The so-called ‘one penetrating book’ uses a fist instead of a finger and uses Finger Pistol to expand the wound area.

But at the same time, the penetration depth is inevitably affected, which is less than 20 meters.

But in most cases, it is enough! Dragon City's move not only opened a big hole in Quinn's body, but also completely shattered his heart! "Look at you to see if you can stand up again..."

Even if Zoan's awakened ability person has strong vitality, there is a limit.If the heart is destroyed, it should definitely die.

"Um...! It hurts! But what I never expected was that Dragon City had not had time to be proud. With an angry roar, Quinn, who had just been hit hard and fell to the ground, miraculously stood up again! By this scene, not only the fur clan, but even Dragon City are dumbfounded. What kind of monster is this! This can no longer be described by the strong vitality, it is simply... the immortal body.

Zoan's awakening ability is so scary, but when it comes to the immortal body, isn't Kaido known as immortal? Does it have anything to do with him "Damn it!"

While Dragon City was thinking about it, Quinn became more...angry.

But it was already clear that he was not Dragon City's opponent at all by relying on physical skills.

So this time, he didn't rush forward rashly.

After a slight pause, a sneer suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he turned his head and yelled at his hands.

"Use gas bombs! Kill this Damn it guy and everyone here!"


Seeing Quinn furious, those...pirates were full of panic, where they dared not to neglect the slightest, a small team took out the bullets, and then fired dozens of weird-looking cannonballs at the gathered fur clan.

Not surprisingly, this is a gas bomb that has compressed a lot of toxic gas! "Rewind!"

Hearing what Quinn said just now, the Fur Clan was... his complexion changed drastically. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help widening his eyes, shouting and retreating quickly.

But just imagine, even if they are good at running, how can they be able to run through a cannonball "Sure enough, they still used this trick!"

Long Cheng stood in place, and instead of being flustered at all, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Then his face suddenly sank, just... a loud shout.

"Finger Pistol shower!"

I saw that Longcheng didn't stretch out a finger, but his hands were like claws, with all ten fingers pointed at the front.

Then, at a very high frequency, he constantly shoots fingers in front of him.

Whoosh whoosh... With the sound of breaking through the air, Finger Pistol instantly covers the entire sky, and there are tens of thousands of words! Although they are all derivative moves of Finger Pistol, they are all instantaneous multi-strikes, but they are different from the focus Attacking a small area, the'shower rain' is a large-scale coverage and an indiscriminate attack.

Pupupupu......Although the coverage area has been expanded and the attack range has been reduced, it still has no problem penetrating through these...cannonballs.

The dozens of shells shot out were all penetrated directly in the air.

Boom! Boom! Boom! And as the outer shell was pierced, unable to withstand the huge pressure inside, it instantly exploded.

"this is.……"

"Poison gas is coming!"


After the gas bomb exploded, the poison gas surged out instantly.

Since Dragon City was intercepting in mid-air, it was closer to the pirates than on the fur clan's side! Seeing the ferocious poison gas swept in, the pirates were all horrified, shouting and turning their heads to run away.(Read more @

But it's a pity, how can there be time "Everyone, go back!"

At the same time, there was a panic on the fur clan's side.

The speed of the poison gas is very fast, although it may not run away, but it can only run away.

Whoosh! And just at this moment, Longcheng's figure flickered, and suddenly disappeared from where he was. When he appeared again, he held a person in his hand, it was Guy Sakulang.

"Block these poisonous gases."

Throwing Guy aside, Dragon City ordered.

"How can you treat a scientist so rudely!"

Guy was full of irritation, but then saw Longcheng's stern gaze and quickly put on a smiling face.

"I will do it."

Hula! At the next moment, Guy turned into a gas form and stood in front of the fur clan.

And these... the invisible poison gas, after encountering Guy, is like a docile rabbit, it is directly caught.


The fur clan who was escaping saw this scene and couldn't help being startled, with surprise on their faces.

"Not bad."

Long Cheng also glanced at it, and couldn't help nodding.

When I arrived at Zuow, I saw the ship of Beasts Pirates, and when Dragon City was anxious, he did not forget to bring Guy Sa.

That is...In the original book, Jack the Drough used a gas bomb against the furry principality! Guy Sa is a Gas Fruit capable person. In addition to... releasing gas, he also has the ability to absorb gas.

In the original book, he also used his fruit ability to clean up the poison gas on Punk Hassad.

This time, it was Kui and therefore not Jack who attacked the furry principality, but the other party finally used the gas bomb.

At this time, Guy Sa is useful.


"I don't want to die yet"

In contrast, the opposite Beasts Pirates had been completely swallowed by poison gas, and they were all screaming for a while.

Puff! Boom! But soon, as they fell to the ground quickly, the screams gradually disappeared.

"Damn it! You bastard! I'm going to kill you!"

Soon, the other pirates had fallen, and only Quinn was left.

I have to say that his vitality is indeed strong.

Having suffered so many heavy blows from Dragon City one after another, and now he has inhaled a lot of poisonous gas, he hasn't even fallen down yet.

However, even if it is tough, there is a limit.Quin's footsteps are already a little vain, and it is obvious that he has reached the end of the force.

"Kill me hum!"

Long Cheng let out a cold snort and walked straight over.

At this time, Quinn's vision seemed to be a little blurred, and he could no longer see Dragon City.

"One hundred thousand wa Zhengquan!"

Longcheng didn't bother to talk with him, and then another heavy punch.

Bang! Bang! First there was the muffled sound of the fist hitting the flesh, and then the loud noise of Quinn's huge body hitting the ground.

"I need to.……"

Quinn, who was knocked down again, tried to stand up.

Puff! This time, he couldn't stand up anymore.

With a muffled noise, one head... fell to the ground and passed out directly.

At the same time, the transformation is also lifted... and it changes into a human form.

He couldn't even sustain the transformation, it seems that he has indeed exhausted his energy.

"Guy, purge these poisonous gases."

Longcheng glanced at the pirates who were all lying on the ground, eating their own fruits, and ordered.


Although Guy Sa was full of reluctance, he did not dare to say a word under Dragon City's lewd might.

These... Although the pirates have fallen, most of them are not dead yet, as long as the poison gas is cleared in time at this time, they can still save a life.

The reason why Longcheng did this is not to show mercy.

It's these... Pirates, he has another use!

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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