South China Sea Spratly Islands.

It is a small archipelago in the waters of the Great Xia Kingdom.

When the Deep Sea Sand Islands were in turmoil in the South China Sea, the South Sea Sand Islands were occupied by the Deep Sea Sand Islands as territory, and the South Sea Sand Islands were suppressed in the underwater world.

Now, with the death of the Deep Sea Demon Chapter, this archipelago island that has been immersed in the sea for hundreds of years has finally surfaced.

The South China Sea Sand Islands, which are close to Nandu, were taken over by Nandu.

It is also close to the Royal Beast College Entrance Examination, so Nandu decided to clear these five islands in the South China Sea Sand Islands, and then use them as the Royal Beast College Entrance Examination venue.

And the candidates in charge of the clean-up were naturally Mayor Luo Xiang, Ma Bao, president of the Royal Beast Master Association, and Gao Shenglong, as well as Jiang Jiang, who came here by the way, these four grandmasters of the seventy-level realm.

On this day, a speedboat on the sea came at a gallop, and on it were Goldman Sachs Dragon and Lin Ge.

Originally, it would be faster to use the words of the White Dragon King, but that would be too swaggering, so I could only take this speedboat.

The five islands of the South China Sea Sprat Islands present a classic four-guarantee structure.

Four smaller islands surround the largest island in the middle.

After the death of the Deep Sea Demon Chapter, the extraordinary power rendered these five islands, so after these five islands rose from the bottom of the sea, they were infected by the power of the ninety level extraordinary legend.

Now on these five islands in the South China Sea Sand Islands, there are a large number of extraordinary beasts!

They are the most water system, the demon system is second, the grass and wood system is again, and the rest of the secondary attributes are also from other departments.

All in all, the South China Sea Spratly Islands are now a newspaper library!

Nandu intends to make this South China Sea Sand Islands an exclusive island for catching extraordinary beasts and enriching the imperial beast masters of Nandu.

Therefore, the current task is to eliminate all the extraordinary beasts on these five islands whose race value exceeds that of the primary transcendent race!

Of course, there is no need to kill them all, and some suitable transcendent beasts will also be captured and auctioned.

The world's extraordinary beast capture program is already very mature.

Moreover, he also developed the Royal Beast Ball, an extraordinary ball that can accommodate extraordinary beasts.

The Royal Beast Ball is made from those Royal Beast Ruins, and the space inside the Royal Beast Ruins is divided by the space system pet beast, and then made into a sphere.

The Royal Beast Ball depends on the size of the space inside, so the price is different.

However, the cheapest one costs almost five thousand summer coins, and the space inside is also very small, and accommodating a curled adult dog is the limit.

Now these five islands are also named, divided by southeast, northwest and middle, simple and clear.

And Lin Ge's first island landed on was Dongsha Island.

There are already many people here, lively and lively, and seeing Lin Ge's arrival, the old driver Jiang Meier waved his arm from a distance, signaling that he was here.

After getting off the speedboat, Lin Ge glanced at it, there were still many people, Luo Xiang, Ma Bao, the two most powerful seventy-level grandmasters in the southern city.

There is also Han Wu, Team Zhao is also there, apparently they also led a part of the army of Nandu to help here.

There is also Jiang Meier, Chen Yunjing's sister Chen Yunqian, and the demon king Jiang Jiang.

Chen Yunqian nodded slightly to Lin Ge, compared to Jiang Meier's big grin, Chen Yunqian's personality is much more introverted and cold, a little slow and hot.

Demon King Jiang Jiang was still smiling, standing straight, arms wrapped around him, and his expression was serious.

"Chairman Lin! Aha! First meeting!

Lin Ge looked at the man, Ma Bao, the president of the Nandu Royal Beast Master Association, with the same position as himself.

"Hello President Ma! First meeting. "

President Ma Bao is a typical person as his name suggests, with a slender face, a wide nose and big ears, and obvious features, and he is the kind of person who can remember his appearance just by looking at it.

Luo Xiang said: "President Lin cheats, how can he see the examination room in advance."

Lin Ge smiled indifferently: "Mayor Luo, I'm not a student now, I'm here as the president of the Royal Beast Master Association."

