"Everyone be careful!"

"It's Tailed Beast Jade!"

"Dead! Dead! Kazama, let's be friends again in the next life!

"Defense! Bastard..."

"I don't want to die yet!"

At this moment, various panicked calls came from the scene, it turned out that the Nine Tails outside the village were condensing the tailed beast jade, and the direction of the attack seemed to be the village.

The astonishing momentum with a sense of oppression knew at a glance that the other party's tricks were not simple, and the shadow of death once again shrouded everyone!

The tailed beast jade shot out of the mouth of the nine tails in the next moment, and quickly flew towards the village. However, at this moment, a special Ku Wu appeared on the path of its attack, and in an instant, a touch of gold appeared, and then took away the tailed beast jade.


The tailed beast Jade, who originally wanted to attack the village, exploded in the woods outside the village the next moment, and the sound could still be clearly heard even in Konoha. From this, it can be imagined that the attack of the Nine-Tailed Beast Jade Tail is powerful!


"It's the Flying Thunder God of the fourth generation of Mei-sama!"


In this instant, the fourth generation of Mebo Feng Shui Gate once again gained a lot of fans, but these people may not have imagined that their respected fourth generation Mekage would be sacrificed because of sealing the Nine Tails in a while.

"All the way! Shidaime..." Looking

at the golden color that once again took away the huge figure of the Nine Tails, Haruno smiled and knew that the other party was also less fierce this time.

It's a pity!

What a little sun, sacrificed like this....

Konoha lost the opportunity to rise again!

In this regard, Haruno Xiao is also powerless. After all, just twelve years does not make him a presence that kicks six spots and punches big barrels.

As far as the Chakra level is concerned, he can barely reach the level of ordinary upper patience, which is already the final result of his innate strong spiritual power, plus the continuous efforts to temper his flesh the day after tomorrow.

Who said that crossers must have systems?

Why twelve whole years!

The system he should have had, not even a shadow appeared?

"No one?"

"It seems that there really is no one left..."

While everyone was dealing with the riot caused by the Nine Tails, the real Haruno laugh appeared near the home of the fourth generation Hokage. The figure who is active in the village now is just his shadow avatar, and even if there are any doubts in the future, this may be able to blind some people's ideas.

Just now Kakashi left with the newborn Naruto, and it seems that the Nine Tails incident is almost in the final moment. In order not to drop the chain at the critical moment, Haruno laughed and broke into the place immediately after Kakashi left.

"Let me see where the study is..." Of

course, he came here to receive the inheritance of the fourth generation couple! After all, soon their things will also be confiscated by the guy who was cut by the ape flying sun, and it is better to cheapen themselves than to cheapen that black-hearted hypocrite.

"Found it!"

"Hey! There are really many books..."

The fourth generation Meinami Feng Shuimon is definitely a knowledgeable person, otherwise he would not have become the Hokage of Konoha Hidden Village as a suspected commoner. However, these things will belong to him in the future, and a satisfied smile appeared on Haruno smiled when he thought of this.

At the same time, he was not slow to start, and began to sweep everything here, while taking out the storage scroll specially prepared for this.

All the books were taken, even the small vault hidden by Watergate, and during this time he also found a secret collection point with enchantments. However, Haruno Xiao did not touch these places for the time being, but continued to search for all the valuable things that were easy to collect in this house.

"Whew! It's a lot to gain! Looking

at the scroll that was full, Haruno smiled and was very satisfied. Then he went behind the window and activated his perception technique to carefully sense the outside, and found that there was no special movement around before proceeding to the next move.

"Hmm! The invisible deterrent power of the Nine Tails also seems to have weakened a lot..."

"It seems that I need to act as soon as possible!"

"Now let me see, what exactly is the grand prize..." Feeling

a little short of time, Haruno immediately set out to deal with the three places in the house that were arranged with enchantments.

They are the study, bedroom and toilet!

Really answered the old saying: three caves of cunning rabbits!

After examining it carefully, Haruno Xiao found that the sealing enchantment of the toilet compartment was the easiest to unravel, just a simple storage seal, so he quickly got a large sum of money and a ninjutsu note from it.

After a quick glance at the ninjutsu notes, Haruno was overjoyed. Because this is the notes of the fourth generation of Hokage Wave Feng Shuimon, which records a lot of his ninjutsu experience. The content is varied, and there are all kinds of knowledge, but many descriptions are often superficial.

So Haruno laughed and guessed in his heart that this special note should be a few notes that the other party was taking advantage of the boring time in the bathroom.

Should it really be said that it is a wave feng shui gate!

His success was really not an accident, but the result of talent and hard work.

"What an admiration! Watergate..."

"But your big vault will also belong to me in the future!"

Of course, there is more than one place in Watergate's vault!

But can you think of putting money in the toilet, is it to cover up the copper smell of money?

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