Time passed quickly, and Lin Chuan had more than a month at Zhangjia in an instant.

After being besieged by the enemies, the Zhang family was more respectful of Lin Chuan Qin Lang and others, and prepared many gifts to thank them for their shots.

The Qin Lang three were not polite. They picked something that could be used and kept it, which was considered a reward for the shot.

After all, they didn't have a deep relationship with the Zhang family, and they used people's money to eliminate disasters for people, which was just equal, no one owed anyone.

During this time, a lot of good news came out, and many of Xiao's people broke through in the ancient cracks of Xiangu.

Everyone ’s self-cultivation has actually been in the deification period for a long time. Only enough opportunities are needed to make breakthroughs.

However, this large-scale breakthrough has also attracted the attention of many monks and forces. However, no matter how these people try, they cannot find the key to organize the breakthrough of Xiao, and can only do nothing.

Some monks who want to forcibly **** and force Xiao to organize to surrender their breakthrough methods are all beaten by the six funeral Penn, crying and crying.

This is also the only thing that can't be done. The burials that can use heaven's hand to fight in the cracks of Xiangu are almost invincible, and no one is his opponent.


That day, a huge gap cracked again in the sky. Monks who entered Xiangu's cracks flew out last month, including the step trainer who had broken through the repair.

In the valley.

"Did everyone break through?" Qin Lang asked softly, following the return of the trainer.

"Breakthrough, all you need is just an opportunity. We all know that everyone in the organization has stepped into the realm of refining imagination!" Bu Lian Shi said with a smile.

This breakthrough was actually beyond expectation. He thought that it would take several people to enter the ancient cracks of Xiangu to break through all of them, but he did not expect that all of them were successful. Of course, three of these elixir also played a crucial role The important role, if there is no elixir to help break through, I am afraid that several people really need to wait.

"That's good!" Qin Lang nodded.

Although he didn't break through the Xiangu fissure, he didn't lose anything. Anyway, his Cinderfire Sun Thunder can also resist the influence of the Xiangu coercion, and the impact of not breaking through the Xiangu fissure is not great.

"This trip to the ancient cracks made me feel that the ancient world of immortals is about to open!" Said the stepper, his face solemn, as the Holy Spirit, she was very sensitive to some delicate breath induction.

"Almost ten years have passed. Regardless of who opened the ancient world for this time, that person should have prepared it. Opening the ancient world is just a matter of thought!" Qin Lang nodded.

Why is Lin Chuan's retreat not preparing for the ancient world of the immortal world? Although everyone is already strong enough, there are people in the sky and people outside. They have not reached the level of invincibility in the world, and try their best to improve their strength. It's something they think about every moment.

Not to mention the few enemies in front of them are enough to worry them. Lin An's Lin An, the Crown Prince of Heaven, and Yuan Zong, etc., none of them are easy to deal with.

"Notify everyone, and let them practice well during this time, I guess ... the cultivation world ... it is about to wind ..." Bu Lian Shi muttered.

Lin Chuan's retreat lasted for a long time, and Bu Lian Shi and others did not bother him.

This practice is extremely critical for anyone.

The Zhang family also left these big gods who lived in the depths of the family. Anyway, as long as they don't do anything, Zhang Qing will stay at ease, and they will no longer be afraid of someone coming to seek revenge.

Half a year passed quickly.

On this day, there was a sudden thunder and thunder in the clear sky, which caused a sensation throughout the Nakagawa continent. A huge crack ran over the entire sky, which is more obvious and larger than ever.

Xiangu cracks opened.

But different from the past, this time the ancient cracks opened, but no monks could enter, and the monks who stayed in them were all transmitted out.

What it means is self-evident!

Xiangujie will be officially opened in a month.

At this moment, the Nakagawa continent really began to wind and clouds, countless forces began to surge, and the torrent under the tide swept everyone in the same direction.

"The ancient world of immortals is finally about to open!" Sakura-chan's eyes looked at the shadow of the world in the sky and whispered to herself.

"Perhaps in the ancient world, you can find some scattered traces!" Nandou stepped forward and looked up into the air.

"Perhaps, there should be a sporadic hometown ..." Kong Chenqing said.

For half a year, everyone in the Xiao organization gathered in the Zhang family. In order to better hide themselves, they temporarily controlled the Zhang family's family to advocate for youth and turned the entire valley into a forbidden area.

After all ... this is where Lin Chuan retreats ...

"The ancient world of immortals is about to open. Would you like to wake up Lin Chuan?"

"No, his retreat is about to end soon, and he will come out on his own!" The funeral shook his head.

Although what happened to the outside Lin Chuan could not perceive, but San Qing had two of his avatars outside, he wanted to know what was easy.

"Yuyi should be here tonight, and then we will call everyone together for a meeting!" Zero Funeral said softly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Go underground? "Practitioner asked surprised.

"Yes!" Zero Burden nodded.

The trainer's eyes narrowed slightly, and going to the underground gathering meant that this meeting would be particularly important because the demon statue of the Outer Road was below.

"What's the matter?" Bu Liao asked curiously.

"You can all use Chakra now, and you have been familiar with it for such a long time, it is time to give you more power!" Zero Funeral said.

"More power?" Puppet Master wondered.

"Yes, Lin Chuan is going to divide the tail beasts equally among all the angels!" The casualty nodded calmly.

"Tailed beast!" Exercising exclaimed.

She knew exactly what the tail beast meant. It was one of Lin Chuan ’s hole cards. It was very powerful. If he divided it evenly, it would improve the strength of everyone, but it would also weaken Lin Chuan ’s own strength to a large extent. This is not a good thing.

"Lin Chuan has few opportunities to use the power of the tail beast, and it is the best use of resources for everyone. Moreover, Lin Chuan does not intend to distribute all the power of the tail beast to everyone, but is prepared to investigate the tail beast. Carat is divided into yin and yang attributes, and the chakra of the yang attribute is sealed in your body, while the chakra of the yin attribute remains in your own body. In this way, his strength will not be weakened much, and your strength will be within a short time. Explosion! Why not do it? "

Zero Funeral smiled and said, apparently, he already knew about it.

He even raised the seal of the tail beast Chakra.

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