National Blind Box Treasure Hunt, Starting At Sss Level

Chapter 96 The Punishment Of Destruction

In the end, the remaining Sakura pirates all chose to believe in Thor.

Only by believing in the God of Thunder can you be reborn!

Otherwise life would be worse than death, right?

The God of Thunder collected the points, and soon, the remaining Sakura pirates were all moved out of the window and turned into cokes by thunder!

"Hey, my strength is still very weak. If I were the master, these Japanese pirates should be able to be reduced to rubbish!" The God of Thunder shook his head, feeling that he still had a long way to go.

After dealing with the Sakura pirates, Thor was about to leave, but saw the group of exquisite beauties carefully selected by the Black Dragon Society kneeling in front of him.

"Lord Thor, please save us!"

"Lord Thor, please, don't abandon us!"

"Lord Thor, don't leave. If you leave, we will still be... captured!"

"Lord Thundergod..."

The God of Thunder glanced at the crowd expressionlessly and said calmly: "If God doesn't save us, everyone will save himself. If we don't save ourselves, God will not save us!"

After finishing speaking, he paused and then said: "I won't save you directly, but I will kill all the bad guys, and you have to work hard for the rest."

After saying that, the God of Thunder disappeared directly on the spot, still sighing in his heart. There is no pure woman with a score of 90 or above...

If so, the God of Thunder might as well rescue her directly and then send her back to the Demon City to her master, who would definitely give her a comfortable and comfortable environment.

Unfortunately, no, then there is nothing Thor can do.

After all, opportunities come to those who are prepared!

The God of Thunder teleported away from the King's Villa. There were hundreds of such villas in the entire No. 1 Villa.

Compared with the core Louwang Villa, although the other villas are not as perverted as Louwang Villa, there are also various crimes that occur.

In some villas, women are being abused!

In some villas, young boys are being abused!

In some villas, Chinese compatriots are being tortured!

In some villas, sinful undead experiments are being carried out...

But at this moment, the Sakura pirate minions and the Black Dragon Society boys in other villas already know what happened in the core villa, and are now pouring out of other villas towards the Louwang villa in the center of the community.

"Very good!" The God of Thunder was in a state of invisibility, standing on the top of the villa, watching the Japanese pirate minions and Black Dragon Society boys coming one after another, waiting for them to gather further.

Gather a little more together to prevent him from wasting his mental energy!

At this moment, on the outskirts of the villa area, several groups of civil society forces are lurking in hidden corners outside the courtyard wall of Villa No. 1, waiting for opportunities to try to sneak into the villa area and rescue their relatives and friends.

The Black Dragon Society is the dominant force in the Northeast, but that doesn't mean everyone will surrender to their power!

There are still many loners, or organizations with different ideas from the Black Dragon Society, operating in areas beyond the influence of the Black Dragon Society.

They will even sneak into the Black Dragon Society's control area, surge in the darkness, and dance on the tip of the knife!

It cannot be said that these people are benevolent and righteous and serve the country and the people, but at least they dare not agree with the Black Dragon Society's traitorous actions and persecuting their compatriots.

Most people actually have the mentality that I will not offend others unless they offend me. There are many people who really want to kill people for money, but they are not the mainstream.

This is why many people rush to the Black Dragon Society, wanting to be protected, because they don't want to fight at all, as long as they can live!

But the reality is very cruel. If you don’t want to fight, you can only become a victim of the times!

Only by having the courage to fight can you survive, live long and live well!

Fighting with the earth is endless fun, fighting with heaven is endless fun, fighting with people is endless fun!

At this moment, Thor looked at the people coming from all directions, and the expression on his face became even more indifferent.

After these people arrived tens of meters away from King Lou's villa, their running speed became slower and slower, as if they had entered a slow-motion world.

Moreover, the closer you get to Lou Wang Villa, the slower the speed becomes. This gives people in the distance more time to get closer to Lou Wang Villa and gather more people.

In just a few minutes, hundreds of people gathered within a few dozen meters of Lou Wang's villa. Most of these people were minions of the Black Dragon Society, and a small number were Japanese pirates from Sakura Island.

The person running at the front was the first to notice that his movements were getting slower and slower, and he couldn't help but have a look of horror on his face.

They wanted to retreat, but more and more people came from all directions, blocking their retreat!

Not only were they unable to retreat, but they were dragged closer to Lou Wang's villa by the crowd!

"Baga! Stop crowding!"

"Don't be too crowded, there's something unusual ahead!"

"Back off! Back off! Back off! Why don't you just step back!"

"We can't retreat. There are more and more people behind us. We can't retreat!"

"Baga! These stupid pigs! They are all dead..."

The God of Thunder looked at the chaotic crowd on the ground with a joking look on his face. It was like the Yangtze River where the waves behind pushed the waves ahead, and the waves ahead were lying on the beach.

However, it is still difficult for them to trample each other to death!

As a result, the God of Thunder appeared directly, without saying a word, and directly began to summon a large-scale thunder and lightning skill-World-Destroying Heavenly Punishment!

What was originally a bright and sunny day suddenly became overcast, and the dark clouds were very low, as if they were hundreds of meters above everyone's heads.

There was even a distinct sound of thunder among the dark clouds.

"Rumble, rumble..."

In just a few seconds, the dark clouds darkened and thickened visibly to the naked eye, and the sound of thunder became more and more deafening, while the "World-Destroying Heavenly Punishment" continued to accumulate energy!

Only with sufficient energy can we unleash a "heavenly punishment" that can destroy the world!

The Sakura pirates and Black Dragon Society minions on the ground were also shocked by the sudden appearance of the God of Thunder and the dense thunder clouds!

"Baga, who is this guy?"

"What a powerful energy. He should be the murderer of Master Mitsui!"

"Damn! He's too strong. We are no match for him! Everyone, run away!"

"Baga, stop crowding, retreat quickly, retreat..."

However, under the dual control of time deceleration and space blockade, none of these Sakura pirates and Black Dragon Society minions can escape!

At least, don't think about running away in a short time!

And this short time is enough for Thor to prepare.

After a minute of preparation, the dark clouds in the sky were as solid as ink, and electric snakes danced wildly in the dark clouds, seemingly out of control!

But at this moment, Thor moved!

He suddenly waved his hand, and those densely packed electric snakes in the dark clouds, as if they had been ordered, rushed out in an instant!


The entire area of ​​100 meters around Lou Wang's villa was shrouded in dense lightning!

One hit!

Stop with one hit!

In just one second, there were hundreds of charred corpses surrounding Lou Wang's villa, with black smoke rising faintly...


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