"Humble Liuhu, I'm so happy to see you where you are today... I didn't lose my decision to let you go... You really didn't disappoint me! The

big snake pill jumped to the top of the head of the ten thousand snakes and opened the distance with the other party, after all, the speed that the other party showed just now was too amazing, and he needed enough time to react.

"Big Snake Pill, I still remember your help at that time, so I won't take your life later, it can be regarded as my reward for you..." Bai

Liuhu was not alarmed at all when he saw the arrival of Ten Thousand Snakes, after all, although this guy was huge and powerful, he was completely incomparable to himself in terms of speed, so he could completely regard it as nothing.

"Abominable little rookie chicken, actually despising Lord Ten Thousand Snakes!"

"Look I ate you..." Ten

thousand snakes found that the human in front of him didn't seem to care about themselves at all, and immediately felt offended, so they immediately opened their mouths and bit each other.


However, the speed of the belly call was too fast, and he had already jumped on the other party's head before the head of the ten thousand snakes appeared, and then chased towards the big snake pill who was retreating behind the back of the ten thousand snakes.

"Ten Thousand Serpent Luo Array!"

After sensing the difference in flight speed between the two sides, the big snake pill immediately made a seal and spit out countless poisonous snakes, and rushed towards the chasing Villyu.

The bite of the vipers and the piercing of the blade in their mouths could not hurt the slightest, after all, his steel dun was no joke, and these attacks were completely inadequate.

However, these poisonous snakes greatly affected his speed, and the slippery snake body of the other party was easy to slip if stepped on. Also, the toxins they spew out would be a big problem if they splashed on his eyes, so he had to use ninjutsu to knock them away.

"Lan Dun Thundercloud Cavity Wave!"

Slightly sweeping away the snake group, he quickly froze, and then a thick dark cumulonimbus cloud appeared around him.


Immediately after that, these dark clouds then released a large number of flying thunder and lightning, spreading around, and the nearby poisonous snakes were hit one after another, turning into black charcoal.


I'm going to eat you..." The

battlefield happened on the back of ten thousand snakes, and although these thunderbolts did not hurt him much, they still made him feel paralyzed. Annoyed and angry, he couldn't control the big snake pill on his back, and immediately a death tumble wanted to get all those guys on his back.

Anyway, the vitality of the big snake pill is tenacious, and this situation will definitely be able to deal with it. As for other poisonous snakes, they die when they die, and for them they are just spicy strips that are usually stuffed with their mouths.

"Boom... Boom..."

Ten thousand snakes were angry, the situation was like a natural disaster, with the churning of its huge snake body, all around it were stone and earth, sand and dust rolling, grass clippings flying...

Even the steel-clad Humble Hu can only avoid its edge, quickly and flexibly dodging the opponent's repeated bites and impacts.

"Tudun Huangquan Marsh!"

The big snake pill would not stand still, and taking advantage of the power of ten thousand snakes, he immediately cooperated with the huge range of Huangquan Marsh.

Although the snake is huge, it still moves freely above the swamp, constantly attacking the belly.

And the swift humble liuhu is bound in the swamp, can only constantly move and dodge on the body of ten thousand snakes, and finally successfully bind ten thousand snakes themselves.


I'm going to kill you..." At

this time, the ten thousand snakes who found themselves unknowingly roared angrily, twisting the snake's head to spit venom at the other party.

"Huh... Ten thousand snakes, although your body has also been successfully transformed, it is a pity that the brain is still not enough, stupid one! Easily

dodging the venom that flew away, he stood directly on the other party's body, stepped on the solid scales, and stunned it in a contemptuous tone.


Seeing that Ten Thousand Snakes were turned around by the humble lieutenant, the big snake pill directly unlocked the other party's psychic technique, and then chose to face this former friend himself.

"Do you say that Orochimaru can defeat that Baseru?"

Mitarai Red Bean, who was also watching this scene from afar, couldn't help but worry about his former teacher at this time, thinking that even if the other party wanted to die, he should die in his own hands!

"Don't worry! The Great Snake Pill has not been wasted all these years..."

"His strength will definitely not disappoint you!"

Haruno couldn't help but chuckle when he heard this, and then calmly calmly calmly calmed the red bean bean with an awkward personality like a rebellious period.

Others are not clear, are they not clear themselves?

Over the years, the big snake pill has also improved a lot under his hands, and the abilities that should be in the original work are all possessed in advance at this time, and coupled with his own leakage and filling, and the all-round enhancement, his strength is definitely the top group of people in the ninja world.

"Humble liuhu, your strength is indeed amazing, but unfortunately there is still a big gap with the ninja god..."

"Today, I will let you see the strength of those legendary ninjas!"

"Let's feel what is the top power in the ninja world!"

"The Technique of Turning Dirt!"

"Boom..." With

the seal of the big snake pill, everyone then saw two coffins gradually emerging from the Yellow Spring Marsh, and the strange scene made people feel cold in their hearts.

The words one and two are respectively engraved on the coffin, which seems to indicate the identity of the deceased inside the coffin.


Listening to the big snake pill's arrogant words, and seeing these two coffins, as the big snake pill's former friend, Belyuhu seemed to have guessed something.

"Boom..." As

the lid of the coffin opened, everyone also saw the corpses inside, and their appearance shocked everyone!

"It's actually the ninja god Senjukuma, and his younger brother Senjukuma!"

"Orochimaru, you actually stole the bodies of both the first and second generation Hokage?"

Beryuhu didn't know much about the art of turning around the soil, so he thought that the big snake pill had dug up the tomb of the Senju brother and used the corpse for experiments.

To this... He was a little envious!

Damn it!

Why didn't I think of this before?

"That's the Senju brother? The founder of Konoha Village? "

O God of the Ninja Realm!"

"Their corpses belong to me..." The

red sand scorpion in the distance was also excited to step forward and wanted to make a move after seeing this scene, such a good strong corpse is definitely the best material for his own puppet.

Don't just miss it!

"Don't rush... Something seems wrong! Black

Hoe Thunder Fang used the Thunder Saber to block in front of the Red Sand Scorpion, and then looked at the scene in the distance with a heavy face.

Because he found that the first-generation Hokage and the second-generation Hokage in the coffin actually moved on their own, were moving their hands and feet, and their bodies walked out as usual.

The dead are resurrected!

Xiao Nan was also frightened when he saw this....

This is the Thousand Hand Pillar and the Thousand Hand Brothers!

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