Seeing Lin Chuan's magic weapon for transmission, everyone's eyes gathered.

After a while, Lin Chuan withdrew his magic weapon and said to everyone who was in doubt, "Nakagawa Yue, he wants to see me!"

"You agree?" Suzaku asked.

Lin Chuan nodded.

"It's something about the Nakagawa royal family. In addition, the people around me also have a relationship with Nakagawa. He contacted me after he discovered that we entered the third world of the ancient immortal world!" Lin Chuan explained.

"It seems that there is no need to clean up those people!" Beidou put away the ghost's hand a bit unknowingly. Without the killing, it meant that the ghost's hand was going to devour his vitality, which made him a little uncomfortable, but there was nothing he could do. Things, he can't kill the innocent.

After confirming the position given by Nakagawa Echi, [Xiao] organized everyone to fly over there, and the distance was not very far. Originally, Lin Chuan wanted to pass through the space directly, but after thinking about it, he dispelled this idea. Although there is some friendship with Zhongchuan Yue, everyone is not an absolute trust after all. Once there is an ambush over there, crossing the past is a self-infliction.

The traveling speed of a group of people is not very fast. The absolute perception of the step trainer spreads out, understands everything around, plus Xiao Heng's ability to predict danger, he reaches the designated place without encountering any danger along the way.

In the distance, Lin Chuan has seen the familiar figures, Nakagawa Yue, Xiao Kai, and Youhua County Lord, but there is also a person who stands beside Nakagawa Yue in a dark golden robe. From the point of view of breath, it is a monk who achieved great success during the refining period.

Lin Chuan frowned. Before Nakagawa Yue only said that he wanted to see him, he did not mention that there would be other people. Who was this sudden person?

The trainer ’s eyes were closed tightly, and absolute perception was turned on to the fullest extent. She carefully explored the surroundings and finally determined that only four light spots of Nakagawa Yue were in her perception world, and she opened her eyes to face the forest. Chuan nodded.

"Let's go!" Lin Chuan flew over, no matter who he was, since there was only one, he couldn't find any spray.

"It's been a long time since I was there!" Nakagawa Yue took the initiative to step forward and said with a smile.

The owner of Youhua County and Xiao Kai also showed a smile. Surprisingly, the owner of Youhua County this time did not wear a veil, showing a beautiful face.

Lin Chuan greeted him with a smile. He didn't think that the owner of Youhua County did not wear a veil because he wanted to see himself, but besides that, he could only be the young man in a dark golden robe.

The young man in the dark black robe didn't hold the shelf, followed Nakagawa Yue and flew over, arching the archway to Lin Chuan, "The blue dragon god, long wait long!"

"This is it?" Lin Chuan returned a gift with a surprised expression and looked at Nakagawa Yue.

"My name is Nakagawa Jin!"

After waiting for Nakagawa Etsu's introduction, the youth spoke directly.

"He is the thirteen princes of the Nakagawa royal family today, but he is not very favored. In terms of status, he can only be ranked in the middle and low among the many princes in Nakagawa!" Sumo Chan said immediately.

"It turned out to be His Royal Highness the Thirteenth Prince, Jiu Yang!" Lin Chuan smiled. "I don't know what His Royal Highness brought us this time, why?"

Obviously, it wasn't Nakagawa Yue who really wanted to see Lin Chuan this time, but Nakagawa Jin, the thirteenth emperor in front of him, so Lin Chuan didn't bother with Nakagawa Yue, and opened the door to ask Nakagawa Jin directly.

The strength of the cultivation world is respected. Although Lin Chuan ’s cultivation is only in the middle of refining the virtual world, his strength is not weak, and the five elements have just been completed. Future achievements are unlimited. In this capacity, he talked with the 13th Prince of Nakagawa. Equivalent, there is no such thing as a superior person. If Nakagawa Jin insists on holding his identity, then this conversation is unnecessary, and Lin Chuan will definitely slap and leave.

Nakagawa Jin did not show a displeased look, said with a smile, "Of course I want to grab the [Prince] organization in advance before the other princes!"

No corners, no scams, just open the door to see the mountains, simple and rude.

Lin Chuan raised her eyebrows, and was somewhat surprised by the frankness of the thirteenth prince.

"The thirteen princes see you this time in order to show a friendly attitude. No matter what measures the Nakagawa royal family takes on [Xiao], the thirteen princes will be on your side!" Nakagawa Yue explained, he said The second time is to act as an introducer, linking the thirteenth prince with [Xiao]. As for the result, the two people have to talk about it themselves.

"What if the Nakagawa royal family wanted to kill me?" Lin Chuan asked without hesitation.

"I'm still on your side!" Nakagawa Jin said directly.

Lin Chuan looked at Jin Chuan meaningfully.

"Then what do you want?"

Lin Chuan will not really believe that the pie fell from the sky, no matter what the purpose of Nakagawa Jin to draw him, this person must want something from him, there is no doubt about this.

So until this point is clear, Lin Chuan will not give any promise.

"I only want one, and that is the throne of Nakagawa, but this is not what you can do!" Nakagawa said sincerely, "I can provide you with some internal information you want ~ ~ I just need you to do something for me when you need it, how? "

"You look at us too high!" Lin Chuan shook his head.

Lin Chuan is not that stupid to want [Xiao] to organize to grab the muddy water. This is a potentially huge storm for the entire continent. [Xiao] Once the organization enters, it is difficult to come out. By then, I'm afraid I won't even know how to die.

"I guess you will refuse, but I swear by Nakagawa Jin, and no matter how the future changes, I will be on your [Xiao] side!" Nakagawa Jin said suddenly, and his vow was not just to say, It directly aroused the breath of heaven, which confirmed the oath with the actions of heaven.

This sudden scene made everyone in Linchuan look surprised. Under the premise that they did not give any promise, this Nakagawa Jin swears directly. If Linchuan still does not promise Nakagawa Jin after that, then Nakagawa Jin can be Loss of blood is simply a loss to his wife and a troop loss.

"Instead of saying that I want to bring you [Xiao] into the battle for conquest in Nakagawa, I would rather say I want to board you [Xiao] and think about it, a person in the Nakagawa royal family, you and Nothing to lose! "Said Nakagawa Jin with a smile.

It's hard to get others to help you, especially the battle for conquest, but I can turn myself into yours. Jin Chuanzhong thinks so, too.

"That reason ... enough ..." continued Nakagawa Jin.

Lin Chuan raised his lips and laughed slowly!

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