a ladle of cold water on him at the right time.

"I originally thought that the cells of the First Hokage Senju Hashirama were the most vital cells in the world, but I was wrong. Your teacher's cells contain far more vitality than the cells of the First Hokage."

"But along with strong vitality comes an equally strong phagocytic ability. The cells of the first Hokage will engulf the transplanted cells. In this process, most people will be swallowed by Hashirama's cells and turned into trees. Only There are very few people who can successfully fuse the first-generation cells to gain the ability to escape."

"But your teacher's cells are more domineering than the first Hokage's cells. I have tried to fuse the two, but in all experiments, without exception, Hashirama's cells have been swallowed up by your teacher's cells!"

"There have been successful examples of fusion of first-generation cells. If you want to fuse your teacher's cells, the success rate can only be said to be infinitely close to 0.

"But once successful, just like transplanting Hashirama cells will gain the power of Wood Release, you will also gain the power of Bamboo Release through this fusion."

Watching the fire in the other person's eyes gradually extinguish, Orochimaru licked the corner of his mouth and issued a final temptation:

"Now! Do you still want this power?"

Hard work?

Such a word appeared in Obito's mind.

But immediately, these two words were dispelled by the confidence brought by Obito's strong strength.

"Wind Release: Great Scythe Weasel!"

Facing the masked man who broke through the wall, Temari opened her fan first, and countless wind blades swept out.

But facing the massive blow, Obito remained as calm as before, and just used the chain to pull the fan in front of him to block it.

"Uchiha---rebound!" (The classic milkshake appears!)

The name of the technique seemed to be chanted with a hint of ridicule, and countless wind blades hit the fan, and the fan directly absorbed everything. Then, a dazzling white light bloomed on the entire surface of the fan. At the end, a white storm swept out from the fan and attacked the ninja alliance with greater intensity than before.

Gaara struggled to raise his hands and tried to build a sand barrier to block it all, but all of it was destroyed by the white storm's offensive.

"Dust Escape·The Technique of Original Realm Peeling"

At the critical moment, Onoki came on the stage. The white cone swept across in front of him, blocking the white storm released by Uchiha.

However, Obito did not intend to end the offensive. After the storm, countless thorns and wooden thorns shot out. Under the sound of piercing the sky, everyone dodged in panic. Thanks to Onoki's previous blocking, everyone present was able to disperse in time.

Onoki also understood that blindly defending could not solve all this, so after avoiding the wooden thorn attack, he flew towards the masked man, trying to gain an advantage by eliminating him with his own blood.

Obito obviously knew how difficult Ohnoki was, and after losing the power to freely travel through Kamui space, he did not confront Ohnoki rashly, but used wood escape to try to distance the two sides.

Under Obito's control, countless giant trees grew in the direction of Ōnoki. Ōnoki dodged left and right. If he couldn't dodge, he would use dust escape to stop it.

The people behind him also cooperated with Onoki to make auxiliary attacks in time. The puppet in Granny Chiyo's hand insisted on stabbing and releasing poison. Kurotsuchi also spat out "Melting Release·Lime Condensation" from time to time in an attempt to block the opponent's actions. The sand in Gaara's hand It never stopped.

In this tug-of-war, Obito seemed to be forced into a desperate situation, and the situation seemed to be controlled by the ninja coalition. But for some reason, Ohnoki felt uneasy for no reason deep in his heart as he looked at the masked man who was being forced to his knees by everyone.

"The Technique of Melting Escape·Monster Melting"

As the support was further in place, the balance of the battlefield began to pour. Terumi Mei did not hesitate, and immediately blocked the masked man's retreat with his blood inheritance boundary.

Seeing this, Obito had no choice but to use the giant tree to forcefully jump up.

Just then, a roar came.

"Righteous thunder axe!"

A huge figure came quickly from the sky. The Fourth Raikage was bathed in lightning and shot out. Countless lightnings jumped on his raised right leg, and his target was leaping high in the air. The powerful masked man.

Obito was forced to take this blow with endless rage, and his whole body fell rapidly like a cannonball, even penetrating a giant tree in mid-air.


With a muffled sound, Obito was forced into the ground, and countless smoke and dust temporarily buried his embarrassed appearance.

"Thunder-torture level Chiyomai!"

The smoke and dust haven't cleared yet, the fourth generation Raikage has already raised his sword to kill, taking advantage of your illness to kill you to the extreme.

However, when the blow was about to be struck through the smoke, Raikage suddenly stood up, and at the same time, a loud shout came from Raikage.

"Kazekage be careful!"

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