
The attack of the super electromagnetic cannon landed fiercely on the golden sands beach that day.

The sand waves several meters high were splashed up, and the golden Tianjin sand was as dazzling as grains of gold.

Sand and dust are everywhere, dust and smoke are billowing out, and countless days of golden sand are falling like raindrops.

Lin Ge squinted and stood beside the overlord, staring at the place where the electromagnetic cannon fell!


Suddenly, in the yellow sand in the sky, an electric arc suddenly flashed, and then an electric light struck Lin Ge!

Lin Ge did not panic at all, quickly took a step back, the overlord was already in a heart, stepped out, stopped in front of Lin Ge, and steadily withstood the arc.

And in this moment, Lin Ge finally saw the figure emerging from the beach!

It was an earthy yellow moray eel, about six meters long, with a fierce face, a smooth body, and a luster under the sun.

[Intermediate Extraordinary Beast: Demon

Electric Eel] [Race Level: Ranging from Level 40] [Growth Level: Level 20]

"Demon Electric Eel?"

Lin Ge spoke softly, it seemed that after this South Sea Sand Islands was rendered by the extraordinary power of the Deep Sea Demon Chapter, the extraordinary beasts on this island had mutated or evolved to a greater or lesser extent.

These extraordinary beasts are no longer mere fixed creatures.


The demon electric eel let out a whistle, as if to warn Lin Ge that this was his territory!

Lin Ge smiled lightly, and then said to the overlord: "Overlord! Longwei! The

overlord was naturally not used to it, and suddenly roared, and the extremely coercive dragon power was immediately released.

But he never thought that the demon electric eel was only slightly stunned, and then he still raised his head proudly!

Lin Ge was slightly surprised, and couldn't help but say: "It turns out that you still have an extraordinary will, no wonder you can occupy these Heavenly Golden Sands as your territory."

Lin Ge smiled indifferently: "But that's all."

"Overlord! Dragon Burn! "

The Overlord instantly spewed out ferocious dragon flame, and the scorching high temperature instantly rushed towards that demon electric eel!

And that demon electric eel obviously didn't expect it, slightly surprised, but in the end it was a level 20 extraordinary beast.

The demon electric eel immediately attacked, and the arcs above its body flickered, and the sound of Zila La sounded, and the electric light was staggered!


after that, an electromagnetic light was instantly released, centered on the Demon Electric Eel, spreading in all directions!

When the electromagnetic light spread, it actually isolated the dragon flame of the tyrannosaur.

[High-level electromagnetic field: After release, an electromagnetic force field will appear around to enhance the defense of the pet beast]

This is not over, after the spread of electric light, another thunder blatantly went towards the overlord, fast as lightning!

[High-level lightning lightning: Thunder and lightning are super high attack speed skills, almost no cast forward swing, and the damage is also very considerable. ]

Lin Ge was slightly surprised, and said in a loud voice: "It is worthy of being an existence that has been immersed in the extraordinary power of the Deep Sea Demon Chapter, and has awakened the skill of the electromagnetic field, and there is also a thunder flash."

Although these two skills of this demon electric eel are quite good, Lin Ge did not panic at all, wrapped his arms around him, and quietly waited for the result.

The overlord also paid no attention to it, raised his head slightly, and let the thunder flash fall on his body.

Zi -

Thunder Flash finally landed on the Overlord's body, well... Perfunctory.

Lin Ge felt slightly like laughing, the last thing the mechanical department was afraid of was the thunder and lightning department.

"Thunder and lightning skills are of little use to Overlord, come! Try your demonic moves! It

seemed that he also heard Lin Ge's provocation, and the demon electric eel roared violently, and the power belonging to the demon line gradually diffused out!

The demon electric eel twisted its huge body, and then suddenly glared at the overlord, and at that moment there seemed to be a demon phantom!

[High-level demon fury: Fear the opponent, put the opponent into a state of fear, and increase the next damage. Overlord...

Attribute resistance!

The overlord little paw scratched his stomach, and then said... That's it? Yes! That's it?!

Lin Ge immediately shook his head, and could only say, "Forget it, don't play." "

The mechanical department fights this extraordinary beast of the demon system and lightning system, which is simply crushing.

The attribute resistance is too terrifying, and it can't cause anything to the mechanical system at all.

"Overlord! Dragon Blessing! The

overlord raised his head slightly, as if bathed in the blessing of the divine dragon!

"Overlord! Roar of the Dragon! The

Overlord instantly roared towards that demon electric eel, and the dragon groaned, mixed with the deterrent power of the dragon power!

The demon electric eel immediately stood stunned in place, his expression was a little stiff, obviously shocked by the tyrannosaurus's dragon roar.

Lin Ge chased after the victory and waved with one arm: "Overlord!" Mechanical sword! "

It's time for my favorite slash again!

With a hook of the overlord's tail, he removed the mechanical sword from his back, and the two small severed hands held the hilt.

Immediately afterwards, without Lin Ge's order at all, a high-level super speed came to the Demon Electric Eel, and the Overlord Beast immediately swung down with a mechanical sword!

The Overlord made a handsome pose.

Lin Ge smiled slightly, all of them are excellent level intelligent god nets, how can they still be like a child.

The demon electric eel was cut in two by the mechanical sword, and its body was cut to the end, and the extraordinary power in its body gradually passed with death, returning to heaven and earth.

Lin Ge stepped on this golden sand, and the color of the golden sands these days really resembled gold.

"System! Collect Tianjin Sand! System

: "Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the mission 'Collect Celestial Sand Gold Vein'! Bite! Reward the host mechanical weapon forging and polishing method! The

mechanical voice of the system sounded, and the Tianjin Sand in front of Lin Ge began to dissipate rapidly, until it was finally taken away by the system.

A large pit was left above the place, and Lin Ge stood above the overlord's body.

Overlord bends and jumps! A jet propulsion jumped out of the crater perfectly.

The overlord looked back at the big pit, as if wondering where the sand had gone.

Lin Ge inquired about the system and said, "System, what is the bonus of using Tianjin Sand to polish mechanical weapons?" System

: "Ding! If you return to the host, after polishing with Tianjin Sand, the mechanical weapon's proficiency will increase a little in disguise. Hearing

the words of the system, Lin Ge bowed his head slightly, if he calculated it this way, then the value of the golden sands on this day was quite high.

Lin Ge stood on the shoulders of the overlord, looked around, and found that he had almost explored Dongsha Island.

So Lin Ge said softly again: "While Senior Gao has not finished dealing with it, I should be able to tour the other four islands." "

Zhongsha Island doesn't need to go for the time being, there is a seventy-level water demon octopus in that place.

So Lin Ge's goal is to focus on the rest, the three islands in the north and south.

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