Luo Xiang laughed.

Goldman Sachs Long was polite and asked Luo Xiang: "Mayor Luo, how is the investigation?"

Luo Xiang said: "Lao Ma's pet beast has already made a move, and it is stabilizing the island foundation of this South China Sea Sand Islands, and when the mountain roots are stabilized, we can make a move."

Lin Ge said: "Won't the extraordinary beasts under the sea come out to stop it?

Ma Bao smiled and said, "They? They were already frightened and hid back in the deep sea, and when the Deep Sea Demon Chapter died, they scattered birds and beasts one by one, running faster than anything.

Gao Shenglong explained: "When the extraordinary beasts reach level 30 or above, they will be wise, and naturally they will know how to avoid evil, and if the Deep Sea Demon Chapter dies, they will naturally escape in fear." When

Lin Ge heard these words, he immediately understood that the death of a ninety-level extraordinary beast was already capable of deterring those intermediate extraordinary beasts.

Luo Xiang said: "Now those who still covet this South Sea Sand Islands are some of the juniors of the Deep Sea Demon Chapter, and there are a few more tricky, but the problem is not big, with Mr. Gao and Mr. Jiang, they can be solved."

Jiang Jiang spoke up at this time and said, "I want the one in Zhongsha Island, and when the time comes, you will join hands to help me capture it."

Luo Xiang and Ma Bao both nodded, indicating that there was no problem.

Gao Shenglong said to Lin Ge: "Old Jiang, this is taking a fancy to that extraordinary beast in Zhongsha Island, that guy's race value is not low, and he should have been a henchman of the Deep Sea Demon Chapter before."

Lin Ge asked curiously, "What is it?"

Gao Shenglong replied: "I probed it before, it is a dual-line transcendent beast of the demon system and water system, the water demon octopus with a level of seventy has reached the level of seventy, and the further evolutionary form is the Deep Sea Demon Chapter."

Lin Ge bowed slightly, this level is easy to kill, but it is a little difficult to capture, no wonder several of them have to join forces.

Gao Shenglong continued: "Junior, you can walk around a few more times, there may be treasures from the Deep Sea Demon Chapter collection on it.

Lin Ge bowed slightly, with hundreds of years of accumulation of ninety-level extraordinary beasts, there will always be good goods.

Jiang Meier jumped closer to Lin Ge's side, smiling, as if there was some great joy.

Lin Ge smiled and said, "Senior Sister Jiang, you are so easy to misunderstand."

Jiang Meier patted her chest and said, "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, junior, your performance in the extraordinary appraisal is really handsome!"

Lin Ge hugged his fist and pretended: "Thank you Jiang Da Beauty for your praise!" The junior was deeply honored and even a little flattered.

Jiang Meier's smile trembled, and the silver ringtone was pleasant, and then turned sideways and said in Lin Ge's ear: "Senior Brother Lin, can you study a mechanical transcendent that looks like a car form, but is actually a mechanical department?"

Lin Ge squinted slightly, pretending not to be able to say: "Senior sister, this is a bit difficult, alas, I don't know if I can succeed in research."

Jiang Meier whispered again: "You have to have girl fans in it, and you have to be able to watch movies."

Lin Ge pretended to be surprised and said, "Huh? Senior Sister Jiang, what do you say again? I don't understand.

Jiang Meier grinned: "Senior Brother Lin~ what kind of ignorant young man are you pretending to."

Lin Ge smiled.

Jiang Meier said seriously: "I'm serious, you have to build it, you know?" When the time comes, Senior Sister will take you for a ride!

Lin Ge turned sideways: "Is it good?"

Jiang Meier looked up and found that the eyes of others were not on her, so she replied softly: "I can hit the steering wheel with one hand and do improper gear movement with the other hand."

Lin Ge immediately gave a thumbs up to Jiang Meier, powerful.

During this period, Lin Ge secretly glanced at Jiang Jiang's side a few times, and found that this demon king seemed to be very at ease with his sister's behavior, and even a little too relieved?

Lin Ge spread his hands and said squarely: "It's not that I can't build it, it's not that I can't build it, the main thing is that my research building hasn't been built yet, and I already have no money."

