What if you are harmed by their weird abilities?

"And according to Hidan, their boss, named Pain, is a very powerful and terrifying ninja!"

But it's a pity.

Hidan is a lunatic. He talks a lot and doesn't care about other members' affairs.

Hidan only knew the god who served him every day.

Therefore, it was difficult for everyone to pry out any truly useful information from his mouth.

"Naruto-kun, let me help you next time!"

Xiao Li clenched his fists and was the first to say.

"No, I should be the one to help Naruto-sama." Neji looked at Xiao Li.

Soon, everyone started arguing with each other.

Everyone was so angry that their faces were red and their necks were thick.

"Hey hey hey...STOP..."

When the conference room became noisy, Naruto raised his hand and gently stopped everyone.

"Let's quarrel here first. What will Sakura think? We are twelve strong people..."

Naruto sincerely spread his hands and warned everyone.

"Whether we are outside or here, we are all 12 people. So, we should wait for Sakura to come over and listen to her opinion..."

Naruto then sighed and his expression became more sincere.

"More importantly, we are companions of the same village...Grandpa Sandaime said that everyone is one family..."

Everyone was silent.

They lowered their heads one by one and began to reflect.

Every time in similar scenes, Naruto's lightness would always make them feel their dark side.

And everyone can't help but chase Naruto who is so shining, like the sun.

Naruto, you...are the sun in our hearts.

Perhaps feeling that he had spoken too harshly, Naruto couldn't help but laugh: "Sorry, everyone, after all... I'm stupid, right, Sakura."

Naruto looked towards the door.

Sakura is in full bloom, with her long hair flowing, and her elegant steps, like a big star in a movie.

Followed by reporters and photographers.

Naruto stood up and hugged Sakura.

"I will always be by your side too...Sakura."

Naruto whispered quietly.

Sakura smiled happily when she received the response.

After they separated, Sakura said: "Everyone, it's time for the interview..."


When everyone left the Hokage Building and went outside.

People have blocked the streets.

In order to be responsible for order, Uchiha Fugaku and others had to be present in person.

"Captain Fugaku."

The camera behind you has been turned on, recording all the way.

Naruto spoke to Uchiha Fugaku in a formal tone under the camera.

Patted Uchiha Fugaku on the shoulder.

Naruto looked at the other Uchiha ninjas.

"Captain, you...are the real heroes."

Uchiha Fugaku was stunned, and the people had already gathered around him.

Naruto smiled brightly and responded to the expectations of the people as he walked.

Sako's defection dealt a huge blow to the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha Fugaku was much older, and he was so exhausted that he had no other thoughts.

And Uchiha, who had already integrated into Konoha, once again became the center of attention because of Sako's drag.

However, Naruto helped the Uchiha clan every time.

Just like this time, he once again praised Uchiha's achievements in front of the camera.

Over time, Uchiha slowly got rid of the shadow of Sako's defection.

"After you go back...invite Naruto to your home, let Mikoto prepare a table of good food, and thank him properly..."

Fugaku stared at Naruto's back and decided.

Be sincere and thank Naruto.

Chapter 190. Nagato: It doesn’t matter, I will catch Naruto myself

Akatsuki organizes the southern cave.

This urgent call made everyone in Xiao who were busy in the last step of collecting money a little confused.

The action plan to capture the tailed beast will begin soon.

Almost every team is making a last-ditch effort.

"Boss, if you summon us at the critical moment, you'd better explain the situation! Well!"

The first one to jump was Deidara.

Facing the accusations from the young man, Payne showed neither sadness nor joy in his eyes.

"Kakuzu is dead, Hidan was captured by people from Konoha..."

Bai Jue calmly read out the situation of the two of them.

"Kakuzu...was killed by Uzumaki Naruto."

Passing by the Kakuto of the Land of Fire, I became obsessed with money and actually got the idea of ​​the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki.

The result was death.

"The horns are all dead?!"

Everyone in the Akatsuki organization fell into shock.

Deidara was the first to scream: "Aren't they two the so-called immortal duo? Yeah!"

In the end, one was killed by the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki and the other was captured?

In the past three years, Naruto's rapid rise has been well known to the entire ninja world.

As Konoha builds momentum, Uzumaki Naruto's legend becomes more and more incredible.

He has performed hundreds of S-level missions and hundreds of A-level missions.

Even the most powerful model workers cannot compare with them.

Because the speed with which he solves problems is simply incredible.

Even if you just calculate the speed of running on the road, it shouldn't be so fast.

However, Uzumaki Naruto can do it.


He can fly!

That's right, Uzumaki Naruto gained the ability to fly with the help of the special chakra armor tailored for him by the Snow Country!

Since he got that armor, he has installed a propulsion device on his butt.

He flies in the sky almost every day, wherever he wants to go.

His mobility is hundreds of times higher than others.

With the ability to fly, it is natural to complete tasks with extremely high efficiency.


Facing a flying Jinchūriki, what should we do with him?

Biwa Juzo failed.

Itachi failed.

Kisame died.

Princess Orochi failed.

Kakuzu died.

Hidan was captured.

... Akatsuki has fallen all the way down because of Uzumaki Naruto over the years.

Do we have to continue to send them one by one?

Of course, this is Kakuzu's problem, not the leader's problem.

Because the leader Pain has warned everyone not to approach Uzumaki Naruto.

Kakuzu just didn't listen, and wanted to test how big the gap was between him, the old master, and the young man.


"Kakuzu was killed in one shot..."

White Zetsu played the scene of Kakuzu's death.

The scene of being killed in an instant was very shocking.

The Akatsuki organization was thinking, if it was them, how many times could they go back and forth against Naruto's move.

"Hmph! I can fly to the sky..." Deidara thought. "No, this guy can fly!"

Scorpion: "Damn... I can only use the magnetic escape blood limit possessed by the puppet of the Third Kazekage to resist..."

It's not certain that it can be resisted.

Itachi: "..."

Orochi: "Hehe..."

Black Zetsu: "..."

Konan: "..."

Obito: "..."


Pein broke the silence.

"Three years ago I said that I would do it myself!"

Hearing Pein's words, everyone looked at him, full of expectations.

If Pain Six Paths takes action personally, then it will be very easy to catch the Nine-Tails.

"Boss, we want to act with you! Hmm..."

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