"How long can it last?" Lin Chuan asked Suzaku solemnly.

He has felt the decline of Kirin ’s power. After all, this is with the help of external forces. Even if Qin Lang is even more powerful, this Kirin will not be able to maintain its peak status at all times, and it will not be able to continue forever. At a certain stage, when Qin Lang is exhausted, he also This is when the unicorn dissipates.

"I can maintain a maximum of fifteen breaths!" Qin Lang said shortly, breathing, he has reached the limit, if I continue to hold on, I am afraid he will have to enter.

"Fifteen breaths!" Lin Chuan whispered, his kaleidoscope writing round eyes looking at the crowd in the formation.

Suzaku's unicorn cooperated with the outbreak of everyone and instantly killed more than 500 [Heaven] assassins, but this was not enough. The power of the formation did not drop much. If the external attack disappeared, the people inside could not resist the formation. Power.

And up to now, most of the people in the formation have opened their hole cards, and all methods of attacks have erupted. Many attacks cannot be maintained, such as the empty field, so they kill the [天庭] killer. The numbers are not so scary, not to mention that the killers who are closer to them have been killed by them. If they want to kill others, they must go deeper into the formation, which requires them to withstand more formation attacks and mentality. Stress is not as optimistic as it seems.

Right now, only Lin An who can maintain high-intensity killing in the formation method, [Xiao] In addition to the empty gods, most of the other people ’s cultivation is only in the refining period. There is no attempt to kill those killers. so easy.

However, at this moment, things got worse.

Of the four guardians who had been at the bottom of the formation, one was unable to resist the control of the prince skeleton, and his body flew up quickly, killing the crowd and directly killing a monk who could not dodge in Tianyi Sect. .

"Not good! Watch out for the attack of that guardian!" Mu Bai's expression changed immediately, and she shouted to remind her disciples.

"After all, I can't control it!" The guardian was a young monk, his eyes trembled slightly, and although he was still trying to resist, he was obviously unable to return to heaven.


The next moment, a large number of golden silk threads burst from him and killed the people nearby. As long as he was touched by his golden silk, he would die or be injured. In just ten breaths, he killed seven people. A dozen were seriously injured.

"Quickly use Xianguyupei to see who restrains him most!" Qi Ru also shouted.

It was their men who died, and they could not help but be in a hurry. These were the most outstanding disciples of their ancestors, and death was a huge loss.

The only people who haven't done anything in the past are only Lin Chuan, Lin An, Mu Li, and Kong Chen. What they can pray now is that the person who wants to restrain him is not Lin Chuan, otherwise this person will be very difficult to solve.

Lin An took the lead in stimulating Xianguyupei without any reaction. Mu Li also tried it and still did not respond. At this time, everyone's eyes were fixed on Chen Chen's hands. Fortunately, a lot of black light from Emperor bones in Emperor Chen's hands burst out.

"Leave this person to me, and you continue to kill the people in [Tianting]!" Sora-chan saw this situation and flew directly to kill the guardian.

With the blessing of Xianguyupei, he will have a lot of advantages when playing against this guardian, much better than others.

The golden silk thread flew in the surrounding space, and everyone else fled away, only to kill him in time.

These silk threads are metallic, almost blocking all the surrounding space, just like a pan silk hole, which makes people unable to defend at all, and the empty coping method is also very simple, that is, burn with fire!

The fire attribute originally restrained the metalness. In addition, the empty flame was the Red Sakura industry fire. The power was very terrible. The gold silk was like a fish, and it quickly suppressed the guardian, but it was very difficult to kill. Difficult, because they are now in the ancient killing array, not the former hall. This killing array under the control of [Heaven] can help block the attack of Chen Chen, so even if Kong Chen has the advantage, it can Into the embarrassing situation that can't be attacked for a long time.

For the assassins of [Tianting], their idea is very simple, that is to drag on, as long as the unicorn of the evil **** thunder collapses, they gather the power of the entire formation, and they want to kill anyone in the formation simple.

And their mission this time is to delay time. As for killing or not killing, it is all secondary. As long as the prince skeleton can refine the bones of Xuanxian, are they still afraid that anyone in this world can escape?

Time passed quickly, Lin Chuan relied on his own cultivation to become strong, and once again condensed the technique of the Thunderbird and Qilin to help Suzaku, but it was impossible to reach the level before.

The power of the formation law has begun to recover, and the monks in it have become increasingly difficult to act, and it has become extremely difficult to kill a person in the heaven.


Suddenly, there was a throbbing movement in the formation, and another guardian was unable to resist the control of the prince skeleton and rushed towards the crowd.

Soon, the black bone of the fairy bone jade in Mu Li's hand erupted, killing the guardian directly.

The two most powerful men among the ten sons of immortal bones were restrained, which caused the speed of the monks to kill the [celestial court] monks sharply. Now, the realm of the law of Lin An has become the core of the killing. The power gradually returned to the inside, making the domain of Wanfa also unsustainable.

The hearts of the people began to sink gradually. Even if the power of the third killing team in ancient times had been prepared, they still felt unbelievable. If they continued in this way, I am afraid they would have to die here.

The trouble is not alone: ​​~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Suzaku's Kirin has reached its limit and its power has begun to decline rapidly. All he can do is try to let the power of the evil evil thunder come to the killing team, but this is also used as a trick There is no way to directly reduce the power of the formation as before.

By this moment, Lin Chuan knew that relying on external forces such as the evil evil **** thunder would no longer be able to shake the three thousand soul-eating formations, and then they needed to take their own shots.

"It's not easy for us to get to this point. I don't have a lot of cards in my hand. Now I can only open all of them. I also hope that you will use all the abilities left to the end, otherwise you will lose here I believe everyone will not be reconciled! "Lin Chuan's voice echoed, rippling in everyone's heart.

He knew that the sons of the top ten immortal bones had no useful means. They were the last ones to save their lives. No one would give themselves a backhand. This is understandable, but by this time, they had no way out.

Can only fight to the end!

The space black hole appeared silently beside Lin Chuan, and a teenager with sky blue eyes stepped out of it.

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