Jiang Meier patted her chest and said arrogantly: "The cost of building a car is mine!" You just have to make it generously!

Lin Ge said with a slight bow: "Then you have to buy a car type you like, and then I will be responsible for transforming it into a mechanical extraordinary!" Hearing

this, Jiang Meier smiled happily, patted Lin Ge's shoulder, and said, "It's worthy of being my favorite Junior Brother Lin, it's really great!"

Lin Ge secretly asked again, "Senior sister, let me take the liberty of asking, should the spring shock absorption be strengthened?"

Jiang Meier's speed was really fast enough, and she immediately replied: "The spring is strengthened, don't absorb shock!" When the car moves, it must be sensual and vigorous!

Lin Ge immediately gave a thumbs up again: "Very good!" Stream batches! It's all about me!


A humming sound sounded, it turned out that Chen Yunqian didn't know when he ran behind them, and his head poked out between the two.

Chen Yunqian said, "What were you two secretly talking about just now?

Lin Ge shrugged his shoulders and replied, "It's nothing, it's nothing, it's just communicating with Senior Sister Jiang."

Chen Yunqian naturally didn't believe it, and turned her head again to look at Jiang Meier.

Jiang Meier showed a very eccentric smile, and the little tiger teeth were clearly visible.

"Sister Yun Qian, I said that we were talking about something very serious just now, do you believe it?"

Chen Yunqian gave a blank look and said, "Are you stupid for me? Or do you think I'm stupid?

Jiang Meier immediately put her arm around Chen Yunqian and said coquettishly: "Really really, I didn't lie to you, if I lied to you, tonight..."

Lin Ge leaned over: "What are you doing tonight?"

Chen Yunqian's pretty face was a little rosy, and she pushed Jiang Meier away and said, "Get out of you!"

Jiang Meier covered her mouth with one hand and smiled.

Lin Ge looked at this scene, immediately frowned, looked at Jiang Meier, and then looked at Chen Yunqian, and finally realized a meaningful realization.


Jiang Meier turned her head and said loudly: "Oh what? It's not okay to whisper a little between sisters.

Lin Ge nodded repeatedly: "Okay, I just don't know if Senior Sister Jiang is zero or one."

Jiang Mei'er crossed her waist with both hands, bent her upper body slightly, showed two small tiger teeth with a smile, and said to Lin Ge with a smile: "Senior Brother Lin, I can be a scheming zero, or I can be a sinister and cunning one, so there are some things, don't ask them deeply."

Lin Ge nodded again and again and replied with a smile: "I understand, I understand."

The two smiled again.

Suddenly, the earthquake trembled and rumbled, and the entire island shook very violently.

Then the sea around the island seemed to boil, bubbling.

The entire island was then raised a few meters, revealing the rocky sandy beaches along the coastline.

Sand and mud flowed into the sea in this violent tremor, and for a while the ocean around the island became cloudy.

Lin Ge also thought that some powerful extraordinary beast was attacking the island at the bottom of the sea.

Turning his head, he found that Gao Shenglong and they were all very calm.

Jiang Meier said: "Don't be nervous, this is President Ma Bao's pet beast strengthening the foundation of the island at the bottom of the sea, normal shaking."

As Jiang Meier's words fell, Lin Ge suddenly turned her head, and saw the sea water tumbling up, and the head of a huge extraordinary beast poked out.

It was a horse's head, the shape was very huge, just a horse's head was the size of a house, eyes were like windows, this extraordinary beast in the form of a horse slowly walked out of the sea, and its size gradually became smaller, obviously mastering the skills of the restrained class.

"This is ... Mountain Luan horse? Until

the whole horse came out from the bottom of the sea, Lin Ge could see all his appearance clearly, even if he was restrained, this mountain Luan horse was still five meters tall, his skin color was like a brown rock, his back was wide, and there seemed to be a mountain luan base on it.

Luo Xiang came over and said: "Mountain Luan horses can carry mountains on their backs, and they are a good helper for transporting mountain peaks, and it is precisely because of this existence that our southern city can take over this South China Sea Sand Islands at the fastest speed."

