National Blind Box Treasure Hunt, Starting At Sss Level

Chapter 97 The Black Dragon Society Is Destroyed And The Thunder Temple Rises

Hundreds of charred corpses mean hundreds of Sakura pirates and Black Dragon Society minions.

Even the minions of the Black Dragon Society, all of whom were middle-level and high-level minions, were all killed at this moment, following closely behind their president.

There are also some Sakura Japanese pirates and Black Dragon Society minions who are far away. Because their status is not high enough and they live far away, they are lucky enough not to enter the attack range of the "World-Destroying Heavenly Punishment", and they are lucky enough to save a small life.

These Low Level Japanese pirates and mid-Low Level gangsters were so frightened by the spectacular scene of "Destruction of the World" that some of them almost wet their pants.

After they reacted, they immediately turned around and ran away in all directions!


It’s so scary!

In just one moment, the middle and high-level leaders of the Sakura Japanese Pioneer Group and the Black Dragon Society were almost wiped out!

This person who calls himself the God of Thunder is too cruel!

He is simply a murderous devil!


Must run!

You will definitely not survive if you stay here!

While the Sakura Japanese pirates and the remnants of the Black Dragon Society ran away, the non-governmental organizations hidden outside the walls of Villa No. 1 were also petrified at this moment!

When they were about to run away, they saw that the man who had just summoned the rolling thunder appeared in the mid-air above their heads, looking down on them like a god from above.

"Who are you?" Thor asked expressionlessly.

"Lord Thor, we are not from the Black Dragon Society! We are not bad people! We are from the Northeast Civil Mutual Aid Group! We are here to rescue our friends!" The middle-aged man at the head said quickly: "I am from the Northeast Civil Mutual Aid Group. Leader, my name is Lei Hui!"

"Lei Hui?" The God of Thunder nodded: "What a name!"

Lei Hui scratched his head and didn't know why it was a good name. Could it be that he had the same surname as Thor, so it was a good name? This Thor is a bit too casual.

"Thank you, Lord Thundergod. Can you please Lord Thundergod let us rescue our friends?" Lei Hui begged.

Thor didn't answer, but just asked: "Tell me about your power level, power characteristics, and personal attributes!"

"Uh...yes, Lord Thunder God!" Lei Hui said: "I am an S Level Martial Artist. I am characterized by strong strength, fast speed, both internal and external skills, and both offense and defense. The disadvantage is that the attack range is short and requires Close combat! Personal attributes are 1209 points for strength, 1123 points for constitution, 905 points for agility, and 558 points for spirit!"

S Level Martial Artist, two attribute values ​​exceed 1,000, which is not bad!

While asking Lei Shen, he also turned on the "Eye of Truth", which allowed him to clearly see Lei Hui's abilities and attributes. The main reason why he asked Lei Hui was to see if he was honest or not.

The experiment proved that this Lei Hui was really honest and honestly reported his true attributes.

Thor looked at himself, and all four attributes exceeded 10,000...

He nodded and asked: "How many people are there in your Northeast Civil Mutual Aid Group? How strong is it?"

"There are more than 300 of us, including me at S level, six at A level, more than 30 at B level, and the rest are all at C level and below, and there are even ordinary civilians with no powers! "Lei Hui said.

When Thunder God heard this, he couldn't help but frown.

Upon seeing this, Lei Hui immediately explained: "These civilians are our parents, children, relatives, and close friends, so we cannot abandon them! Otherwise, our conscience will be uneasy, and even if we live, it will be meaningless!"

"It doesn't matter! I respect your choice!" Thunder God said: "I saved your family and friends. Now, how about you all join me?"

Lei Hui frowned, thought about it seriously, exchanged opinions with a group of "mutual aid association executives" around him, and then said: "Lord Lei Shen, I want to know the name of your organization and its purpose!"

"The name...Thunder Temple!" The God of Thunder made up a name on the spot: "The drive out evil spirits, restore China, create a prosperous age, and continue civilization!"

The Thunder God's Temple is all made up now, and the purpose of the Thunder God's Hall must also be made up now!

Well, from now on, the Black Dragon will be destroyed and the Thunder Temple will rise!


"Exorcise evil spirits and restore China!"

"Create a prosperous age and continue civilization!"

"Lord Thor, you are worthy of being the third-largest Transcendent Level master in the strength list! No matter the concept or the layout, everyone is admirable!"

"China is really lucky to have a hero like Lord Thunder God!"

"God bless the Northeast! God bless China!"

"Lord Thunder God, we have unanimously decided to join the Thunder God Temple!"

"Okay!" Upon hearing this, the God of Thunder just nodded slightly: "Lei Hui, I appoint you as the Heavenly King on the left side of the Thunder Temple. All A Level superpowers under your command will be named King Kong, and all B Level superpowers will be named protectors. Those with C-Level abilities are designated as deacons, and everyone below C-Level is a member. Everyone under your command is still managed by you! Do you have any objections?"

"Lord Thor, we have no objection!" Lei Hui replied.

"Okay, now that you have entered my Thunder Temple, just call me the Lord of the Temple from now on!" The Thunder God said calmly.

"Yes, Palace Master!"

The God of Thunder nodded and continued: "Join my Thunder God Temple. Different levels will have different benefits. You are responsible for calculating the expected benefits of the superpowers at each level. Send it to me after you finish it!"

"Now, I have two tasks for you. The first is to wipe out the Sakura Japanese pirates in No. 1 Huashu and the remaining forces of the Black Dragon Society. The second is to widely recruit like-minded people and gather extensive joint efforts to strengthen the power of our Thunder God Temple. At the same time, Continue to eliminate the Sakura Japanese pirates and the forces of the Black Dragon Society in the Northeast!"

"Yes, Palace Master!"

"If there is anyone worth winning over, you can introduce it to me directly! If you encounter a strong enemy and cannot win, you can also call me directly and I will handle it!"

"Okay, thank you, Master!" Lei Hui said: "I happen to know an S Level master. He also united a group of superpowers to fight against the Sakura Japanese pirates and the Black Dragon Society. I wanted to form an alliance with her, but it's a pity that she is You are so arrogant that you look down on me at all! Hey..."

"But if the palace master goes there in person, she will definitely fall at his knees!"

"Oh?" Thor became slightly interested and continued to ask, "Who is he? Tell me."

"Her name is Lu Manxi. She is an S Level cultivator. She is at the same level. This cultivator really beat us as a Martial Artist!" Lei Hui covered his face, as if remembering an embarrassing experience.

But he quickly shook his head and continued: "She organized and established an organization called the Women's Group, and named herself the leader, specializing in taking in women! She seems to be biased against men, and has a very indifferent attitude towards us, so she is My proposal for an alliance was scoffed at! It’s really frustrating!”


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