
..." "Well, let me slow down first..."

Mrs. Akimichi quickly recovered from her state of distraction when she heard this, and then she involuntarily took a few deep breaths before regaining some sense.

Just now she was going to fly cool!

It's a thrill that goes deep into the soul....

It hurts and cools!

Standing up without hesitation, Mrs. Akimichi soon came to the huge floor-to-ceiling mirror inside the room, admiring her carcass attentively.

"Hey! It's beautiful! Haruno Xiaosama, your service is really excellent!

"I'll ask you next time I need it!"

Seeing such an excellent effect, she couldn't help but show her beautiful smile, and at the same time, she was very satisfied with Haruno's laughing technique.

"Haha, of course no problem! Are you not familiar with my technology? It will definitely make

you satisfied..." "If you are not satisfied, you will not be charged!"

For her body shaping and beauty technique, Haruno Xiao has absolute confidence. Since the development of a series of special medical ninjutsu, the customers of his private clinic have grown from scratch, from fewer to more, and gradually became famous from person to person.

The proficiency and skills of this type of medical ninjutsu have also improved at an extremely fast rate, so now Haruno Xiao is definitely the first technician of Konoha Hidden Village!

The reputation is particularly good, and his reputation is getting wider and wider, and it has spread to the Great Mansion of the Fire Country, and even noble ladies in other countries have heard of his reputation and are extremely hungry for him.

Therefore, Konoha Hidden Village often has a fixed business trip to send Haruno Xiao, and needs him to provide some healing services in the Land of Fire.

As for the private communication between him and those noble ladies during this period, let's not mention it for the time being, everyone knows it!

A woman's money is best earned!

Haruno Xiao made his fortune by relying on his excellent medical ninjutsu, and the funds he received were fully utilized by him and secretly invested in various business projects.

Driven by interests, many nobles in the Fire Country are his partners!

Of course, the other party does not know his specific identity.

With his advanced insight, in just a few years, Haruno Xiao's business territory has been very good, and it has spread all over the ninja world, bringing him a lot of benefits and collecting a lot of intelligence and new knowledge.

That's why he was able to support his various research experiments on his own, because he had never been fighting alone!

"Huh! You're still so likable

..." "I don't know if I'll get that woman cheaper in the future..."

Mrs. Akimichi held Haruno's arm charmingly and attacked with the meat bullets of the Akimichi clan.

"Hey! Sister, I can only give you a ninety-eight discount!

Haruno smiled and immediately gave in.

"You heartless fellow! Is our relationship worth the money? Mrs

. Akimichi intensified her efforts and rubbed hard.

"Alright! All right! Seven or eight folds! Can't descend anymore..." Faced

with such a dangerous scene, Haruno smiled and chose to give in, swallowing his saliva and reporting his final bottom line.

"Huh! It's still a laughing brother, hello..."

Haruno Xiao's service is good, but the fee is also large!

She can't waste it so much if she has money, can she?

Fine water flows for a long time!

Mrs. Akimichi, who got the bargain, quickly leaned over and bowed, and thanked Haruno for her smile with her actions....


" "Those bad women came to you again?"

Fujimoto Izumi, who had already washed and looked white and tender, was looking at Haruno with an unhappy look at this time, and when she called the other party master, she was expressing dissatisfaction.

Just now, she saw a beautiful woman with a big bust and Haruno laughing in that strange room for more than two hours, and there were many sounds that made her body soft and hot.

This made her feel very dissatisfied at a young age!

"What bad woman?"

"People are my rice class masters!"

"Send us money..."

Haruno had just finished serving the Mrs. Akimichi, so she was also a little uncomfortable now, and the smell of sweat all over her body seemed very uncomfortable. So after hearing his own little loli's complaints, he couldn't help but walk to the bathroom while laughingly calming the other party.

"Hmph! Anyway, they are all bad women..." Little

Lori insisted, deciding that those who laughed with her family were not good people.

"Izumi! Would you like to come and wipe my back?

At this time, Haruno's laughing shouts came from the bathroom.

"Hmph! I've just finished taking a shower, can't I get wet anymore..."

"How about I ask my mother to help you?"

Izumi thought about it and decided to attack Haruno Laugho for his mother Fujimoto Hazuki, otherwise his laughing brother would probably run away with those bad women in the future.

In the two years since she lost her father, Haruno Xiao gave her father and brother a feeling that she cherished extraordinarily, so she hoped that the other party could always accompany her.

Then she can only let her mother cooperate, anyway, she has long seen that Haruno Xiao and her mother Fujimoto Hazuki have a good impression of each other!

God mysterious, thinking she doesn't know?


After hearing Little Lori's words, Haruno Xiao, who was already naked in the bathroom preparing to take a bath, almost accidentally slipped and fell to the ground, but fortunately his reaction ability was quick, and he bounced up with one hand and regained his balance.

"Izumi, you are such a good daughter!"

"When Mrs. Fujimoto finds out, she will definitely love you to death..."

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