"Tsk... the beauty is the point!" Kyuubi rolled his eyes, and he was too lazy to complain.

"Axia! It's not good~!"

An anxious voice suddenly interrupted Naruto's thoughts.

Hyuga's extra, who ran out of breath, appeared in front of Naruto and the other two.

Naruto knew him when he was playing with the Hyuga clan these two days.

This guy is called Hosuke Tsuchi, and he is about the same age as Hyuga Natsu, and he is the latter's childhood friend.

Of course... living together in a tribe, almost all children of the same age can be called childhood friends.

"What are you so flustered about!?"

Hyuga Natsu immediately stood still, showing a serious attitude.

This trained calm look is very professional.


Hyuga Hosuke Tsuchi, the young man, took a few breaths before speaking again.

"Hokage-sama, Elder Yan, Elder Xiaochun, and Lord Danzo... four high-ranking officials brought several ANBU and surrounded our Hyuga clan's base!"

Hinata Xia was shocked: "What?!"


Naruto shrugged.

The calmness brought by the maid training plan was indeed not real.

They did not change their color when the mountain collapsed in front of them, just because they had never seen a real landslide.

People like me, Uzumaki Naruto, are real, natural strongmen.

Chapter 27. Hyuga's crisis of destruction, Naruto's appearance

As the New Year is approaching, the Hyuga base, which should have been harmonious, encountered an unprecedented crisis.

The ANBU and the Root people vaguely formed a trend of encircling the Hyuga.

Generally speaking, the Konoha high-ranking officials would never blindly issue such orders.

Even the Root was dispatched, which was enough to prove the seriousness of the matter.

When Naruto and his party returned here, the courtesy between the two sides in the reception hall also came to an end...

Hyuga Hiashi, Hyuga Hazuki, the elders of the main family...all these main family figures gathered on the spot.

Hyuga Hizashi and other family members also stood aside or outside the door with their own representatives to listen.

The appearance of four Konoha high-level officials together means that it is absolutely a big deal.

In the middle of the Japanese-style hall, the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen stood with his hands behind his back.

The figure, who was not tall to begin with, was now much more hunched.

In fact.

Before Danzo launched the attack, he had already received the latest communication from the Hidden Cloud Village.

The Raikage claimed...that Konoha would hand over the murderer who killed the delegation.

And the so-called murderer, of course, refers to Hyuga Hiashi himself.

In other words, they threatened Konoha to trade the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan in exchange for withdrawal.

Otherwise, they would use force at the border to seek justice for their dead subordinates.

At that time, the war will break out...

If that's all, there's no need for the four senior officials to visit in person.

But the problem is that Danzo has dug up new clues. He didn't say what they were, but just said that everyone would understand when the time came.

"That's what happened."

Sarutobi Hiruzen explained the situation on the spot.

The expected Hyuga people had different expressions.

"No way..."

Hyuga Hiashi struggled and released his clenched fist.

"If you can save the village by sacrificing my life..."

"Hiashi..." Hyuga Yuzuki couldn't help but look at her husband, her eyes full of worry.

"Don't be impulsive."

Just then, the elder of the main family spoke in a leisurely tone.

"Hyuga's blood limit is an important trump card for the village..."

He first reminded the importance of Hyuga's Byakugan.

"The main family's duty is to always protect the Byakugan."

Then, the elder of the main family looked at Hyuga Hiashi who was standing silently on the side.

"The people of the branch family... exist for this kind of thing..."

At the critical moment of Hyuga's life and death, the most experienced elder of the main family cleverly resolved the attack from the top leaders.

Whether the Konoha top leaders are targeting Hyuga or not, the strategy of fighting wits and courage is necessary.

As the patriarch of the main family, Hiashi must not die.

Hina is still young and cannot support the entire Hyuga.

Once Hiashi dies, the entire Hyuga clan will collapse...At that time, they will be at the mercy of others and become more miserable than now.

"We just need to hand over the Hizashi who looks like you!"

The elder of the main family made a decision, which was also an explanation to Konoha.


Utaine Koharu and Mitomon En looked uncertain.

Danzo, who was more cunning, was expressionless and lowered his eyes, making it impossible for people to judge his thoughts by observing his eyes.


How will the Konoha top leaders take this explanation proposal?

The elders of the main family sat in their original positions, motionless, waiting for the response from the higher-ups...


The Hyuga clan's residence.

Naruto stood at the entrance.

The solemn atmosphere filled this old-fashioned clan.

Although there were not many comedians and joy here, it was not as bad as today, making the dogs and cats avoid it.

The masked groups standing on the walls, the walls, the trees... were the members of the Anbu and the Root.

Although they wore the same Anbu uniforms, their identities were actually easy to distinguish.

The people wearing "animal" masks are basically from Uozuki Xiyan's group.

The person wearing the "Evil Ghost, Shura" type mask is the subordinate of the old man Danzo.

Taking a random look around, Naruto discovered that ANBU and Gen had dispatched several squads.

But it seems that white-haired Kakashi is not here.

Probably rushed to the front line, after all, he is the best tool man.


At this moment, a purple-haired figure greeted Naruto.

It's Mao Yue Xiyan.

Looks like the ANBU Team 6 guys are not on the same mission... Naruto thought.

"Don't go there..."

Mao Yue Xiyan signaled that the rest of the crowd should not go in.

She said it very softly, it was the friendship of an acquaintance.

"It's okay, sister." Naruto nodded slightly and immediately turned into a harmless look.

The light-speed switching of superb acting skills made even Kyuubi stunned.

"How good is this kid...in liar..."

Kyuubi muttered.

"Naruto-kun~." Hinata, who also sensed the change in the clan's atmosphere, couldn't help but raise her right hand and gently grabbed the corner of Naruto's clothes.

In her heart, Naruto was her subconscious support.

Since being rescued on her birthday, Hinata has completely changed her philosophy.

She believed in Naruto wholeheartedly and felt that Naruto could protect her.

"The demon fox Uzumaki Naruto even knows people from the ANBU..."

When Hinata Xia saw this scene, she had completely different thoughts in her mind.

A storm surged in her heart.

Having been shocked many times, she could no longer guess Naruto's true status and situation.

She felt more and more panicked.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that the behavior that offended the other party in the past was only done by an idiot.

"Uncle Hizu, are they in trouble? I heard that Grandpa Hokage is also here...can you take me to see him? I usually know Grandpa Hokage quite well..."

Naruto scratched his head, his expression switching to shy in a second.

Give me Uzumaki Naruto some face. Grandpa Hokage is an acquaintance of mine.

Maoyue Xiyan: "This... okay..."

The dark parts are three, six or nine.

Different classes have different responsibilities.

Among the ANBU ninjas from several classes present today, at least one-third of them knew Naruto's identity.

So, with their help, Naruto relied on the "Face and Blood Succession Limit" that he had been born with, and soon arrived at the door of the guest house without any hindrance.

But today is different from usual...

The members of the Hyuga branch who were supposed to guard the gate were replaced by two ninjas.

Danzo's two subordinates look very menacing just by looking at their masks.

When Naruto was about to enter the house, these two door gods directly blocked Naruto... and even Xi Yan's path.

Most ANBU obey orders from higher-ups, even the Hokage.

But there are also a group of people... people with roots... who only listen to Danzo's orders, also known as... dead soldiers.

——Commonly known as dog legs.

"Then here's the problem."

Facing the obstruction, Naruto remembered a question.

"Boys, are you hot today?"


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