"Oops... Sure enough, it's you junior again! In the meantime, it's all your nosy trouble, and now we can't even die..."

"Shut up you! Who was happy to be alive again? The last time you came out, you ran to gamble, and you really didn't change..." The

Thousand Hands Brothers began to fight as soon as they came out of the coffin, obviously not the first time they crawled out of the coffin pure land, so they had long been accustomed to such a situation.

Senju saw that the ground was still Huangquan Marsh, but he still walked on it easily, and then wanted to see how unlucky his eldest brother looked.

After discovering that the ground was wrong, he simply made a few seals, and then many vines grew on the ground and lifted him up.

"Two seniors, now is not the time to reminisce. Please help me solve the enemy in front of me!

"He's Konoha's rebel! The strength is very strong, and no one in Konoha may be his opponent now..."

Orochimaru jumped on the coffin of the second generation, suddenly interjected to interrupt the chatter between the two, and then pointed at the humble liuhu and said his request.

"Alright! Orochimaru, don't be alarmist, I have my own judgment ... It's like you're not a Konoha rebel

..." Senju froze when he heard this, and then carefully looked at the lowly man on the other side, and then deflated his mouth, and couldn't help but smack back at the big snake pill.

At first glance, the other party is a hard stubble, and the strength is not weak!

Really! Every time this guy called himself out, there was nothing good about it....

"Haha... Don't be so serious!

"It's rare to come out of the Pure Land, let's play well, let's be considered an activity!"

Compared with the look of disgust and resistance between the thousand hands, the thousand hands are much more direct, and the moving wrists go to the obviously non-mainstream humility.

How can there be so many Konoha rebels recently, and they are all such excellent characters... Could it be that Konoha Village is really corrupt and unable to retain talents, as Haruno Xiao said?

"Boy, let the horse come!"

"Let me see your strength..." Then

everyone only saw Bei Liuhu's body flashing, dragging the phantom in the Yellow Spring Marsh to flash quickly, although the speed was a little affected, but it was also seen with the naked eye, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the side of the Thousand Hand Pillar and punched him in the face.


The next moment, the Thousand Hand Pillar also stretched out his right hand in time to catch the opponent's attacking fist. However, he was still pushed by the other party's power towards the vines behind.


A thousand hands suddenly appeared beside the two, and then a side kick kicked on the waist of the base, and actually made a dull sound, as if it had kicked on some heavy metal object.

However, the experience between the thousand hands is very rich, and the legs immediately kicked the other party out with a vigorous force.


"Qiu Liuhu was shot out of the Yellow Spring Marsh like a splash, and his Xiao Organization robe became filthy in an instant.

"Don't make a move! This is my game..." Senju

Zhuma saw his brother make a move, and he was immediately unhappy.

"I didn't make a move, I just shot out!"

"And... This guy is a bit of a quirk! The speed is fast, the body is hard as iron, and it seems to have both swiftness and steel dun..." Senju

is worthy of being a rare intelligent person in the ninja world, as a forbidden master, his research on the blood succession limit is also beyond ordinary people, and he instantly guesses the strangeness of the other party's body.

"Oh! No wonder he's so fast... Plus his steel escape..."

"Haha... So much fun! Is speed power! When

Senju heard this, his interest in Beryuhu also became greater, and then he jumped directly towards Beryuhu regardless of his brother's warning.

"Abominable! Don't underestimate me..."

"Lan Dun Guangya!"

He threw off his muddy red cloud robe on a black background, and then quickly distanced himself from the Thousand Hand Pillar and retreated to the ground outside the swamp. He quickly froze, and finally his hands converged on his chest to form a triangle, and then a blue wave of light burst out of it, shooting at a very fast speed towards the jumping thousand hand pillars.

The speed of this attack was really fast, and in the blink of an eye, it hit the jumping Thousand Hand Pillar, piercing the opponent's chest!

"Oh huh! It hurts! I'm dying!

"No... Give me a pain..."

"Hurry up! Come to the neck..."

"It's so painful!"


At this moment, the Thousand Hand Pillar, who was shot through the chest, fell in front of the humble liuhu in a daze, and then screamed with an exaggerated expression...

"Is this person really the first Hokage-sama Senjukuma? How so... So..."

Mitarai Red Bean, who was secretly observing on the side, couldn't help but be full of question marks between the Senju pillars who were killed by a second move, if it weren't for the fact that the other party's appearance was exactly the same as the carved of Hokage Rock, she wouldn't believe that the guy in the distance was actually the legendary god of the ninja world.

So she couldn't help but whisper to Haruno Xiao next to her, wanting to get an answer from the other party.

Not only red beans, but also the people of the Xiao Organization were originally frightened after seeing the legendary Thousand Hand Brothers appear, but when they saw the Thousand Hand Pillar being killed by a humble move, their mood was like mixed tastes.

Feelings they were deceived before?

Between the thousand hand pillars, is this? That's it?

Also the god of the ninja world?

In this way, it seems that Uchiha Madara who founded Konoha Village with him should not be stronger!

Ninja Asura may just not live up to its name....

"Panic! You must not be between the thousand hands pillars!

"He's definitely not that weak..." "

Orochimaru, what the hell are you doing?"

As a party concerned, the humble ruyu was actually even more shocking, as a rebel born and raised in Konoha Village, he once admired Senjukuma the great man who founded Konoha Village.

Of course, the person he admires the most is actually Senjuma!

The wisdom of the other party made Bei Liuhu admire, and he could actually study one magical forbidden technique after another...

"Ahem... All I can say is that you are facing a thousand hand pillars... As for why this is the case, you may have to ask the first Hokage-sama in front of you..." "

Orochimaru has not dealt with Senjujukuma for a day or two, so he quickly guessed why the other party behaved like this, so he had to explain it a little unnaturally awkwardly.

"Give me... A pain... Otherwise...... Or my chest would have been restored! The

Thousand Hand Pillar reached out to grab Qiu Liuhu's ankle, and his voice was intermittent as if he was about to die, and his expression looked very painful.


Bai Liuhu originally wanted to kick the impostor in front of him away, but he didn't want the other party's hand strength to be surprisingly strong, so that his feet couldn't break free for a while, and the other party's back actually recovered at this time!

What is this situation?

Just now, he pierced the chest of the other party, why now...

Is it an illusion?

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