Naruto under the bamboo forest

Chapter 168 The last resort!

"Wood escape clone???"

Looking at the human-shaped broken wood in the pit, the Fourth Raikage instinctively felt something bad. He almost subconsciously shouted to remind Gaara to be careful, because the other party came to this place because of Gaara's fishing bait. .

When Raikage shot the masked man to the ground with his "Righteous Thunder Axe", everyone present could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. Even Onoki, who had always been worried, relaxed a little. He knew exactly what kind of power Raikage's "Thunder Ax of Righteousness and Fury" possessed.

However, all this disappeared with a warning from Raikage. Almost as soon as Ohnoki reacted, he refocused his attention on Gaara who was at the end.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

Almost instantly, the giant trees on the ground that had lost their vitality released their vitality again. A huge wooden dragon with a body length of nearly a hundred meters emerged from the giant trees, and its ferocious giant mouth opened and aimed at Gaara reacted.

Then the giant dragon circled and rose into the sky, preparing to break through the barrier that trapped the entire island in one fell swoop. As the dragon danced, the giant trees rooted on the island also moved faster into the sky.


Under the squeeze of the wooden dragon and giant trees, cracks have begun to appear in the barrier, and they are spreading rapidly to the surroundings. The collapse of the barrier has become a foregone conclusion.

In the blink of an eye, Ohnoki had already made a decision. He put his hands together and aimed at the wooden dragon rising into the sky. The light in his hands was about to bloom in an instant.

Onoki has made up his mind. Even if Ichibi Shukaku and Gaara die together today, he will never let the masked man in front of him who looks like "Uchiha Madara" take him away.

As for that boy from Sunagakure, all I can say is sorry!

He will personally go to Sand Hidden Village to apologize afterwards.

"damn it!"

Looking at the transparent light cone formed in Onoki's hand, Obito's expression under the mask changed drastically.

"What do you want to do?"

On the other side, Maki, Temari and other Sunagakure people looked at each other angrily, and even stood up to try to stop Ohnoki's actions.

Kurotsuchi and Akatsuchi also subconsciously blocked everyone in Sunagakure. In this short period of time, they did not know whether Onoki's decision was correct, but as a member of Iwagakure Village, they could only follow and be promoted to Tsuchikage. Onoki.

Raikage and Mizukage didn't move too much, presumably acquiescing to Onoki's approach. The ridiculous Eye of the Moon plan requires gathering all the tailed beasts in order to proceed. When the situation becomes irreversible, it is also appropriate to kill the tailed beasts and use the time when the tailed beasts are resurrected to gain more time buffer for the ninja coalition. A choice.


With a muffled sound, the giant tree finally broke through its restraints, and the barrier covering the entire island fell apart. And at the same time when the barrier was broken, Obito could feel that the connection between his severed divine power space was restored.

At this moment, the weapon in Onoki's hand had also taken shape, and he released it directly at the wooden dragon in front of him.

But at the moment when the dust escape in Ohnoki's hand took shape, the space in front of him was directly distorted. The originally indestructible dust escape actually disappeared partially under this distorted space, while the other part was still facing towards The wooden dragon shot out in the distance.

Ohnoki was shocked!

On the other side, Kakashi was half-kneeling on the ground at this moment, covering his left eye with his left hand, and his forehead was covered with fine sweat. Apparently it was Kakashi who had just used the divine power that he had just mastered to transfer part of the Dust Release.

It's just that Kakashi is not yet proficient in mastering it at the moment, and the pupil power consumed by just transferring a part of the dust escape is already very difficult for him.

Onoki's Dust Release-Original Realm Peeling Technique is indeed very powerful. It can turn all materials it comes into contact into an atomic state, but this does not include empty space. In a sense, time and space ninjutsu is indeed the nemesis of dust release!

Although Kakashi transferred part of the Dust Release, the crisis was not over yet. Obito flashed in front of Wood Dragon in an instant and was ready to stop everything.

The transparent light cone shot out, and the ripples and twisted spatial fluctuations in front of Obito formed an absolute defense, trying to block it all.

Although Onoki was shocked for a moment by Kakashi's sudden time and space ninjutsu, he still reacted in an instant. Seeing the masked man trying to block all this with time and space ninjutsu, he immediately increased the chakra output and detonated it directly.

Amidst the roar, the figure of the masked man disappeared along with the white light.


There was a little trembling in the words. If the masked man could be dealt with without sacrificing Gaara, it would undoubtedly be the best result.

Looking at all this, Terumi Mei frowned slightly. In fact, when Onoki was about to sacrifice Gaara as well, Terumi Mei was not too shocked. She had seen this kind of thing too many times in the blood mist.

What really surprised her was Kakashi's Sharingan!

Kakashi copied thousands of ninjutsu with the Sharingan in his left eye, thus becoming famous in the ninja world and earning the title of "Copy Ninja".

But who knows? ? ?

Kakashi, a person with a foreign surname who does not have Uchiha blood, can actually awaken him to the level of the Mangekyo Sharingan, and his awakened ability is coincidentally the same as that of the masked man opposite who is suspected of being "Uchiha Madara" It's a time and space ninjutsu.

What's more important is that the two of them, one on the left and one on the right, can form a complete pair of Mangekyō Sharingan.

If all this is a coincidence, it seems unreasonable.

The Fourth Raikage on the other side also looked at Kakashi with a thoughtful expression on his face. He was reckless, but it did not mean that he lacked basic judgment and analysis skills, otherwise he would not have become a Raikage. .

But the battlefield was obviously not a good place to answer questions. Almost at the moment when the explosion went silent, the space in the distance rippled again, and things did not develop as Ohnoki expected.

The desperate black-robed figure appeared again!

As soon as Obito's figure appeared, the ninja coalition on the opposite side became nervous again.


Obito, who was revealed, gasped softly under the cover of his mask. Sure enough, he still underestimated Onoki and his Dust Release. In the state he was in just now, coupled with the fact that the Kamui space was affected by part of the dust escape transferred by Kakashi, he was unable to block this blow at all.

If Ienagi hadn't reversed the final barrier, maybe he would have lost this battle!

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