Naruto’s God Tree’s Fruit in Other World

Chapter 1403: Yin Yang Fu (Thanks to the panda for the reward of ten thousand books! ...

"The world is divided into yin and yang, with one body and two sides, hiding from each other, replacing each other with feelings.

Xiao Heng is filled with black light in his left hand, and white light in his right hand. While pointing his finger in the air, he whispers and sings. The five jewel caves originally covered by the star field of the black monk diffused the sound of the avenue. The atmosphere of serenity reached the hearts of everyone in an instant, as if all the fighting at this moment became unnecessary, only absolute quietness and peace.

"What kind of ability is this ..." Yuan Zong's man in black noticed his discomfort as soon as he looked away, and instantly recovered his mental clarity.

Xiao Heng's sudden shot was expected by everyone, but his ability to show it made everyone confused, even now, they do n’t know what the attributes of black and white light permeated by Xiao Heng are. , Not to mention Xiao Heng's ability.

While Lin Chuan attacked the field of five elements, the writing wheel eye was also paying attention to the changes behind him. When his eyes fell on Xiaoheng, he knew what Xiaoheng was exerting.

He used this ability once. When the Nanming continent overwhelmed the fire-fighting country, he used the power of Yin and Yang to draw symbols, weakening the emperor Zhou Hui's practice of the country of fire, and at the same time, he improved his practice. For the first time, competence demonstrates powerful auxiliaryness.

At this moment, it is precisely this ability that Xiao Heng is exerting.

In comparison, Xiao Heng's casting speed and the method of drawing amulets were much brighter than Lin Chuan's at that time, he only had a few breaths, and two spells of Yin and Yang had been formed.

On the other side, Shi Jin has already shot, and his right hand was wiped from the waist and abdomen. A shit-yellow elixir appeared on his palm, and then a handful of fingers exploded. Then, it turned into a mist suspended in Shi Jin's palm.

"Starfield? Try my poison field!" Shi Jin said with a smile.


Blowing out in one breath, the **** yellow elixir of mist immediately diffused all around, like a sand storm, sweeping away in the distance.

Shi Jin's poison is certainly not a field ability, but as a powerful alchemist, his talent in medicine is unmatched, and poison is naturally among them.

At this time, Xiao Heng's left hand's vignette was completely formed, and the spells drawn by countless complicated black spiritual forces fell like a piece of paper, falling towards the black monk in Yuanzong.

"What!" The man in black changed his face, and dozens of golden stars smashed into the black spell immediately in the diffused star field.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that the Yin Symbol was like nothing, and the golden stars went straight through the Yin Symbol, causing no harm at all.

At this moment, the Yinfu suddenly accelerated, and fell directly on the forehead of the man in black. The latter wanted to avoid, but the speed was slower than the Yinfu. He just moved by the black yuan for a period of fierce. After catching up, it was directly printed on the forehead, disappeared into it.


After the Yin Run entered the body of the man in black, he immediately seemed to be dropped into a basin of cold water by the same head, and the whole body involuntarily struck a chill. The speed of the spiritual flow of the whole body began to decrease, and the energy of the black Yin attribute flowed out from the Yin Run. , Spreading towards his whole body.

Qiantai Qianru looked ugly at the man in black in Yuanzong. Although he didn't say anything, the surrounding star fields had already reflected his changes.

The light of the star field slowly dimmed, and the oppression was also plummeting, and the cultivation of the people in black was directly weakened by a stage, and fell from the great refining period to the late refining period.

At the same time, the Yang Fu painted by Xiao Heng's right hand was printed on his eyebrows, a warm current ran through his body, making his cultivation began to soar immediately, from the late refining period to the great refining period!

That ’s right, Xiao Heng and Shi Jin ’s cultivation are both in the later stages of refining deficiency, and with the increase in the spells of the Yin and Yang divisions, their cultivation directly crossed a rank.

Xiao Heng's hands did not stop there, but began to draw a second charm, still a yin and a yang.

"Damn! What kind of ability is this!" Yuan Zong's black man's face has changed greatly. He did not expect that Xiao Heng's ability was so strange that he was able to weaken him to a level, although it was only temporary. Ability is already terrible.

"Xiao Heng's yin and yang spell duration is much longer than my spell duration. Has his yin and yang technique reached such a terrible level?" Lin Chuan was shocked to see Xiao Heng's shot.

When he was in the kingdom of fire, Mu Yuyi used the Yin and Yang technique to suppress Zhou Hui's strength forcibly and brought him back from refining to the later period of refining. The secret method is forcibly improved, and it is even worse than the black people in Yuanzong. I do n’t know how much. If Lin Chuan now casts the yin and yang spell, at most it will weaken the monk in black. Short, it is impossible to directly knock the opponent down a stage, but Xiaoheng did.

Qiantai Qianru directly began her trick casting ~ ~ It is her ice spell that she casts.

The ice-blue light burst from her body and swept across the area of ​​thousands of kilometers, covering almost the entire five elements field, and the strength of the ice cold continued to penetrate, all within the winter range. Everyone felt the icy cold.

The flame erupted immediately from Lin Chuan, resisting the power of Xun Dong, and Xiao Heng's body appeared a white transparent enchantment, which blocked the winter's ice cold. At the same time, Shi Jinze He took out a red and dark red elixir and swallowed it. The ice-blue breath swept away from him without causing any injuries to him.

At this time, the real power of the star field erupted. After so long storing power, this field finally broke out completely, but unfortunately, the black man in Yuanzong's cultivation has been suppressed to the practice of virtual reality. In the later period, Xiu Wei fell by a step, which directly caused the power of the star field to drop a lot.

Uh ...

Countless golden stars smashed towards Xiaoheng and others from all directions, there was almost no dead end, and even Lin Chuan could not be spared.

Shi Jin's eyes froze slightly. After the outbreak of Qiu Dong, the speed of his poisonous mist has dropped a lot, and he is constantly fighting with Qiu Dong. On the other side, Qiantai Qianru has begun to do tricks again, apparently preparing Fire spells have been cast, and her spells can only explode to their maximum power if they are in the presence of ice and fire.

Not far away, Bu Yi was a little overwhelmed. In the face of such a fairy fight, all he could do was protect himself.

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