Lin Chuan frowned. The old professor spoke so strangely that he couldn't feel his head at all. The feeling of relaxation before because of the surrounding environment suddenly disappeared, but it was a bit awkward.

"I ..." Lin Chuan thought about his language and wanted to find an excuse to leave as soon as possible. He no longer expected any help from this one in front of him.

"You don't remember me? Right?" The old man said with a smile, seeing Lin Chuan's appearance.

"Sorry, I can't remember seeing you there before!" Lin Chuan smiled awkwardly.

"That's normal, because everything here is fake!" The old man said seriously.

"Fake?" Lin Chuan hesitated.

"You are trapped in the memory illusion, everything here is an illusion!" The old man continued, "you recently felt that you have forgotten something important, because your instinctual awareness is not realistic here, but you I ca n’t get out of here! "

"I ... don't quite understand what you're talking about ..." Lin Chuan felt that everything had departed from his cognition. Did he really have a neurosis?

"You can come here to show that you have realized the problem, so just go back with me, I can't help you too much, I can only tell you the facts, whether I can go out from here, it depends on you!" Old man Staring at Lin Chuan said.

After all, this is Lin Chuan's own memory. All he can do is tell the truth about Lin Chuan. If he wants to break the illusion and go out, only Lin Chuan can do it.

"I think ... I might need to calm down ..." Lin Chuan didn't take a seat and turned and rushed out of the office.

In the corridor, the roommate and his girlfriend hadn't gone far, and saw Lin Chuan rushing out of the office, showing a very surprised look.

"What's wrong with Lin Chuan? It's over soon?" The roommate asked, his girlfriend looked puzzled.

"Nothing, I need to think about some things!" Lin Chuan said these words very quickly, rushed past them, and ran towards the sunny campus outside.

There was a call from his roommate behind him, but Lin Chuan didn't stop at all.

"This world ..." Lin Chuan squinted and looked up at the sky. "Is it fake ...?"

"But this is clearly the world I live in!"

"What went wrong?"


Lin Chuan walked aimlessly while talking to himself.

"Go chase Linchuan, I'll ask the teacher what happened?" The voice of his roommate's girlfriend dropped and ran towards his teacher's office.

As she pushed in, she was about to open a question, but found that there were other people in the office. This was a very handsome boy with a face like a crown jade, with a breath of dust, standing in the sunlight at the window. It seems quiet and beautiful, it is definitely a school grass level existence.

"I ... teacher ... that Lin Chuan ..." Suddenly, the girl was incoherent.

"Wait a minute, I can say a few words to him!" The old professor glanced at the young girl and then said lightly.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you!" The young girl stepped back out of sight, and couldn't help but look at the boy again before leaving. The sunlight formed a layer of golden light on him. Xu was the cause of light. Eyes exude a faint purple light, deep and charming.

"I didn't expect you to get here!" Said the old man, looking at the teenager in front of him with interest.

"In order to take him back!" Young said.

"Did you pay a small price?"

"is worth it!"

"He now seems to be immersed in the world here. There is no small difficulty in going out on his own. Even if it can succeed, it may take a long time!" The old man sighed.

"This is not the first time he has done such a thing. The last time he was reincarnated, he was also immersed in Mufu and did not return immediately [Xiao], but this time, we can't wait that long!" Shaoqing said.

Although Fang Han's illusions are powerful, for monks like Lin Chuan, they are not irresistible. For example, Suzaku, he completely broke away from the shackles of illusions with his own strength.

But the coincidence happened here. Fang Han's illusions hit Lin Chuan's deadliest key. His unknown past has become his biggest cage.

If these past problems can not be solved, Lin Chuan will not be able to get out of this illusion. Even if he rushes out with the help of others, he will still face the same problem in the future, and if this weakness is discovered, then for Lin Chuan It will be a disaster.

"What are you going to do?" The old man asked.

"I will let him see the real world, and I need you to find a way to motivate the Capricorn Bible in him!" Said the young man.

One reason Suzaku was able to come out was the protection of the evil **** Thunder Thunder. The power of this heavenly thunder punishment is not conceivable by Fang Han. Similarly, Lin Chuan has the Capricorn Bible and the Floating Sutra, as long as the old man can motivate诃 The Bible, then the problem will be much simpler.

"Are you sure you want to do this? You will pay a great price ..."

"Apart from me, can anyone sit on this thing?" The teenager smiled indifferently.

I will not go to **** who will go to hell!

"You go, I will help you at a critical moment!" The old man groaned for a moment, and said so solemnly ~ ~ Thank you! "The boy bent slightly and turned away from the office.

After going out, the teenager saw the girl standing outside.

"Ah You……"

"Hello, you are a friend of Lin Chuan, can you please take me to Lin Chuan?" The boy smiled gently.

"That ... my teacher ..." The girl looked at the closed office and stopped talking.

"I've made it clear to him, just take me to see Lin Chuan!" The teenager continued.

"Then ... well, wait for me ..."

The girl took out her cell phone, dialed her boyfriend's phone, and then led the teenager towards the place where Lin Chuan was.

By the time the two of them arrived, the others in Linchuan's dormitory had already arrived. It was a bit scary before Linchuan. They were afraid that Linchuan would do something stupid.

"This is it?" Everyone was stunned when they saw the arrival of the boy. Even if they were all men, they still felt that the boy in front of them was really good-looking and absolutely male.

"I'm Lin Chuan's friend, and his affairs has troubled you these days." Then the boy turned to Lin Chuan. "Can we talk alone?"

Lin Chuan doesn't know the good-looking boy in front of him, but he instinctively feels that the other person has a familiar atmosphere and is very kind.

"it is good!"

Then they walked towards the distant woods and disappeared into the sight of everyone.

"Who is this man?"

"do not know!"

"For the past two days, Lin Chuan didn't think about his tea and his soul didn't keep his soul. Shouldn't it be for him?"

Hearing this, Lin Chuan's roommates suddenly widened their eyes and felt that the guess was so reasonable.

"So this man ... is Lin Chuan ... boyfriend?"

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