Naruto’s God Tree’s Fruit in Other World

Chapter 1674: Memory of fantasy

Hearing Suzaku's description, the face trainer's face changed immediately. She knew some secrets of Lin Chuan. If Lin Chuan was trapped in memory illusion, he would face a more dangerous situation than others.

"How did you get out of the illusion?" Xiaoheng asked Suzaku.

"Because that memory was the death of my parents, I should have had a great hatred, but the hatred in the memory was not so heavy. Instead, I had a sense of indifference that had already seen everything. The emotional response should be very different, so I began to look for clues in my memory. At this time, I was aware of the crisis, so the evil **** Thunder also automatically helped me defend the enemy, reminding me of things that I have avenged, so that Finally broke through the illusion blockade! "Suzaku said.

Xiaoheng frowned, Suzaku's explanation was a bit incoherent, and many things were not explained clearly, which had a great relationship with himself who hadn't figured it out till now.

But it is undeniable that if you want to break through this memory illusion, you must find a way to make people who are trapped in it realize that there is something wrong with their memory, or they will always be obsessed with it.

This is a bit like Lin Chuan Kaleidoscope's strongest illusion other gods. One is the direct manipulation of consciousness by illusion, the other is the use of illusion to build memory to control others. Both are very powerful and rare illusion skills.

"I tried to touch Qinglong's memory with my spiritual power. Try to defend yourself and protect Chen Chen!" Xiao Heng's voice dropped, and he sat directly next to Lin Chuan with his knees crossed. Linchuan spread out.

Although he doesn't know how to do it now, at least he got a direction from Suzaku, and he is no longer completely unable to start like he just did.

"No one in this world is absolutely invincible!" Shi Jin shook his head and looked at Lin Chuan, who was caught in a fantasy.

Is Sin strong?

Yes, it is very powerful, so strong that all monks can only worship on their knees.

But where is this?

Immortal world! Xuanxian Tomb!

Sin will die too!

And Qinglong, it is estimated that even he himself did not expect that an illusion had forced him to such a point.

This can't blame him for being arrogant, but can only say that there are always abilities and accidents in the world that you can't think of.

When Lin Chuan regarded his biggest opponent as the Prince's Skeleton, he capsized in the ditch in the hands of an illusionist.

The crowd entered the state of battle again. Fortunately, after Suzaku awakened, not only was there one person who needed protection, but also a powerful assistant, which made [Xiao] less pressure when facing Yuanzong's crowd.

In contrast, Tang Cheng was severely damaged, Fang Han's illusions were restrained by Xiaoheng and he dared not use them easily. Only Bai Ming's spells and Feng Yuan's formations needed attention. It was a temporary stabilization.


With an exclaim, Lin Chuan woke up from her sleep, her whole body was cold sweat.

"Chuaner, what's wrong with you?"

In the dark, there were murmurs of juvenile inquiries.

"Aren't you having nightmares again? You have been in a bad mood lately. You ... what the **** is going on?"

"What happened, tell the brothers, we will help you think of a way to see it, we will be debilitated by your mentality when you are shocked!"

"Yeah! Chuan, tell us anything, don't be alone ..."

Everyone was awakened by the screams of Lin Chuan. Although they were all sleepy, they were forced to sleep and asked about Lin Chuan's situation.

They know that Lin Chuan is an orphan, and it is not easy to enter Z University, so they can help if they can help. After all, entering a university and living in a bedroom is also a fate.

"No ... nothing, it's the old nightmares that I always feel like I've forgotten ..." Lin Chuan shook his head tiredly.

He always lost his mind during this time, and felt that he had forgotten something very important, but no matter how he remembered, he couldn't remember what he had forgotten. This was a very uncomfortable feeling that made him almost mentally deranged. .

"Let ’s go, my girlfriend is from the Department of Psychology in our school, and her teacher is a well-known psychology student in China. I asked her to talk to her teacher and see if I could help you find the problem!" A roommate Said.

"This ... not so good ..." Lin Chuan hesitated. Such professors are usually very busy. How can I have time to meet ordinary students like him?

"It's okay, let me help you first!" Said the young man.

"That's a good idea, no matter what, ask for a look!" Another echoed.

After everyone agreed, they ordered Lin Chuan and slept heavily.

The next day, beyond Lin Chuan's expectations, the professor actually agreed to meet him.

This surprised Lin Chuan at the same time, and also wanted to try to see if the psychology professor could find the problem on him ~ ~ you go in, the teacher is waiting for you in the inside, we will not go in !! "My roommate's girlfriend laughed.

Lin Chuan nodded and pushed the door into the room.

This office is not large, but it is very warmly arranged, which makes people feel unintentionally kind and relieves Lin Chuan's uneasiness.

"You're here!" The voice of an old man sounded, Lin Chuan followed his voice and saw an old man on the sofa not far away.

Lin Chuan frowned slightly, he felt that the old man seemed familiar, but he had seen it there, but he couldn't remember.

However, thinking that the other party is a professor at their university, maybe I have encountered it somewhere, and I am familiar with it.

"Hello!" Lin Chuan said politely.

"This is the world you were in?" The old man looked around curiously and asked Lin Chuan.

"Huh?" Lin Chuan paused, his eyes widened, and he didn't know what the old professor meant. Isn't this the world? Are psychology professors so weird?

"No wonder ... no wonder you're stuck here ..." the old man said to himself.

"I ... sorry, I don't understand what you mean ..." Lin Chuan touched his head, he really didn't know what to say, the old man in front of him was so strange, it was completely different from the psychological consultation he imagined.

Compared to himself, Lin Chuan feels that the old man in front of him looks more like a mental problem.

"The deeper you hide, the more it means nostalgia, the more you are unwilling to face it, the more difficult it is to let go of ... something, sealed in your heart, does not cease to exist, and once it is found out, It may be devastating ... "The old man finally turned his eyes and said calmly to Lin Chuan.

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