Naruto’s God Tree’s Fruit in Other World

Chapter 1537: State heavy equipment

The ink cicada smiled slightly, and now Lin Chuan is indeed qualified to say such a thing. He who is successful in the Five Elements should not be afraid of anyone during the refining period.

"However, it should be noted that the people who appear around the Capricorn relics are not the people of the royal family, but the people of Prince Ninegawa's Nine Princes, Prince Gong!" Shui Mo Chan said lightly.

"Prince Gong?" Lin Chuan frowned slightly. He was not very familiar with these princes of the Nakagawa royal family. The only thing he knew was the Nakagawa-etsu Prince, but in terms of name, Nakagawa-yue seemed to follow this Prince Gong. More than one level behind.

"The Nakagawa royal family ruled the entire continent nominally, but even if it is strong, it will not be able to extend its tentacles to all corners of the entire Nakagawa mainland, so the Nakagawa royal family will continue to send members of the royal family to various large regions, of which nine princes are guarded in Nakagawa The nine directions are the hereditary throne, and this is the origin of the Nine Princes of Nine Sichuan! "Xiao Heng explained.

"Is there anything special about them?" Lin Chuan asked.

Since these nine princes can be hereditary and are the most powerful arm of Nakagawa, it should be something special, otherwise the other princes would not agree.

"The special thing is that the Prince of the Nine is in control of the Nine Emperor Ding!" Buddhism instructor said lightly, this thing is known to most people born in Zhongchuan, of course, apart from Lin Chuan, he did n’t have much contact with cultivation since childhood. People.

"The Nine Emperor Ding? The piece of fairyware controlled by the royal family of Zhongchuan?" Lin Chuan's eyes flashed a little. He still knew this. "But shouldn't that piece of fairyware be controlled by the royal family, how could it appear in the prince? There?"

Lin Chuan heard of Jiu Huang Ding when he first came to Zhongchuan. It was the heavy weapon of the country and the foundation of the founding of the Nakagawa royal family. It suppressed the luck of the entire Nakagawa continent. It is said that the Nakagawa royal family can continue the rule for so long. , This fairy ware contributed.

"The Nine Emperor Ding is right in the hands of the royal family, but the nine princes have imitations of the Nine Emperor Ding, and because this imitation is closely related to the luck of the Nakagawa Royal Family, it has suppressed the Nine Sichuan continent for many years, plus it can call the real Nine The power of Huang Ding, so the Jiu Huang Ding in the hands of these nine princes also possesses the power of fairy wares, but it is not as powerful as the real Jiu Huang Ding! "Shui Cicada explained.

"Ah, according to the information I have discovered, Prince Gong brought Jiu Huang Ding when he entered the immortal world this time!" Bai Jue said softly.

"Is this Jiuding Ding so scary?" Lin Chuan frowned.

Although the opponent has Jiu Huang Ding, but he has more immortals in his hands, who is afraid of who may not be sure, but the ink cicadas specifically point out Jiu Huang Ding, which shows that this immortal should not be simple.

Sure enough, Xiaoheng spoke directly.

"Differently, the Nine Emperor Ding is the most important weapon of the country. The founding of the Nakagawa royal family carries the luck of the Nakagawa royal family's rule over the mainland for so many years. It is not comparable to ordinary fairyware. With strong royal coercion, it is almost impossible for ordinary monks to fight Prince Gong! "

"Of course, saying these is just to remind you to pay attention to some. With the five elements of your body now, and so many immortals, even if Prince Gong has Jiuding Ding, you may have to detour if you see him!" Xiao Heng smiled at last, adding.

"I think so too!" Shui Chan Chan also laughed.

Lin Chuan pumped, "So you guys said so much, just remind me not to be too bloated, right?"

The crowd nodded in sorrow.

"Since you said not to let the people in Nakagawa preempt, I think you are very inflated!" Meng Jingxian solemnly said.

"Expand a ghost!" Lin Chuan kicked Meng Jingxian, Xiao Heng said that he recognized the expansion, and this little fart jumped out to teach himself, which was really upset.

Meng Jingxian was going to avoid it, but when he saw Lin Chuan's shame and anger, he estimated that if he avoided it, he would probably suffer a fat meal, so he could only be wronged and kicked.

Why do you say that you swell, but you only attack me, it is too human.

Lin Chuan ignored Meng Jingxian's resentful eyes, and began to browse the information jade tube given to him by the ink cicada.

In general, the changes in the ancient world in the past year were not big, not small, and the change in the pattern was mainly due to the fact that the personnel of the major forces have gathered together, and that the number of monks in the integration period is increasing. It is caused by many things. It is OK to organize the current strength of [Xiao], as long as you don't encounter the encirclement of the first-class cultivation forces and walk in the ancient world.

The only thing to be aware of is the danger that already exists in the ancient world.

After a brief exchange, Lin Chuan used the town boundary to tear up the space and led the crowd away from the Qingkong Marsh. His breakthrough caused such a powerful fluctuation. It is estimated that it won't be long before someone comes.

In the next few days, everyone moved slowly in the direction of the third largest ancient immortal, because the Capricorn remains found by Bai Jue were in the third largest ancient immortal.

Although it was said that he would enter the Capricorn ruins before Prince Gong, but Lin Chuan was not too anxious. If the Capricorn ruins were so good, I am afraid they would have been evacuated by people from Nakagawa mainland ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ It is impossible to stay until now.

Using this time of rushing, Lin Chuan was constantly familiar with his five-element spirit body and the cultivation consciousness left by the Five Immortal Emperors. Even after the successful completion of the Five Elements, even the current Lin Chuan did not fully understand. It requires constant awareness and training.

Jiuzhangzhang has also made great progress in this period. The five elements attributes can be fully integrated into it. In addition to the wind and thunder attributes that Linchuan can integrate into before, he has been able to perfectly integrate the seven attributes into the palm technique. The power has become extremely powerful.

At noon three days later, [Xiao] organized everyone to appear next to the space barrier leading to the third world of the ancient world. Without hesitation, everyone chose to pass directly.

After entering the third immortal ancient world, everyone clearly felt that the pressure of the surrounding ancient immortals became a lot heavier. The pervasive momentum made all monks entering the third immortal ancient world have a fear. a feeling of.

"Some people around!" Bu Lian Shi sensed the surrounding situation for the first time, and apparently someone specially monitored the people who entered the third world.

"Do you want to clean it up?" Beidou Meng Jingxian asked.

Lin Chuan squinted his eyes slightly, considering whether to shoot or not. At this time, a sound transmission magic weapon left in the storage ring fluctuated slightly. After Lin Chuan took it out, a voice appeared in his mind. in.

"You have entered the third world of ancient immortals, right? Do you have time? I need to see you as soon as possible!"

This is a man's voice from Nakagawa Etsu!

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