Naruto’s God Tree’s Fruit in Other World

Chapter 1748: Outbreak of Reincarnation Eye

The moment when Mu Yuyi stepped out, it immediately attracted everyone's attention, especially if he was here. He was also a Sanqing Daozong. He had met Mu Yuyi before. This boy had been with Yu Qingzong before. The disciple next to Shangguan Dieche is a Tianjiao of Yu Qingzong. Although he has not played with Mu Yuyi, he also knows that this person is very powerful, but this time he entered Xuanxian Tomb, and this person did not follow up. Suddenly he saw him stepping out of Qinglong, and he felt very confused.

"Why is he beside Qinglong? You Yuqingzong has a connection with [Xiao]?" Wu Ru looked at Shangguan Dieche not far away.

In order to reduce the casualties as much as possible, Ru Ru gathered the people of the Sanqing Daozong side by side, so after seeing Mu Yuyi, he immediately asked Shangguan Dieche.

"He's the trump card of Qinglong God!" Seeing Mu Yuyi stepping out, Shangguan Dieche was clear, and Lin Chuan had already chosen to open the card.

"He is Qinglong's card? In other words, he is [Xiao]?" Qi Ru said in shock.

Shangguan Dieche didn't say anything, he just looked at the wooden feather in the distance.

"Cultivation in the Xuan period, what does he want to do?"

Everyone felt that the brow frowns after the repair of Mu Yuyi, and the fit period is not very useful here, let alone the refining period. Can this person be inferior to Qinglong?

"Reincarnation Eye Chakra Mode!"

Mu Yuyi walked out of the black hole in the space without any hesitation. The pupil of the reincarnation eye burst directly, and his hands were printed on his chest.


The next moment, the green flame rose from his body, and the horrible breath swept out. At this moment, the coercion emanating from him directly exceeded the limit of the refining period.

"What spell is this?"

Everyone in the formation was shocked. It turned out to be just a seal, and the strength had grown so much. This is not a spell above the Holy Level.

Some sharp-eyed people found that the method of the knot printing of Mu Yuyi was exactly the same as that of Xiao. If this person had no connection with Xiao, they would be killed or believe it.

Many people are very puzzled. Why is Yu Yuzong's disciple, Yu Yuzong, actually connected with [Xiao], is it [Xiao] organizing a spy who broke into Yu Qingzong?

The green flame is still rising. Under the reincarnation eye Chakra mode, the strength of Mu Yuyi has increased geometrically. Some black weird rosary began to appear on the side of Mu Yuyi.

"Golden Wheel reborn!"

Hum! Mu Yuyi printed his hands with his hands and chose to explode the strongest attack directly. A golden light burst from his palm, straight into the sky, reaching a distance of nearly kilometers, like a giant sword standing under the sky.

"this is……"

Everyone was shocked by this lightsaber. This attack method has never been seen before. No matter in what way Mu Yuyi looks, it doesn't look like a sword repair, but the light radiates to everyone. A breath of fear.


Under the control of Mu Yuyi, Jin Lun turned to death with a sword and went straight to the ancients to fight.

What makes everyone feel incredible is that unlike other attacks, the golden lightsaber cuts directly into the formation. Although it is not very deep, it has done what the evil **** Lei Qilin could not do before.

"Golden Wheel's rebirth is the ultimate mystery of repulsion. Unlike other attack methods, even the moon can cut open, not to mention a formation method!" Lin Chuan whispered to himself.

However, he is also clear that although the Golden Circle can be cut into the array, but the repulsion has its limit after all. If you want to break the 3000 soul-eating formation, you still can't do it.

And just after the golden lightsaber fell, Mu Yuyi's right hand turned abruptly, and a black rosary wound around his hand, spinning out.

"Silver Wheel Reborn!"


The violent tornado formed in an instant and directly bombarded the ancient killing array. At this moment, the two extreme attacks under the reincarnation eye Chakra mode were launched at the same time, and the power of the outbreak of terror once again suppressed the power of the three thousand soul-eating formations. Going on, holding down the [Heaven Court] killer had to free up more power to fight these two killing moves.

After the golden lightsaber in the sky cut into the formation, it did not dissipate very quickly, but instead, the silver wheels revived and burst together, constantly impacting the formation's defense.

At this time, everyone found that there were countless stones condensing in the sky not far away, and a huge statue that was one hundred meters tall was quickly formed. Although the appearance of the statue was a little vague, it was recognizable as long as the wood feather. Very similar.

After the stone statues condensed out, they rushed to the killing line immediately, cooperating with Mu Yuyi and started to attack.

At the same time, although the people in the formation were shocked and the strength of Mu Yuyi, they did not waste such precious opportunities and began the killing of the [Heaven] killer again, but there was no such thing as empty Chen, Mu Li, etc. Mass killing, their efficiency is much lower than the first wave of attack.

After only four or five breaths, Mu Yuyi's reincarnation eye Chakra mode can no longer be maintained. Although his fighting method is terrible for a short time, it cannot be sustained for a long time, both the pupil and Chakra consume it. It's very big, but it did get a little time for the crowd, which reduced the [Heaven] killer in the 3000 Thousand Soul Eater to about 22, and after two rounds of attack, they have killed almost 800 people.

Just then, the third guardian rioted and killed everyone.

The immortal bone jade of Lin An's hand exudes a dazzling black light.

"Is it me?" Lin An's pupils stunned for a moment ~ ~ and then shot out, rushing towards the middle-aged monk.

In this way, the fighting strength of the crowd fell again, and the outbreak of Mu Yuyi was also coming to an end at this time. In addition to the stone statue that had not been beaten, the golden reincarnation and the silver reincarnation had dissipated, leaving only the sky. Xiayu evil **** Thunder is constantly roaring, but without Lei Yu's cohesion, the power of these thunders falling on the battlefield has dropped a lot.

"There is another guardian who has not moved, that is, he can only be restrained by the Qinglong, but if Qinglong also enters the formation, who else can hold back the power of these three thousand soul-eating formations ..."

The faces of the people were still unsightly. The outbreak of Mu Yuyi was bright, but it was impossible to reverse the war from the ground. In this case, the sons of the Ten Immortals would only become more and more passive.

In the sky, everyone thought that when the blue dragon was helpless, the space black hole opened again silently, and this time it came out of it was wearing a red cloud trench coat on a black background, and Shenlong saw the endless [Xiao] Zero burial!

[Xiao] Organize the real leader, not the corpse Penn he manipulates.

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