
This is a singing black face and a singing white face, and it is really a seamless cooperation!

If it weren't for the fact that Hinata Hiashi had already been indoctrinated with some conspiracy theories by Haruno Laughing first, he would really have believed the other party's nonsense!

So he said that he could not say, and he had to drown this matter as a secret in the long river of time.

"Lord Sandaime, everything you said is completely unknown to our Hyuga clan!"

"At the same time, I am also very worried about the literacy of Konoha's dark department, and actually let the news of this Yunnin's disappearance spread early in the morning..."

"Won't the village do follow-up?"

"If I hear such rumors that slander our Hyuga clan the next day, I will definitely respond!"

"At that time, I hope the village can afford to lose the hearts of our Hyuga clan..."

"I, Hinata Hinata, am not a weak Qimu Shuo, you can think clearly!"

Man kills himself, can he hand himself over? So after Hinata Hiashi said all this, he didn't want to pay attention to the two who were embarrassed, flicked his sleeves with a grim face, turned around and left the Hokage office.

"Ape fly! You see! This is the Hyuga family!

"I actually chose such a person as the patriarch!"

"They don't put you in their eyes at all!"

"Inform the Dark Ministry to arrest him! Using interrogation, we will definitely be able to get information..." Because

he was afraid of being detected by Hinata Hiashi's white eyes, the root members he sent last night only followed from a distance, plus the light at night was dark, and finally he was attacked by others using illusions!

Therefore, they also did not know the true identity of Haruno Xiao, and even Yunnin's body could not be found in the end, and the follow-up personnel also lost Hinata Hiashi with them.

This made Shimura Danzo extremely annoyed!

He felt that the matter had gone out of his grasp and in an unknown direction.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Hiashi is the patriarch of the Hyuga clan! And the Hyuga clan is the foundation of our Konoha! Can you move him? Can I move him?

"So you better put away those thoughts!"

"The main thing now is to calm the mood of the Yunyin Mission, what our village needs is peace!"

Doesn't the ape fly to the sun slash know that people are killed by the sun?

Of course you know!

After all, Danzo's actions were all tacitly approved by him, otherwise the missing Yunnin would not have infiltrated the Hyuga clan so easily.

Originally, he also wanted to see what those Yun Shinobi did out of line?

Unexpectedly, the other party turned out to be the eldest lady of the clan who wanted to kidnap the Hyuga clan!

This is a hornet's nest!

What made him even more unexpected was that Yun Ren seemed to take the initiative to seek death after he was discovered!

At that time, after receiving the notice from the dark department, Sarutobi found the Yun Shinobu as soon as possible, because he had already received the relevant Chakra aura when he had already received those Yun Shinobi.

His voyeuristic divine technique telescope technique was not a waste, naturally he saw the whole process of Hiashi killing that Yunnin.

But the strange thing is that he can't see the person who suddenly appeared to help Hinata's father and daughter! The other party seems to have known that someone is peeping nearby, and the trace processing behind is also dripping....

Since the other party appeared, his telescopic technique was actually covered with a fog, making him unable to see what was next!

Who the hell is this man?

What exactly is the relationship with the Hyuga family?

In this regard, Ape Flying Sun Chopper was very curious!

But he also knew that the other party was definitely Konoha's ninja! And the strength is not weak ....

Who are you?

The ancestral hall of the Hyuga clan, at this time, a group of high-ranking members of the Hyuga family were gathering to discuss the criticism that suddenly targeted their Hyuga clan today.

"Konoha's high-level really premeditated!"

"They just want our Hyuga family to suffer this big loss! On the one hand, calm Yun Ren's anger, and on the other hand, suppress our clan..." "

Today, they dare to let Yun Ren kidnap my daughter, and tomorrow they can let any of us die!"

"As the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, I will never allow such a thing to happen!"


Hinata Hiashi had just returned from outside, and he was here for the first time to tell everyone about the results of his discussions in the Hokage office. Of course, this technique is also very powerful, and it easily stirs everyone's mind.

This is all homework done by an enthusiastic person who never returns home at night! It seems that the effect is not bad....

Didn't you see that the crowd has begun to be agitated below?

"It's abominable! We are Hinata's home!

"Damn Shimura Danzo!"

"The ape flying sun chop is not a good bird..."

"Patriarch, you are right! They don't dare to offend our Hyuga clan..." "

We are the great clan of Konoha!"

After listening to Hiashi's story, the high-ranking members of the Hyuga family were also angry, but there were also people who were worried about whether their clan would be targeted.

"Hiashi, wouldn't it be too strong for you to do this?"


all, our Hyuga family still has to live under the hands of Sarutobi Hinata, will this affect our living environment?"

"And that guy in Tuanzo is not easy to deal with!"

At this time, a sect elder spoke, and also said the key points that everyone was worried about.

Although the faces of everyone who heard this were still not angry, some people could not help but show worried looks.

Who made them all Konoha ninjas!

And Sarutobi Hinata is Konoha Hokage!

Being put on small shoes in the future is not a matter of casual words!

And! Sarutobi Hinata, the third-generation Hokage, may be good to talk on the surface, but Shimura Danzo, the elder of Konoha, is even more insidious and vicious than the poisonous snake in the secret, and his methods are extremely cruel.

If it weren't for this guy hiding behind the scenes, I'm afraid his reputation would have stopped the little boy crying at night!

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