Luo Xiang said to Lin Ge: "Guess, where did the mountain peak from the back of Shan Luan's horse come from?"

Lin Ge's eyebrows jumped, and he said a little incredulously: "It won't be the one where I researched the location of the building, right?"

Luo Xiang smiled and nodded: "Yes!" That's it!

Lin Ge immediately pulled the corners of his mouth, so he said that the research building had already started.

Ma Bao came over and stroked his pet beast, and then patted it gently.

This is what he said: "Yes, the South China Sea Sand Islands have been strengthened, everyone, we can go." Gao

Shenglong and Jiang Jiang both nodded, and then quickly walked towards the area they wanted to clear.

Ma Bao also said to Luo Xiang: "Old Luo! I went to Nansha Island, you cleaned up this Dongsha Island, and then together we went to Zhongsha Island, and helped Jiang Jiang catch the water demon octopus.

Luo Xiang nodded: "No problem. Ma

Bao immediately turned over and rode the Shan Luan horse, extremely fast.

Luo Xiang said to Lin Ge: "Take a walk and see by yourself." Then he

said to Team Han Wu Zhao: "Team Han Wu Zhao obeys orders!" With this Dongsha Island as its foundation, expand outward, record and mark those extraordinary beasts below level 30! "


Han Wu and Team Zhao immediately began to organize personnel to act, preparing the junior transcendent beasts here to record and mark.

Luo Xiang turned around and headed towards this Dongsha Island, he wanted to eliminate those powerful transcendent beasts that were dangerous and aggressive.

Lin Ge put his hands in his pockets and looked around before walking east.

Lin Ge decided to take a stroll around the beach of Dongsha Island first, and then enter it by himself when Luo Xiang had solved the powerful extraordinary beast.

This South China Sea Sand Islands is the territory of the Deep Sea Demon Chapter no matter what, so you still have to be careful.

Jiang Meier and Chen Yunqian returned to Jiang's yacht, and for them, the temptation of the South China Sea Sand Islands was not very great.

Lin Ge walked by the beach, his eyes looked around, the death of a ninety-level extraordinary beast, its extraordinary power would render the place of death, and it would cause a large area of extraordinary creatures to accelerate the growth and evolution.

This is also the reason why the South China Sea Sand Islands should be cleared up.

If it is not cleared up, I am afraid that it will not take half a year, and it is estimated that all of the South China Sea Sand Islands are extraordinary beasts of level forty or fifty, and by that time, it will have to spend a lot of manpower and material resources to solve it.

Strolling through the rows, Lin Ge also saw a big dark tree, this big tree was originally soaked in the sea water and had died, but now it should be stained with the blood of the ninety-level deep sea demon chapter, resurrected from the dead, and became a dual-line transcendent beast of the grass and wood system and the demon line!

"This should be able to be classified into the race of the Demon Tree, but it has just awakened, the race value is not high, and its own level is only level five, and it should become the target of some low-level imperial beast masters in the imperial beast college examination."

Lin Ge just glanced at him lightly, and did not interfere with him, Lin Ge came to this South China Sea Sand Islands for only two purposes, one is to see if he can find some extraordinary metals, and the other is to exercise and exercise himself.

However, until Lin Ge walked around this Dongsha Beach Island, he did not find any powerful extraordinary beasts, all of which were some small extraordinary people below level five.

Lin Ge shook his head and smiled, feeling that he was a little too ridiculous, and it was impossible to meet extraordinary beasts with equal strength next to the beach.

So after walking around and seeing Han Wu and Team Zhao from a distance, Lin Ge turned around and walked into the interior of the island forest.

And this time into the island, Lin Ge has already discovered the difference, the ecological environment here is already very rich, and the food chain has also developed.

"Amazing, the extraordinary world is really different, this South China Sea Sand Islands has only surfaced from the bottom of the sea for less than a month, and it has such a scale."

In addition to the lack of some land beasts, there is basically nothing lacking on the South China Sea Sand Islands.

And because the blood of the Deep Sea Demon Chapter was scattered on this South Sea Sand Islands, this was very attractive to those extraordinary beasts.

So there are still one after another, there are extraordinary swimming towards the South China Sea sand.

