On October 10, 51, Konoha, on this day, the nine-tailed demon fox, the head of the nine tailed beasts, suddenly broke the seal and was wreaking havoc in Konoha Hidden Village!



"Run! It's the Nine Tails..."


The huge Nine-Tails suddenly appeared in the village, and those houses were like toys in their hands, and they looked so weak.

The tail flicked, the paw touched, the house was destroyed and the people were only waiting for idleness, and the screams resounded throughout Konoha Hidden Village...

"Abominable Nine-Tails!"


The Konoha ninja who arrived first immediately began to organize manpower to stop the evil deeds of the Nine Tails, but unfortunately, those whose strength did not reach the shadow level were cannon fodder in front of it. Even if they use all their strength, they can only attract each other's attention and then be easily killed.

The huge Nine-Tails every move is a catastrophic destructive effect for Konoha Hidden Village, and with a random claw swinging its tail, a large area of Konoha ninja is trampled to death and flapped by it like an ant...


There were many civilians killed and injured, and those who knew how to do it raced against time to run with their families to the shelter below the Hokage Rock.

"Quick! Call the Seal Spot! "

Try it if you have the ability to seal..." The

strength of the Nine Tails was too strong for ordinary ninjas, and an upper ninja immediately shouted to the people around him after using the teleportation technique to avoid the fatal blow.


The Nine Tails are so powerful... We can't seal it... You have to control the other party..."

"Boom, boom..." "

The general sealing technique is like a small knife sawing a big tree for the powerful Nine Tails, and if you want to shake the other party, you also need the other party to cooperate obediently!"

Apparently! At this time, the Nine Tails, who were controlled by illusion, only knew how to destroy everything in front of them, and where they would obediently obey...

"Psychic! Ape Demon..."

"Ape Fly!"

At this time, Sarutobi had already arrived at the scene, and seeing that the Nine Tails were wantonly destroying his beloved Konoha Hidden Village, he immediately used psychic techniques to summon the ape demon out.

"Ape demons turn into weapons! King Kong Ruyi Stick..."


With the cooperation of the ape demon, the ape flying sun, who was already half a hundred people, used the telescopic ability of the King Kong Ruyi Rod to successfully fly the huge Nine Tails out of the village.

"Three generations of Hokage-sama!"


"What about medical ninjas? Come on! Someone is hurt here! "

Sarutobi immediately chased after the Nine Tails after flying the top of the ape flying the Nine Tails, knowing that the danger of Konoha's hidden village could not be solved because of this.

Now the only way is to seal the Nine Tails again, but what is Watergate doing now?

"Here it comes! Come on! Where are the wounded? At

this time, a medical ninja with short pink hair came to the scene of the incident, his face was handsome and looked very young, only about one meter and five meters, and he was galloping from a distance in a white robe.

"It's Haruno laughing!"

"Come here! Kazama is injured..."The

person who came is our protagonist, Haruno Laugh!

A traverser of another world, who has been in this world for twelve years since the beginning of fetal wearing, and his identity at this time is Konoha Medical Shinobu.

"It's Shinobu Nohara! I'll come..." As

a medical ninja, Haruno Xiao's technique really didn't say, if it weren't for his age and his relationship with Zozo, he could already serve as a medical ninja.

However, he also took the opportunity to get to know many people when he was healing patients, so many ninjas at the scene knew him.

After all, which ninja is not injured?

As long as they deal with Konoha Hospital, then they will want to know which medical ninja has better skills.

Haruno Laugh is one of the best!

"Let me see..." Quickly

walked to the side of this Nohara Shinobu, and found a young man lying in the arms of the other party, his chest was blurred, and blood stained the other party's clothes.

"Oh! It's quite serious! Look at me..."

"Water Balloon Technique!"

Haruno Xiao did not immediately use medical ninjutsu, but condensed a high-speed rotating water ball in the palm of his hand. Because this ninjutsu is very simple for him, plus the skilled relationship, it has reached the level of Muji.

Then he used this rapidly rotating water ball to start swimming quickly on the opponent's wound, cleaning up the smudges and blood on it in an instant, and then throwing the water ball away.

Everyone saw that the ten fingers of his hands shot out ten aqua-blue silk threads in the next moment, and it turned out to be a special Chakara thread. Then both hands accurately pressed on the chest of the other party, and by the way, controlled these silk threads to slowly enter the wound, quickly straighten the bones and suture!


After treating the wound, Haruno Xiao finally used a relatively simple medical ninjutsu healing technique for the final treatment.

However, the effect was very strong, and the injured man seemed a lot more comfortable in an instant, at least at a glance, he knew that he was out of danger.

"Great! Kazama..."

"You're alive again!" I don't know what to do without

you..." "Nohara, you give me death..."

Haruno laughed and didn't care about the two people of Kiriki qi anymore, there were still many injured people waiting for him to deal with his injuries!

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