When Naruto and Sako grow up, the two children get married...

However, this matter completely fell apart with the occurrence of the "Kyuubi Rebellion".

After that, the Uchiha clan suffered more criticism, and Mikoto had no energy to think about it. As time went by... her thoughts completely faded away.

But now.

Because of fate, Sako and Naruto got to know each other.

Hope has resurfaced, and the Uchiha clan...will they seize this re-emerging hope?

Mikoto's mind instantly flashed to her husband's attitude after knowing that the two children had met.


Fugaku hopes that Sako and Naruto will continue to contact each other.

As long as the top management of Konoha doesn't object, then...he, a father, will not stop his daughter from getting along with Naruto.

Mikoto, who focused on her husband in everything, calmed down and made the decision to live together as a married woman.

"Sako, are you talking about Uzumaki Naruto?"

Mikoto's gentle eyes met her daughter's eyes, and Sako suddenly made a sound of surprise.

"Eh~?! Why does mom know about Uzumaki Naruto...did my brother tell mom?"

Sako remembered that she had only told her brother Naruto's name.

"Over there."

Mikoto did not explain, but stretched out her finger with a smile and pointed to the end of the commercial street.

Naruto's home... was right there with a medium-sized sun terrace.

"Hmm! Uzumaki Naruto actually lives in a house in the most prosperous area..."

Zuo Zi was immediately shocked.

Looking at that guy's stupid look, it turns out he's hiding something deep.

"Do you want to visit him? You can't go empty-handed. You have to bring a gift."

Mikoto spoke again.

There is a lot of inducement in the words.

"Well, I'll go right away!"

Zuo Zi nodded excitedly, took a souvenir from her mother, and immediately ran towards the end of the commercial street.

"Mom...wait for me for a moment~!"


Watching her daughter's leaving figure, Mikoto was filled with emotion.

When Sako and Naruto met, was it because of the blessing of Kushina's spirit in heaven?

Carrying the items purchased for the New Year, Miqin stopped where she was.

In fact.

This scene in a sea of ​​people, a seemingly inconspicuous mother-daughter interaction, was completely captured by a pair of eyes.

At this time, it was on the street opposite Mikoto.

Two girls, Hinata Natsu and Hinata Hinata, were attracted by a shiny pavilion.

The two girls couldn't move anymore when they looked at Linliang's dazzling jewelry.

As they carefully selected, time passed quickly.

Naruto, who was completely uninterested in these gadgets, naturally looked around and discovered the mother and daughter Mikoto and Sako.

Unfortunately, Zuozi had to make a fuss because he was not at home.

But Sako's mother... can actually meet him.


Naruto took decisive steps and walked towards the other side of the road.

When Naruto passed through the crowded crowd, the two girls also noticed Naruto's actions.

What the two of them saw was...Naruto planning to help Mikoto.

"Auntie, have you encountered something and need my help?"

It is normal to stand still while carrying too many things, and be reminded that you may encounter difficulties.

However, Mikoto is not a helpless commoner.

Before retiring to become a housewife, she was a jounin of the Uchiha clan.

Carrying something is no problem at all.

What surprised Mikoto was that the person in front of her who asked if she needed help was actually Kushina's child...Uzumaki Naruto!

Mikoto subconsciously raised her head and looked towards the end of the commercial street.

The daughter's figure has long since disappeared into the vast sea of ​​people.

In other words, Uzumaki Naruto also went out for shopping today.

"What a...kind-hearted child..."

Mikoto looked away and began to look at Naruto.

Naruto's act of asking her if she wanted to help gave her the first impression of Naruto.

As for what this kid looks like...

The face is like his mother's, the hair color is like his father...

Naruto, on his side, was also looking at Mikoto while waiting for a reply.

The first meeting was almost a month ago.

At that time, Mikoto's gesture left a deep impression on Naruto.

Now that we have met for the second time, under close observation, we can see all the details more clearly.

Mikoto, who has already given birth to two children, does not look old at all.

Time has not left any traces of aging on her body. She is at her most beautiful age, and her breath is becoming more and more fragrant.

It is different from the girly style of Maoyue Xiyan.

It is also different from Hinata Natsu's semi-transformation from a girl to an adult.

The Mikoto in front of her could be called a beautiful young woman.

Those gentle eyes paired with willow eyebrows have an indescribable charm.

He was educated by an ancient clan, and his strength was that of a Jonin. The addition of her ladylike temperament and strength makes her more dignified and steady compared to Hinata Hazuki.

Coupled with rosy and soft lips and fair skin... she can be described as charming.


The most striking thing about Uchiha Mikoto is naturally...


Naruto's sight slowly slid down, and Mikoto's bags came into view.

Finally, it was Mitsuko...

This is Saeko's mother.

She is a beauty who is well-known in the entire Konoha and even the ninja world.

"I'm fine, thank you for your concern."

Mikoto nodded slightly and thanked Naruto in a gentle tone.

The so-called love for the house and the dog.

Because of the relationship with Kushina, as a best friend, she couldn't help but be more kind to Naruto.

Thinking of Naruto's loss of his parents when he was young, Mikoto's eyes became even warmer.

"Oh, then I won't bother you, auntie goodbye..."

Naruto scratched his head, his eyes narrowed into a slit, and his silly expression directly concealed Mikoto's observation.

Turned into the crowd and walked towards the opposite side.

Soon, Naruto stood with Hyuga Xia and Hyuga Hinata.

Mikoto blinked as she watched this scene, wondering, "Why would this kid... hang out with the Hyuga clan?"

And not just any Hyuga.

She's a maid from the Hyuga clan, and...the eldest daughter of the clan leader, Hyuga Hiashi...

Realizing the seriousness of the situation, Mikoto also received the scrutiny from the other party.

Hyuga Natsu and Hyuga Hinata bowed slightly to her, and then they turned around and left with Naruto.

With waves in her heart, Mikoto pursed her lips.

She looked at the three figures, and finally decided...to tell her husband Fugaku about this later.

"Mom, that guy doesn't seem to be at home..."

At this time, Sako came back.

She missed the meeting just now perfectly.

Looking at her daughter who looked a little disappointed, Mikoto comforted her, "Maybe he went out to buy New Year's items..."

"That's true." Sako smiled immediately. "At this time, he must be with his parents..."

Sako, who fantasized about what Naruto's parents looked like, didn't notice her mother's slightly dim eyes.

"Sako... Naruto has no parents."

Sako: "!"

Hearing this answer, Sako's expression immediately froze, and she was a little surprised, astonished, and at a loss.

"The child's parents sacrificed for the village, and they are the heroes who saved everyone..."

With gentle words, she briefly mentioned Naruto's life experience. Mikoto knew that Sako was not suitable to know too much now.


Sako nodded slowly after reacting.

"No wonder that guy is stupid..."

She couldn't help but feel a little more pity for Naruto in her heart.

Without parents, no one to teach.

No one to take care of, living alone.

So it must be very difficult.

"It seems that he has passed my second test...But, if he wants to be my friend, there is still one last hurdle..."

Looking at her daughter who was arrogant again, Mikoto couldn't help but smile.

"Well, let's keep up the good work and come back after the New Year..."

Sako: "Yeah!"


On the other side, the three people who were preparing to return walked on the road.

Naruto couldn't help but think: "Sako's mother~Mom~ is so beautiful and kind, I must change the tragedy of the Uchiha clan."

Because if Sako lost her parents and her clan members, she would be so sad.

Naruto sighed, and the thought of...Peach still emerged in his mind.

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