Maybe it's a problem of genes, whether it's ninjas or not, generally speaking, men and women of the Akimichi clan are fatter, especially ninjas who have practiced the secret art of Akimichi are even more poundy!

The Akimichi male clan is okay, even if they are fat, as long as they are strong enough, or have money, they can still attract some female ninjas who are not so demanding, or directly marry a beautiful commoner.

I know everything!

This is the joy of those in power....

However, it is difficult for the Akimichi women to marry!

After all, the female fat woman may be a potential stock, but she must also be able to really lose weight!

Therefore, many female clansmen often need male members of the Akimichi clan for internal digestion, but even fat people have a normal aesthetic, and often hope that they can marry an equally young and beautiful wife when they are young.

So much so that fat female Akimichi people often find it difficult to solve their own marriage problems....

And Haruno Xiao's special medical ninjutsu is the savior of the female clan of Akimichi, which can fully show their potential charm!

Therefore, there are many women from the Akimichi family among the regular customers of this private clinic in Haruno Xiao's house!

"I'm really sorry to interrupt!"

"But... Do you sometimes have indirect customers now? Mrs

. Akimichi involuntarily lowered her head after seeing Haruno's handsome face, not daring to look into the other's eyes, and then asked in a shy voice.

"Of course! Please come with me..." The

two have known each other for a long time, and they are people who know the roots, so they don't have too many scruples.

Smelling the special smell of sweat wafting in the air, Mrs. Akimachi, who was wearing a simple kimono at this time, couldn't help but clamp her legs and follow Haruno Xiao like a little daughter-in-law.

In the blink of an eye, they entered a more private room, which was more warmly furnished and covered with thick tatami mats on the floor so that people could lie comfortably and rest.

"What kind of service do you need this time?"

"I, my body fat seems to be increasing again! So I hope you can help me solve the problem..."

That's no problem! It's a small thing for me..."

"It's just that I just had physical training and got some sweat, so the smell is a little heavy." If you're not in a hurry, I'll wash up and then solve your problem..."

Well...... In fact...... It doesn't matter... I don't mind... Hurry up and help me! "

Since the other party doesn't mind, Haruno Xiao no longer insists, sweat all over the sweat!" So he took off his dirty clothes and began to do the pre-work in the room.

"Please take off your clothes and lie down quietly on the tatami mat here, I will treat you gently..."

Under Haruno's instructions, the Akimichi lady familiarly took off her kimono, revealing her seductive slightly chubby body.

"Uh-huh..." "

I wish my upper circumference could be fuller!"

Lying on the soft tatami mats, the Akimichi lady couldn't help but moan, and then put forward her own opinion to wait for Haruno to follow up.

Mrs. Akimichi, you're a little greedy!

This is to catch up with Tsunade-hime's rhythm!

"Oh! It's not hard... Gotta add money, though!

Haruno laughed and fully respected the other party's choice, and then reminded himself that you get what you pay for here.

"No problem! After losing my husband, I only have money left, and Yakiniku Q has my shares..."Boom

! It turns out that you are still an invisible rich woman!

"The process may be a little painful, please understand..."

Haruno's smile immediately softened a lot, and the floor-to-ceiling mirror next to the wall also reflected the movement of his hands slowly rubbing his hands.

"I know! Get started!

Mrs. Akimichi seemed a little impatient.

"I'll light the incense first, and then apply a little oil, so that you can be more comfortable later..." Striving

to provide better service to this high-quality customer, Haruno Xiao also put a lot of thought into it.

"Well, come on..." Seeing

that the other party had completely disarmed himself, Haruno Xiao, who had prepared everything, stopped grinding, and immediately straddled the other party's lap, and then pressed his hands with green light on the alluring ketone body of Mrs. Akimichi, constantly pushing.

"Ah! Well! Uh-huh..." As

Haruno smiled's hands roamed Mrs. Akimichi's body, some areas of the other person's body that should not have accumulated a lot of fat immediately became firm and elastic, the process was both painful and comfortable, and the incense in the air was intoxicating.

The back, hips, thighs, calves and even the foot girl Haruno laughed, and then rolled over and continued to push....

This process is still very physically and mentally consuming, it tests a person's skill and control, it is not sloppy at all, and it needs to be fully devoted!

Those excess fats are either burned into energy under Haruno Laugho's characteristic medical ninjutsu, or pushed to more suitable parts.

Especially the other party deliberately asked for an increase in the upper circumference, but it took him a lot of thought, after all, for the customer's requirements, of course, it must be treated solemnly.

After some pushing, pulling and kneading, soon all parts of Mrs. Akimichi's body became big, tall, thin, and how the shape depended on his big hands!

After Haruno Xiao touched every inch of the other party's skin, an extremely seductive work of art was once again born in his hands!


"Mrs. Akimichi, are you satisfied with this?"

Wiping the sweat from the corner of his mouth, Haruno smiled and stood up from the other party and asked the Mrs. Akimichi, who had been sweaty by him, for advice.

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