Go to bed, Koharu and Mito Menyan spread their hands.

So, the value of this boy Naruto...

In an instant, Naruto's worth skyrocketed, and he became a hot treasure in the eyes of two senior elders, Mito Kadoen and Koharu Koharu.

What does it mean that you can control part of the Kyuubi's power at such a young age?

This is something that neither Mito-sama nor Kushina could do back then!

Even if this kid can't become a perfect jinchūriki like "Eight-Tails Kirabi" or "Fourth Mizukage Gotachibana Yagura".

The experience of controlling the Kyuubi is enough to be passed on to the next generation.


That swarthy, rough guy in Yunyin Village [Raikage Ai] is really hateful!

Xiaochun's attitude changed when he went to bed, and he immediately made up his mind to fight Yunyin Village to the end.

New and old grudges.

Not counting the revenge of "The Second Hokage" being killed by Kumogakure!

Koharu, who became angry, immediately left in a hurry with Mito Kaden and began to prepare for the border war.

Sarutobi Hiruzen stopped and looked at Naruto, his eyes full of kindness.

If "Asuma" had half... no, one-third of the cleverness and understanding of Naruto, he wouldn't be... Sigh...

Don't think about the prodigal son you have today with a cool hairstyle.

Sarutobi Hiruzen coughed and spoke again: "Naruto, how do you plan to spend the New Year?"

"Grandpa Hokage, everyone in Hinata is very enthusiastic. They invited me to spend the New Year here..."

Naruto scratched his head and replied. This can be regarded as indicating the meaning.

"Well, that's good."

Sarutobi Hiruzen exchanged greetings with Naruto for a few more words, then left with a smile.

When he was far away, he thought of something again.

"Xi Yan."

"Hokage-sama." Uzuki Xiyan's figure flashed beside the former.

"Naruto, please take more care of that child..." Sarutobi Hiruzen asked.


Maoyue Xiyan was very puzzled.

She was extremely frustrated and knew very well that Naruto's strength did not require her protection at all.

Then why did Hokage-sama give special instructions?

Could it be... is it because of Danzo-sama? !

"Duanzo wouldn't do something like that."

Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head.

As long as he lives for a day, Danzo will not dare to do bad things blatantly.

So, it's not because of Danzo.

"I just hope that more and more people will stand around the child, so that he can feel the warmth of the big family... This can also be regarded as compensation for Naruto..."

And Sarutobi Hiruzen felt that Yugao was a very good candidate.

Because she didn't resist getting along with Naruto. He wouldn't hate Naruto like the villagers did.

The more people who are kind to Naruto, the child...maybe he can become the "Perfect Jinchuuriki"...and even the Hokage.

Sarutobi Hiruzen stared at the dark clouds passing in the sky. The sun appeared and its warm light shone on the earth.

Those who have attained the truth will receive much help, while those who have lost the truth will receive little help.

The so-called Hokage is a person recognized by everyone.


The residence of the Hyuga clan.

Everyone from the clan and branch families gathered at the door.

Naruto walked back struttingly, without any stage fright, as if he was a born leader.

Everyone in Hyuga, who had been stunned, finally woke up like a dream and confirmed that the crisis was really over.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but before they had time to celebrate, they heard a thump.

Shocked by everyone! shock! In his eyes, their clan leader, Hinata Hizashi... the scholar knelt down in front of Naruto.

"Naruto-kun, thank you for saving my brother's life, thank you... for saving my clan!"


His expression was frozen in shock.

Hinata Natsu looked at this scene with a small mouth, and her whole body felt bad...

Chapter 30. I, Uzumaki Naruto, am a noble of the Hyuga clan!

Everyone in the Hyuga clan was stunned.

They stood there, watching the clan leader kneel down to Naruto, a little child, and for a moment they couldn't help but feel huge waves in their hearts.

It took a while for them to react.

At this moment, everyone understood one thing.

That is... Naruto Uzumaki is the benefactor of the Hyuga clan and a noble person who must not be offended!

