Naruto’s God Tree’s Fruit in Other World

Chapter 1460: Hollowed out body (thanks Black Riemann for 10,000 rewards!)

In time and space.

Lin Chuan slowly opened his eyes, and Jiu Gou's writing wheel eyes exudes cold and evil coercion, making the entire space suddenly freeze.

Wudao ancient trees swayed behind Linchuan slightly, the emerald green light was dim a lot, and even some branches appeared withered, and the breath was not as strong as before.

Lin Chuan glanced back and felt that Wu Dao Gushu looked at himself with some resentment.

"Ah ... I'm sorry, I didn't notice ..." Lin Chuan condensed his breath and told Wudao Gushu awkwardly.

In the past, Lin Chuan borrowed the breath of Wudao ancient trees, which would be very restrained and not excessive. After all, this Wudao ancient tree has just grown for a few years. Don't look at the tree's huge body, but it can only be regarded as relatively new With a bud, the breath of Wudao that can be emitted is limited. If you **** more, it will have a great impact on the growth of Wudao ancient trees.

This time Lin Chuan didn't notice the situation of the ancient tree of Taoism after entering the retreat, which led him to absorb too much of the spirit of Wudao.

By now, all the ancient trees that had been sucked by Lin Chuan were malnourished. They felt a little sick and crooked, and the real body was hollowed out.

"Well, rest assured, I won't treat you badly!" Lin Chuan stroked a branch hanging from the ancient tree of Wu Dao and said with a smile.

After all, it is the top ten existence of the Heaven and Earth Records. Even if it has just grown up, it has not been weak yet, and can communicate with Lin Chuan simply.

The magnificent immortal Chakra in Dantian quickly moved and burst out, under the control of Linchuan, and poured into the roots of the ancient tree of Wudao.

Wow ...

Wudao ancient trees automatically windless, the branches and leaves of the whole body stretched out, greedily absorbing the immortal chakras released by Lin Chuan. These chakras are much more pure than the Chakra Mountains on which they are rooted, although they cannot Allow him to fully recover in a short time, but also to ease the hollowed out body.

Lin Chuan touched his nose, Lin Chuan could not help reminding himself to take a rest. This ancient Tao is a small treasure of heaven and earth. He also expected this tree to grow as soon as possible. If he was sucked to death by himself Now, he didn't cry anywhere.

After relieving the source of the loss of the ancient tree a little, Lin Chuan stood up.

He already knew the news of the ancient world, and he was ready.

Although the body of Wudao Gushu was hollowed out this time, Lin Chuan's help was also great.

In the past six months, he successfully practiced for more than a decade, not only completely solidified the foundation, but also completely realized the Zhang Yuzheng in the hands of the old Zhang family.

At the beginning of the refining practice, with the double attack of spell and soul, Lin Chuan's current strength can no longer be measured by cultivation.

When he saw Lin An killing so many monks in the refining period and breaking the treasures of the Dayin Lou, he felt so weak that he even felt that he was not Lin An's opponent at the same level.

But now, this feeling no longer exists.

"Lin An, I look forward to a battle with you!" Lin Chuan's eyes were burning with raging fire.

His eyes, no matter whether they are useful or not, he will take them back.

Spiral space cracks appeared, and Lin Chuan was in space when he left.

In the valley deep in the Zhang family.

With the appearance of Lin Chuan, everyone awakened from the state of closing their eyes and raising their eyes, and looked at this young man who had been in retreat for half a year.

His face was still the familiar one, but the temperament of his body had changed a lot, making people more elusive, and he could feel the sense of depression permeated from Lin Chuan.

"I haven't seen it for more than half a year, and you have become stronger again!" The trainer saw Lin Chuan and slowly smiled, and a flash of light came to Lin Chuan, naturally took Lin Chuan's hand, happily to everyone Sprinkle dog food.

Lin Chuan also has no scruples, holding the hand trainer's hand slightly and holding it in his arms.

When everyone faced dog food, their smiley faces could not help but smoke.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, almost. I can't stand the dead!" Qin Lang coughed aside.

Lin Chuan and the trainer finally reluctantly separated.

Everyone knows the things about Qin Lang. At the same time, they can only look at them and can't help them. The only thing they can do is to see if they can find other Zixiao Shenlei in the ancient world.

"Is everyone telling you what to do next?" Lin Chuan asked.

"Got it!"

The crowd nodded, and they knew about the tail beast a few days ago.

"Time is precious. It takes a lot of time to get rid of the tail beast and separate the yin and yang chakras. You still need a lot of practice and practice of tail beastization, so let's start right away!" Lin Chuanyi said eloquently.

Everyone couldn't help rolling their eyes. Time is so urgent. You just sprayed dog food?

No humanity! No humanity!

Lin Chuan ignored the crowd's white eyes, and led the step trainer directly to the ground. The others sighed and followed.

The underground space is huge, and the Outer Golem has been stored here since it was buried by burial spirits ~ ~ Compared to the shock when I first saw the Outer Golem, now everyone has no more when they see the Golem It was the feeling of depression.

After all, this is just an empty body!

But what Lin Chuan has to do now is to inject his soul into this body.

A total of ten fingers light up at this moment on the outer road golem. There are a lot of zero green white Zhu Xuankong three north and south jade.

In the center of both hands, Mu Yuyi stood indifferently.

"Let's start with Mu Yuyi!" Lin Chuan said directly.

There is a three-tailed sandpiper and a five-tailed Mu Mu in Yuqing's avatar Mu Yuyi. All they have to do now is to pull the two tailed beasts out of the body and seal them into the outer golem.

Then the chakra of the tail beast was separated into two attributes of yin and yang in the outer golem, and injected into each person's body.

The burial hands began to seal quickly.

"The magic dragon is all over!"

With the completion of the zero burial, the entire underground space shook slightly, the mouth of the outer golem slowly opened, and a transparent Chakra energy protruded out of it and fell towards the wooden feather clothing, quickly covering it.

At this moment, all the people standing on the Outer Golem printed their seals at the same time and began to extract the Chakras in the wooden feather clothing.

This is a slow process that will last for a long time. Although the current state of Mu Yuyi cannot be regarded as human pillar strength, drawing the tail beast will not cause his death, but he must not be rushed, otherwise he will cause relatively large damage to Mu Yuyi.

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