Naruto’s God Tree’s Fruit in Other World

Chapter 1403: Field (Thanks for the reward of 10,000 book coins from Black Riemann)

Mr. Qinglong, I'm afraid I can't wait for it! "Yuanzong's monk in black stared at Lin Chuan in the distance and said with a heavy voice.

"What do you want?" Lin Chuan stopped moving and looked back.

At this moment, the six people in the core area have temporarily abandoned the impact of the five elements, because the situation has changed a lot.

"If you take an oath now to join my Yuanzong, then not only will I not attack you today, but I can even help you get the inheritance of the Five Emperors, if not ..." Yuanzong's pupils in black shrank suddenly, A killer was released without hesitation.

He has no choice. Lin Chuan is too much ahead of them now. It is very difficult for him to rush past. Once Lin Chuan has been passed down to the Five Immortals, they dare not imagine what this Qinglong will become in the future. monster!

So before Qinglong gets the inheritance of Wu Jue Di Xian, he must be recruited or killed directly!

After all, Lin Chuan's current cultivation is only the complete consummation of the Divine Period, and the ability to be as good as a fish in the field of the Five Elements is entirely due to the four attributes of the Five Elements. Its true strength is not very strong. The monk has a huge gap compared to him, and he is quite sure he can kill Lin Chuan.

"What do you mean, Your Excellency?" Lin Chuan's eyes turned slightly, looking at Qiantai Qianru.

Yuan Zong has already expressed his attitude. Now the dawn of snow is lacking. If the two of them join forces, it will be really disastrous for Lin Chuan. The only good thing is that Santai is by his side and he can stop the two for him. Person, otherwise today it would be almost impossible for him to get the inheritance of Wu Jue Di Xian.

"You and I have some sources. I don't want to do anything absolutely, but if you get the inheritance of the Five Master Emperors, it will be a great threat for us to break dawn, so sorry, if you refuse to join Dawn, then I will try my best to prevent you from getting the five imperial ancestors! "Qiantai Qianru said a moment of deep thought.

As far as she is concerned, in fact, she still admires Lin Chuan. In addition, Lin Chuan has practiced her own magical spell Dong Dong. It is less than a must. She doesn't want to shoot at Lin Chuan, but from the perspective of dawn, If this person is unwilling to join them, it is a huge threat. For such a threat, the best way is to strangle him in the cradle.

However, she is not as decisive as Yuan Zong's people. Even if Lin Chuan does not want to join Daybreak, she is only prepared to stop Lin Chuan from inheriting the Five Immortals, not to kill Lin Chuan.

"I see. It seems that we have to make a difference here!" Lin Chuan said slowly, and the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye under the mask suddenly shrank.

"Three stations, it's up to you!"

Lin Chuan said directly to Xiao Heng and Shi Jin, then turned and rushed towards the direction of Wu Jue Di Xian.

"Relax!" Shi Jin whispered a smile and said softly.

"There is no shortage of genius in this world. Some people can grow up, and some people can only die and die. Your choice determines that you cannot rise on this continent!" Yuanzong's black monk voice fell , The whole body was filled with a pale golden mist, like powder broken by gold, which permeated all around.

At this moment, the surrounding space suddenly condensed, and the light in Wujiedongfu seemed to be dim a lot. Only the golden powder that permeated the monks in black exudes dazzling luster.


The voice of the man in black dropped, and the countless golden powders that permeated the whole body began to gather. In the blink of an eye, thousands of golden spheres like stars were formed.

At this moment, the Five Elements Realm began to tremble slightly. It seemed to be stimulated. It caused a terrible storm of the Five Elements. Everyone in the Wujiedong Mansion felt the huge coercion at this moment.

"Ability in the field?" Xiaoheng looked at the black monk in surprise.

Field competence For ordinary monks, there is not much contact. Many monks have not even heard of the existence of field competence, but for advanced monks, it is a very powerful practice, because basically only Only monks in the fit period can perform in the field.

At this moment, the realm of the Five Elements is the realm of the Five Great Emperors, but this is not the real realm of the Five Elements that the Five Great Emperors themselves developed, but only simulation. Otherwise, the realm of the Five Elements after the completion of the Five Elements is known in the entire world Of all the capabilities in the field, it is absolutely capable of being in the top ten.

Generally speaking, the monk will awaken his field ability after the breakthrough period, and the ability given by his field is also closely related to his own ability. The man in black in Yuanzong himself is metallic. The domain is also metallic, and similar to the sun, moon, and stars, there is a high above all things in the world, and its domain is generally very powerful.

"Yuanzong's person is really amazing!" Qiantai Qianru saw the monk in black showing her field ability, her face also became a little dignified.

A very talented monk can have the ability to achieve full awakening in the virtual period, such as Qiantai Qianru herself. She has stayed at this stage for hundreds of years ~ ~ have awakened herself long ago Field, but this time she came here only as a clone, there is no way to release the field capabilities, which really limits her strength.

Lin Chuan also felt the changes behind her, and her face became a little ugly.

"I didn't expect this person to have awakened to the field ability, this time I'm a bit troublesome!" Lin Chuan secretly said.

It is very difficult for a monk without awakening field to fight against a monk who has awakened the field, because the ability of the field is the monk's own control of the surrounding world. It is very powerful and can use the outside world for its own use. It is not ordinary The monks can compare. As long as the outside world has aura, then their realm can be endless, and the consumption of themselves is very small. Fighting against them, you will have a feeling of opposing the whole world.

But now everyone is in the cracks of Xiangu. There is no aura here, so Yuan Zong ’s black man ’s display area will consume a lot, but in order to kill Lin Chuan, he also lost his blood.

"excuse me!"

Qiantai Qianru took a deep breath, and also chose to take a shot at this time. The ice-blue light and the fire-red light ignited from her at the same time, entangled with each other, mingled with water and heat, and the heat contained ice cold. The spiritual force hit the most powerful explosive force on her.

"Ah, it's fighting again, so troublesome ..." Xiaoheng sighed slightly, shook his head, raised his hands, the black and white light permeated his fingertips, fell in the air, and began to draw a rune.

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