"Why hasn't Dragon City come back..."

Garlott stood on the newly constructed observation tower, looking at the edge of Zou, and couldn't help pouting his face full of displeasure.

A few days ago, Beasts Pirates attacked the furry principality. Fortunately, Dragon City came in time to defeat the pirates and save the fur clan.

After processing the poison gas from the walk, according to Dragon City's instructions, Quinn and the other undead pirates were temporarily taken into custody.

The reason why he didn't execute it or throw it back to the sea, according to Longcheng, he had another great use.

But let alone Quinn, who is abnormal in strength, it is... that the other fruits are given to the giver, and they cannot be bound by ordinary chains.

Only seastone handcuffs can effectively prevent them from escaping.

But the furry Principality of Zou doesn't have such a thing.

In the end, Guy took the initiative to give these... the pirates regularly used poison gas to ensure that they could not recover their physical strength.

Of course, although this will not kill the pirates, after all, long-term inhalation of poisonous gas, toxins accumulate in the body, there is a certain amount of damage in the end.

But for these... Pirates, how can there be so much scruples? After the Pirates were properly detained, Longcheng left Zuow in the morning of the next day.

Dragon City first summoned everyone and announced that the next task was to rescue Momanosuke! But the other party was the aunt pirate group, one of the Four Emperors, and could not act rashly.

To save Tao nosuke, he still needs someone to help.

And Dragon City left this time, just...going to find that person.

This was a flash...For a few days, there was no news from Dragon City, and everyone couldn't help but be a little worried.

Especially Garrott, who ran to the watchtower outside the city to watch.

"I don't know if it will show up today."

At the same time, in the first half of the Grand Line's paradise, the slave auction market in Chambord Islands, Longcheng became an ordinary person, sitting in the corner, and couldn't help but mutter.

After leaving Zow, he went straight to the Chambord Islands.

It has been two or three days since this flash, and there has been no figure in sight, and Longcheng can't help but feel a little impatient.

"Are there any... good captain slaves today."

At this moment, an arrogant voice sounded at the door.

Turning around, I saw a man wearing a bubble hood, walking in surrounded by a group of guards, it was Celestial Dragons! Seeing Celestial Dragons appeared, everyone else in the venue was nervous and turned their heads. Avoid eye contact with...

"...Finally here!"

On the contrary, it was Dragon City, with a smile on the corner of his mouth and surprise. After waiting for these few days, I finally waited! The reason why Dragon City came to Chambord Islands and stayed at the slave auction site was...Waiting for Celestial Dragons! acquaintance."

After seeing the appearance of Celestial Dragons, Dragon City couldn't help but smile again.

Saint Rozvard is also the father of Saint Charros who was previously killed by Dragon City.

Before Dragon City was accidentally arrested, he was also Saint Rozwald, and he must put Dragon City to death! And in order to demonstrate his Celestial Dragons' majesty, he asked for a public execution to the world in a month.

In the end, everyone knew that, instead of showing any majesty, it made Marine completely scandalized.

At the same time, Dragon City's strength has also improved a lot there.

Speaking of it, he would like to thank the Rozvard Saint.

"Thank you in person immediately."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Longcheng sneered at the corner of his mouth, then got up to the corridor and walked straight to Saint Rozwald.


More than ten meters away from Saint Rozwald, the surrounding guards suddenly raised their spears and yelled at Dragon City.

"Didn't you see Celestial Dragons arrive! Don't get out of here yet!"

"Oh, forget it."

Only then did Longcheng come back to his senses, he still looks different now, and then directly releases... ability.

"This kind of untouchable dare to stand in the way of Celestial Dragons, just kill it..."

At the same time, Rozvard's arrogant face has directly raised the pistol in his cane.

But he didn't finish a word, and suddenly saw the real dragon city, his face changed drastically.

"You, you, you...you are..."

"It's me."

Longcheng said impatiently, then his figure shook, and he went directly to Rozvard Saint.

Snap! The next moment, Longcheng reached out his hand to jam Rozvard's neck and lifted him from the ground.

Caught by the Dragon City, Saint Rozvard's body can't help much, just like a poor chicken.


"Don't be rude to Celestial Dragons!"

The incident suddenly occurred, and the surrounding guards couldn't help being startled.After a long while, they recovered and shouted that they were about to rush to rescue.

"Die to him!"

At this time, Longcheng spoke, and his icy eyes swept over.

These guards were frightened for an instant, and quickly stopped.

Yes, Celestial Dragons are still there: Dragon City, if they act rashly and cause Dragon City to injure Celestial Dragons, then they will all have to be buried.

Of course, even if it weren't for throwing rats, with their strength, they couldn't be Dragon City's opponents at all.

"Dare to catch Celestial Dragons!"

"This kid doesn't want to live anymore!"

At the same time, the others around him recovered, and all of them were full of horror.

Celestial Dragons is a nobleman in the world, with supreme rights! Ordinary people can't even avoid it, how dare to dash, or even grab it! "He is..."

"It's Guangyue Dragon City!"

But then, someone suddenly recognized Dragon City and couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

"Light Moon Dragon City"

"Really Guangyue Dragon City!"

Others also saw clearly, and there was another exclamation.

At the same time, he couldn't help feeling stunned, no wonder he dared to hijack Celestial Dragons.

After all, Celestial Dragons hasn't been killed, and it's...in the Chambord Islands.

"What are you waiting for, don't rush to report to Marine Admiral."

Without killing Saint Rozwald for the time being, Dragon City spoke to his guards.


"Go report to Marine!"

After hearing Dragon City's reminder, they reacted and rushed to contact Naval Headquarters.

Seeing this scene, Longcheng couldn't help shaking his head for a while, the quality of the guards this time was not good.


After a while, Sengoku, who received the news from Naval Headquarters, couldn't help but furious, and then his face was gloomy.

"It's this Guangyue Dragon City again!"

Since the last time he was escaped by Dragon City, Marine has also been hunting around besides... raising his reward to one billion.

But until now, nothing has been achieved.

In fact, Marine also knows that Guangyue Dragon City, which can escape from Naval Headquarters grandiosely, is so easy to catch, so you should do your best.

However, I never expected that Dragon City appeared again, and he hijacked Celestial Dragons when he came up. Didn't this mean to find fault with Marine! "Go and inform Sakazuki!"

Sengoku frowned and immediately issued an order.

And then, I added another sentence.

"Get Polusalino too!"

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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