The Hyuga clan can die at will.

It doesn't matter if you die a Hyuga Hizashi, it doesn't hurt to add a Hyuga Hizashi.

The Hyuga clan usually feeds the village and enjoys the benefits of the village. What happened to the critical moment when they sacrificed for the village?

But Kumogakure plans to kidnap the "Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki", so that's absolutely intolerable!

After all, there is a precedent of... Kushina being kidnapped!

Kumogakure actually waded into the same river for the second time, wanting history to repeat itself!

Hinata Hizuki, Hinata Hazuki, and the elders of the clan were stunned throughout the whole process, and their expressions changed gradually.

From being dazed because he didn't understand, to figuring out the black meaning, to Naruto taking full responsibility to clarify the truth...

The three of them couldn't help but feel happy, and even breathed a long sigh of relief.

In this way, the crisis for the Hyuga clan will be relieved.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Mito Kadoyan also looked at each other and nodded, finally understanding the truth of the matter.

However, Danzo did not intend to stop there. He asked again: "Uzumaki Naruto, I ask you, by whom were the eight Kumogakure ninjas killed?"

"It's "Kyuubi". "

Naruto insisted, his tone decisive.

Kyuubi: "..."

I, Naruto Uzumaki, am going to become the Seventh Hokage of Great Mitsuru, so how can I have stains on my hands?

No, I, Naruto Uzumaki, definitely did not kill anyone.

The one who kills is the Nine-Tails Chakra...

Just like Kakuzu's death in the original work. Although all the cells in Kakuzu's body were destroyed by the Wind Release Spiral Shuriken. Even if Kakashi didn't last a last hit, he wouldn't be able to survive for 2 minutes. But the person who killed Kakuzu in the end was Kakashi. What does it have to do with me, Uzumaki Naruto?

...Naruto thought intoxicatedly.

"You "personally" killed 8 Kumogakure ninjas..."

Naturally, Danzo would not be fooled by such a little cleverness.

He narrowed his eyes and became aggressive. Just like how they forced the Hyuga clan before.

Once it is proven that Uzumaki Naruto is murderous, means that he is a failure.

This would allow him to escape from the protection of Sarutobi Hiruzen and directly transfer to his own command!

Chapter 29. Kneel down! You must kneel down!

"You mean... you want me to succeed you?"

Naruto's elemental awareness.

Maybe this old man Danzo appreciates me, Naruto thought happily.

"That'll have to wait until I'm a little older..."

Naruto immediately scratched his head in embarrassment.

——and blushed with embarrassment.

Danzo: "..."

Kyuubi: "Naruto Uzumaki, how shameless you are..."

Kyuubi, who couldn't stand it anymore, just wanted to plug his ears.

It didn't want to hear Naruto talk.

Then it was discovered.

"Ha...I have no hands~! No hands~! Only claws~!"

"No, Kyuubi...don't accuse me wrongly. In fact, I am really pure."

When Naruto took the time to talk to Kyuubi in his mind.

in reality.

The people in this room were stunned by Naruto's speech.

Immediately, Sarutobi Hiruzen laughed heartily.

" saw it too..."

What did you see?

Danzo frowned, a bad premonition flashing through his heart.

"Naruto...he's just a child!"

He's just a kid...

Just a kid…


This sentence caused a 10,000-point critical hit to Danzo.

Knowing that if they continue to talk, this kid will only continue to act crazy and act stupid, and Sarutobi Hiruzen will definitely protect him.

Since the goal cannot be achieved for the time being, it would be better to follow the original plan and let Nonoyu get close to the nine-tailed demon fox.

Danzo immediately stood up with his cane and walked out without saying a word.

When he pushed the door open and stood at the door, he couldn't help but be startled again when he saw the two subordinates lying on both sides of the door.

The members of the Hyuga clan looked at this side from a distance.

Everyone moves only their eyes but not their hands.

Because if they were given ten courageous people, they wouldn't dare to support the "root" person. If Danzo was blackmailed, it would be a big trouble.

"Old man, do you have any questions?"

At this moment, Naruto's caring voice came from the hall behind.

"Oh...two of your subordinates just fainted...well, maybe heat stroke."


The north wind blows.

Today is December 31st.

Konoha, the weather is cloudy.

Temperature -3~4℃.


Danzo held the cane tightly with his right hand, the wooden handle made a clicking sound when he squeezed it, and then he released it again.

In the end, the ninja snorted coldly and left in a hurry.

"Carry these two losers back!"

Danzo's roar gradually faded away...

‘It’s been a long time since I saw Danzo deflated. ’

Sarutobi Hiruzen held his pipe and looked out the door with a smile.

Then he looked back and looked at Naruto with admiration.

His simple character was inherited from his parents.

Seemingly gentle, but actually strong and responsible, he combines the strengths of both Kushina and Minato.

The two subordinates who were able to bring down Danzo in an instant also confirmed his strength and further confirmed the authenticity of Hinata's abduction incident.

Very good...very good...

"This kid... is as wise as he is foolish..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded secretly and gave a very high evaluation.


As Danzo left, the chilling atmosphere disappeared.

Everyone watched as the Sandaime Hokage walked to the door, and heard him say: "Hizashi, I won't bother you anymore... By the way, "Happy New Year." "

Congratulating the Hyuga clan on the New Year in advance also means that this matter has come to an end.

The ANBU and Gen's people left quietly.

The entire Hyuga clan's residence returned to tranquility.

"Grandpa Hokage..."

Naruto left with the Sandaime and the other two senior officials.

The Hyuga clan members stopped where they were, discussing something in whispers.

Several members of the clan looked at Naruto's back with deep praise and gratitude...

"Hizu, next, you have to thank Naruto-kun..."

The clan elder gave a meaningful instruction.

"I understand." Rizu nodded lightly.


"Naruto, how are you controlling the power of the Nine-Tails?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen turned around and looked at Naruto beside him.

From Uzuki Xiyan, he had already learned that Naruto could control some of the Nine-Tails' power to a certain extent.

But to what extent it is specific, we still have to listen to Naruto's own description.

"It's okay, I can control two tails now..."

Naruto held out two fingers and counted "two".

"Well..." Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded slightly, and began to estimate Naruto's strength with two tails in his mind.

But this seemingly ordinary conversation caused uproar in the ears of Koharu and Mito Kado.

The two looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

Back then, after the First Hokage conquered the Kyuubi, he thought the Kyuubi's power was too dangerous.

He planned to seal the Kyuubi forever.

That is... never enable this theory.

The Shoudaime's attitude towards the sealing of the Kyuubi's power affected the first Jinchuriki...his wife Uzumaki Mito.

Then came the second Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki, Kushina.

Both jinchūriki never considered using the power of the Kyuubi.

Their decision to seal the Kyuubi until death was also a decision made by Konoha's top brass.

But what if...

If there is even a glimmer of possibility.

The Jinchuuriki of Konoha can freely control the tailed beast chakra like the Jinchuuriki of other villages.

So, will the situation of the past three ninja wars be reversed differently?

Of course, the ancestral laws are immutable.

The policy set by the First Hokage is absolute, unquestionable, unchangeable, correct, and targeted...

Any successor will actually not look for trouble by denying his ancestors or anything like that.

Dare to say that the ancestors are not good, that is the will not to fire.

But now it is Naruto who can control the power of the Nine Tails, and it has nothing to do with us.

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