Naruto has been playing with the Hyuga clan for two days, and basically everyone has seen Naruto's face more or less.

At this time, Ningci and other children standing in the crowd couldn't help but feel shocked.

Hizashi, who looked gloomy, couldn't help but feel relieved at this time.

After experiencing this crisis, he understood his position in his brother's heart.

As the head of the family, the elder brother is serious to the point of being old-fashioned and mean. Yet it was a duty he had to fulfill.

In fact, his love for his family and his younger brother is not inferior to other brothers at all.

It was the Hyuga clan's rules that were in question, not their brotherhood.


Watching her father kneeling down for Naruto, Hinata almost smiled from ear to ear.

A faint blush appeared on her little face.

In her mind, Naruto was now as tall as Hokage Rock.

"Even my father knelt down before Naruto-kun~, Naruto-kun is so awesome~!"


Seeing Hinata's expression, the Kyuubi in Naruto's belly almost laughed out loud at her joyful expression.

"But...why can't I laugh?"

In the past, Kyuubi, who had great respect for the Immortal of Six Paths and was regarded as a half-filial son, understood the reason after thinking about it carefully.

——Because this is too hellish~.

"It's over, there's no hope."

Kyuubi shook his head.

Hinata Hinata, a human female cub, has been completely and completely eaten to death by Uzumaki Naruto.

The Hyuga clan has completely lost hope.

As the ancestor of the Hyuga clan and the brother of the old man of Six Paths, Hamura Otsutsuki would definitely cry if he knew about the development of his descendants!

"Uncle Rizu~, please get up quickly."

Naruto was stunned for a moment and immediately looked at a loss.

After some excuses, Hinata and Hinata stood up.

Hinata Hazuki, who was stroking her belly and watching this scene, smiled even more gently.

Hinata's crisis was resolved, and she became acquainted with Naruto-kun, the son of the fourth generation.

No matter how hard she works, Hinata will marry Naruto when she grows up.

The status of the Hyuga clan is rising...

A bright road ahead...

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that Hinata Hazuki had a bright future. At this moment, Naruto looked very satisfied.

There are dozens of layers of filters.

All he had to do was call his son-in-law.

The New Year is coming, and the Hinata resident is having a great time.

Everyone is happy, everyone is happy.

Of course... there is one exception.

"Everyone, let's start preparing for the New Year. Naruto-kun is our guest, Hinata. This year's celebration must be a grand one!"

The elders of the clan have grown up.

Everyone cheered happily with smiles on their faces.

Everyone went their separate ways and started to get busy in the clan...

"Axia~, Axia~?"

Hinata was planning to ask Hinata to prepare some snacks to fill her stomach at noon.

But Hinata Xia, who was standing there, was motionless at this time.

Because her situation is completely different from other Hyuga clan members.

Although other tribesmen had previously thought that Naruto was a demon fox and were dissatisfied with him.

But no tribesman really spoke to ridicule, or even drove Naruto away.

On the contrary, she, after such a series of interactions and development, turned herself into a clown.

"Hinata, you need to get along well with Naruto-kun..."

Hinata Hinata stood up and touched her daughter's head.

From the bottom of his heart, he also hoped that the Hyuga clan could climb onto the high tree of Naruto.

Lord Hokage personally approved and confirmed it. It proved that Naruto-kun was not only not given up by the high-level officials of Konoha, but was actually a hot treasure.

"Naruto-kun, you must be tired after walking around for a long time..."

Hinata Hazuki walked to Naruto with a smile on her face.

After coming back to his senses, Hinata immediately cleared the way and respectfully invited Naruto to go forward.

However, at this time, Naruto was just talking and laughing with Hinata Hazuki and ignored her at all.

This left Hinata Xia at a loss.


When she saw the patriarch's eyes glancing here slightly, there seemed to be hesitation in his eyes.

This made her even more frightened.

With his head lowered and his lips pursed, Hinata Xia made a decision in her heart...

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