What does this scene look like?

Sleeping with Xiaochun?

Yes, the same thing happened to Xiaochun when she went to bed that year.

At the same time, he received the teachings of the first and second generation Hokages.

When she was young, she was also a popular goddess with unparalleled splendor.

But the difference between Sakura and her is... Sakura with the Yin Seal will not grow old.

Therefore, Sakura can always be popular.

Such an excellent, beautiful, and intellectual Sakura, but there was no lust in Naruto's eyes when he looked at her.

Some are just clear blue eyes.


Facing Sakura's question, Naruto just shook his head and smiled.

But Sakura could see the desolation in Naruto's heart.

Even though Sako has been gone for three years, Naruto still hasn't forgotten her.

The evidence is that the next second, Naruto picked up the group photo of the three people from Team 7 that was placed on the table.

Then...looking at this photo blankly.

Sakura's eyelids drooped slightly and she remained silent.

Compared to himself, Naruto is obviously the one who has a harder time forgetting the past.

Because of Naruto's performance, she couldn't help but want to comfort Naruto.

But the general approach will definitely not work.


"Naruto, according to Lord Jiraiya's latest investigation information, Sako...she has appeared in other countries."

Orochi will frequently move her base to prevent others from finding her.

This is done not only for safety, but also to exercise Zuo Zi.

"Witnesses claimed that the Uchiha girl they saw was cruel, cold, and completely inhumane...So, Naruto, if you meet Sako again, she will definitely kill you... ..”

Sakura said, her tone lowered.

She hoped that Naruto would let go of Sako.


Naruto immediately turned his head, his eyes flickering and his arms shaking.

"No...she wouldn't do that..."

Looking at Naruto with red eyes, Sakura stepped forward and hugged him gently: "It's okay, Naruto... I understand..."

She understood Naruto's sadness.

"Thank you, Sakura. I'm glad that you accompany me to face it together..."

Naruto said movedly.

"To be honest, you...are the only friend I can rely on..."


"We are teammates of Class 7, partners, friends, and...a family..."

Sakura patted Naruto on the back.

"I will always be by your side..."

Sakura had already decided that Tong would never betray Naruto.

He won't be as ruthless as... Sako.

Because if Naruto abandoned himself, how could he survive?

"Thank you...thank you..."

Naruto smelled Sakura's fragrance on his nose, and endless evil thoughts flashed through his eyes...


The TV station staff have been waiting for a long time.

Finally, the time came for the interview.

They will first interview Naruto's companions, such as...people close to him, Sakura.

Because she is a member of Team 7, the reporter wanted to ask Sakura what she thought of Naruto.

"Ms. Haruno Sakura, you are the dream lover of many boys. Your approval rate has become higher again this month..."

The reporter lady was referring to Sakura's popularity through magazine surveys, which once topped the annual list.

Looking at the gorgeously dressed goddess Sakura in front of me, she is very fashionable but not tacky.

The reporter was naturally very excited.

"Thank you..." Sakura smiled slightly, and her sweet smile was captured by the photographer.

"So, let's start the formal interview. May I ask, what do you think of Naruto?"


Complicated thoughts flashed through Sakura's eyes, and then she showed her signature beautiful smile.

"How should I put it...Naruto...is like a saint."

The formulaic smile turned into a playful smile.

This is what Sakura really thinks in her heart.

Because Naruto is kind, strong, selfless, and has the will of fire...

And a maturity well beyond his years.


The reporter transferred the microphone to the second guest.

The Konoha torture officer who claims to be impartial and impartial... Morino Hiki.

"Naruto is an exception."

Ibixi looked serious.

"He is different from any ninja I have ever seen. He doesn't drink, he doesn't smoke, he doesn't approach women, he is fair, selfless, has the will of fire, gentle..."

After using countless words of praise, Ibixi's expression became more serious.

"Gods...if there are gods in the world, then...Naruto is the incarnation of gods walking around in the human world."

Chapter 189. Unite everyone Uzumaki Naruto

conference room.

When the reporter interviewed Sakura and the others.

Naruto was waiting.

The first person to come in was Xiao Li, who was full of youthful spirit.

He still burns his youth and contributes to Konoha.

"Naruto-kun, you were here a long time ago. I thought I was the first."

Xiao Li, who had fully understood Naruto's greatness in the past three years, looked a little reserved at this moment.

Admiration bursts from his big round eyes.

He was happy and excited.

After all, Naruto was his, Neji's and Tenten's idol.

"Xiao Li, it seems that you have practiced very well these days."

Naruto turned around, walked away from the floor-to-ceiling window, and walked over to look at Xiao Li.

"I, I don't have as much trouble as you, Naruto-kun..."

Xiao Li knew very well the burden placed on Naruto.

Not only must he bring back Sako, but he must also defeat the Akatsuki organization.

"No, Xiao Li, I mean... your awareness of overcoming difficulties..."

Naruto sighed and said to the bloodless Xiao Li.

He has no bloodline, but works harder than anyone else.

Xiao Li, you are the real hero.

"Thank you, Naruto-kun..." Xiao Li was immediately moved and began to wipe his tears.

What could be more exciting than having your efforts recognized.

One after another, Neji, Shikamaru and others walked in outside.

They greeted Naruto one by one.

Everyone except Sakura was present.

Konoha's current 11 Xiaoqiang are ranked 10th.

Naruto, Akamaru Kiba, Hinata, Shino, Shikamaru, Choji, Ino, Lee, Tenten, Neji...

The people sitting around the conference table are the famous 12 strongest people of the new generation.

That's right, 12 people.

Because Naruto insisted on keeping that empty spot for Sako.

As a result, two seats were vacated.

In three years, it was not just Naruto, Sakura, and Xiao Li who grew up.

Hinata and others have also grown a lot.

Hinata, in particular, has grown even bigger. Of course, she was still as shy, but a little more melancholy. Because Hinata could clearly see that Naruto liked Sako. This made her feel very depressed.

"Naruto, I have already compiled the information regarding this Akatsuki attack..."

Shikamaru's eyes were serious, he was obviously a young man, but he had already started to grow a beard.

His image began to resemble Shikamaru in Boruto.

Mature, serious and steady.

All this is because of Naruto's warning to Shikamaru three years ago.

Improve your own hard power and you won’t regret it.

And... Shikamaru was always trying to help Naruto carry the load.

He was determined, just like the second generation assisted the first generation, Koharu and Elder En assisted the third generation, Lord Jiraiya assisted the fifth generation... when the time comes, he will assist Naruto who becomes Hokage.

As a counselor, he certainly has to think carefully.

As a result, his character became more and more serious.

Shikamaru disagreed with what Naruto said...that he would be the Eighth Generation Hokage in the future.

Because Shikamaru believed that the most important thing was to let Naruto take the burden off his shoulders.

"We dug out the body of the guy named Hidan. It's unimaginable that he can still move after being broken into many pieces... After the people in the medical class dissected it, they found that he had strange qualities... ."

Shikamaru began to read the manuscript eloquently.

"Based on the above intelligence, every member of the Akatsuki organization has extremely dangerous abilities...Naruto, it's too far-fetched for you to face them alone!"

Shikamaru said, Naruto, you can't always face the Akatsuki organization by yourself every time.

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