After walking for a while, Lin Ge suddenly saw a huge shellfish extraordinary beast appear in front of him.

[Primary Extraordinary Beast

: Demon Shell] [Race Level: Level 20] [Growth Level: Level 10]

"Demon Shell?"

Lin Ge looked at the demon shell and smiled slightly, this demon shell was nearly two meters tall, the shell was full of black spikes, the shell opened slightly, revealing a pair of fierce eyes inside.

"What are the characteristics of the demon line?"

The demon line has a very interesting characteristic, that is, whether he is evil or good, he will pretend to have a fierce expression.

This expression seems to be innate, very vicious.

That demon Bei watched Lin Ge step into his territory, and immediately a high-pressure water line sprayed over!

Lin Ge quickly dodged, and the big tree behind him suffered, and half of his torso was immediately shattered by the high-pressure water line.

Lin Ge frowned slightly, looked at the demon shell, and said, "You provoked the wrong person!"

"Overlord! Come out and pick up guests! Xiao

Jin still stayed at the school to burn the fire, and Lin Ge naturally could only summon the overlord around him.

Boom! Boom!


As soon as the overlord appeared, he immediately stepped on the ground and roared.

That demon shell was obviously startled, and suddenly became a little panicked.

Lin Ge was also not polite, waved his arms, and said: "Overlord! Dragon Burn! I'm going to eat fire-roasted demon shells! "

The overlord's body swings, and he just opens his mouth to spray at that demon shell!

In an instant, the roaring flames gushed towards the demon shell!

The demon shell jumped in fear, and the two shells fanned non-stop.

After a while, the fragrant fire roasted demon shell was finished.

There is no need for seasonings, and the ingredients themselves are already very delicious.

Lin Ge ate very satisfied, "Not bad, the ingredients in the sea are the best, no need to bring any bells and whistles, the original taste, very fresh." After

eating and drinking, Lin Ge continued to walk towards the depths with the overlord.

The Overlord's huge body was exceptionally powerful in this newly revived forest.

Lin Ge pushed his glasses and said, "It's a pity, I didn't bring the Transcendent Index detector over, otherwise I could enter a lot of Transcendent Beast information."

Suddenly, the mechanical sound of the system sounded in Lin Ge's mind.

"Ding! Tiansa gold veins are found ahead! This is a natural metal sand that can quench impurities and polish metal, please collect it by the host!

"Ding! Mission 'Collect Celestial Gold Veins'! Upon completion, the host will receive the Mechanical Weapon Forging and Grinding Method!

Lin Ge's brows frowned slightly, and said: "System, I'm not a blacksmith."

"Ding! The host is not, but Zhao Yun is ah, doesn't the host want the mechanical pet beast to have a powerful metal cold weapon?

Lin Ge shook his head: "Are thermal weapons bad?" System

: "Hot weapons are not as handsome as cold weapons!"

Lin Ge was slightly embarrassed, what is this?

So Lin Ge looked at the overlord again, and the overlord still had the mechanical sword on his back.

Moreover, Lin Ge found that the Overlord liked this mechanical sword more than the shoulder cannon!

System: "This system has detected that the host wants to build a large extraordinary machine, and since this is the case, mechanical cold weapons are essential.

Lin Ge spread his hands and said, "Okay! I want them all! "

Ranged combat has hot weapons, and melee combat has cold weapons, which is not bad.

System: "Ding! The Heavenly Sand Gold Vein is being defeated by a level 20 extraordinary beast guardian, please host defeat him! Lin

Ge heard this system sound, his face was a little surprised, level twenty?

When Lin Ge and Overlord walked out of the forest in front of them, they were greeted by a sandy field, and the sand here was shiny like gold.

But Lin Ge understood that this was not real gold, these were heavenly placer gold.

Lin Ge squinted and looked at the golden beach in front of him, but he didn't find any extraordinary beasts.

Lin Ge smiled at the corner of his mouth and said, "Very shrewd, know how to disguise and hide."

"Overlord! Super electromagnetic cannon! The

Overlord began to charge his power, and the back light behind him, which represented the power of the electromagnetic cannon, lit up.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly bombarded the sandy gold beach that day!

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