"Laugh! What's going on with that Yunnin?

After arriving at a slightly safer place, Hinata Hiashi finally couldn't help the question in his heart and looked at Haruno next to him and smiled.

"It's obvious! This is a trap! A trap against your Hyuga clan..."

"As for whether the mastermind behind the scenes is Yun Shinobu or some people in the village, then it's hard to say!"

"After all, the other party is a member of the Yunnin Discussion and Negotiation Team, and the person died here! At that time, the peace talks will fall into passivity because of its reasons, and then I am afraid that all the responsibility will be borne by your Hyuga family!

Haruno's words made Hinata Hiashi hear it like five thunders, and he thought of it a lot in an instant, so his face became more and more difficult to see.

"Is it still guilty of me killing a kidnapper?"

"He's kidnapping my daughter!"

Hinata Hiashi still had a certain fluke mentality for the village at this time, so he said a weak word with a slightly pale face.

Because he himself knew that it was really possible that as Haruno Xiao said, his Hyuga family might face the blame of the village!

"Hiashi, in fact, you know it yourself!"

"The high-level of the village has always looked at you big families unfavorably, since they have the opportunity to suppress you, I think they don't mind pushing the boat along the water..."

"And the Yun Ren who was killed by you was able to easily come to your house without being detected, which is not without the help of the behind-the-scenes promoter!"

"I'm afraid that now that they have also mastered the fact that you killed that Yun Ren, they are waiting for things to ferment, so we need to dispose of this corpse in advance, and also eliminate the evidence that may be exposed on our bodies!"

After Haruno finished speaking, he took out a bottle of spray from the ninja bag on his leg and sprayed it at himself, and then sprayed it on Hinata Hinata and Hinata.

Hinata Hinata saw Haruno squirting on himself first, so he didn't refuse, and after smelling this special smell, he also knew that it might be some kind of spray to cover the smell, so he cast a grateful look at the other party.

"Let's go to the next location! We're going to be found here..."

"At the same time, we need to dispose of our own clothes!" Hinata's clothes are also going to be changed..."

Saying that, Haruno continued to disappear into their original position with Hinata's father and daughter, while continuing to explain some of the follow-up matters.

After communicating with Haruno Xiao, Hinata Hiashi's vigilance for the subsequent development of this matter was directly full.

"Have you heard? Someone from the Yunyin Mission disappeared last night! And because of this, he made a big fuss in the Hokage office..."

"I heard! I heard that he disappeared near Hinata's house... Did you say yes or no..."


The next day, the news of the disappearance of the members of the Yunnin negotiating group spread in Konoha Village on a large scale, and also took the spearhead at the Hyuga clan!

If there is nothing tricky in this, I am afraid that no one will believe it!

"Hinata Hinata, how do you explain this?"

"Why did that missing Yunnin disappear near your Hyuga clan?"

"What about people!"

Hokage's office, at this time, Shimura Danzo, who was an elder of Konoha, questioned Hinata Hiashi with a gloomy face.

"Elder Tuanzang, what do you mean by this?"

"Is it because you suspect that our Hyuga family has done something to be sorry for the village?"

"What does Yunnin's disappearance have to do with our Hyuga family?"

"Could it be that the other party disappeared near my Hyuga house, and we still have to be responsible for them?"

"Do you guys eat dry food in the dark parts?"

Hinata Hiashi responded calmly to Shimura Danzo's inquiries at this time, while also questioning the abilities of the dark part. His calm posture undoubtedly revealed the power of the patriarch, and he seemed to be completely unafraid of the real power elder of the village.

"You! How dare you be presumptuous in front of me?

"Don't think that you do those things that others don't know? I see it all! Shimura

Danzo was also laughed at Hinata Hiashi's high posture at this time, as an elder of Konoha, it was the first time that he was treated so unceremoniously by the other party. So he warned in a low voice, as if everything was under his control.

"I don't know what you're talking about? Nor accept your slander! Please treat yourself with dignity!

"If you have proof, then please show it to me!" Otherwise, you are slandering us Hinata! "

Elder Danzo, have you figured out how to withstand the wrath of our Hyuga family?"

"Just by your roots?"

A trace of cruelty flashed in Hinata's eyes when she heard this, and everything Haruno Xiao said to him last night was actually fulfilled! At this moment, he was even more sure that this was indeed a trap!

A trap for a Konoha high-level against his Hyuga clan!

Therefore, in the face of Shimura Danzo's attack, he decisively and unceremoniously returned to the past, without giving the other party the slightest face, which can be regarded as completely tearing his face.

After all, the other party is beating his daughter's idea!

And the purpose seems to be extremely simple....

Can this be tolerated?

Absolutely unbearable!

Otherwise, there are two of them, and next time I don't know what moths there will be!

"Danzo! You shut up for me!

"Hiashi, the disappearance of that Yunnin is related to the peace talks between the village and Yunyin, so if you know the situation, then speak up!" Konoha will be your back..."

Sarutobi Hinata first scolded his good friend Danzo to ask the other party not to add to the chaos, and then asked Hinata Hinata with a serious face.

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