National Expedition: Save the Immortal Cultivation World

Chapter 102: Exploring the poisonous circle again (additional update 1013 for the alliance leader to

"Is this the way to Cangwu City? Woohoo, it's not easy. I want to go to Cangwu City!"

"Free, free, I can finally leave this hellish place."

"Let's form a team. Who will form a team with me?"

"I am Yang Wu from P City University. Do you have any classmates from P City University? We can form a land reclamation team!"

"What a waste! Go to Cangwu City quickly. You have three months to grow this time. Hurry up and work to make money and grow. If you go late, you won't be able to get a job."

There was no movement from the senior trialists, but there was already a huge noise from the newcomers.

I saw a huge crowd pouring onto the spacious official road, laughing and happy.

As for newcomers coming over and bowing down, asking for protection from the boss, that doesn't exist at all.

This new generation has very hard bones.

They simply regarded this as a real-life cultivation game.

Of course, the senior trialists are not much better, and there may be some team leaders like Zhou Wu who want to have a three-party meeting, an aura crushing, a verbal exchange, and so on.

But at this moment, in front of Cangwu City, which has opened the passage, it is nothing. They also want to go to Cangwu City to develop a wave.

Because it is certain that with the birth of the ancient demon, there will definitely be a large-scale siege in three months.

And they still need to participate in the battle to defend the city.

And it’s definitely still impossible to hold on, but at least I can hold on for a while and get more rewards.

They don't want to make the same mistake they made in Floating Cloud City again.

By the time Wei Cheng came to his senses, only a few dozen people were left here. The rest were all running towards Cangwu City, and even the senior trialists were running faster.

Yang Yufeng, the lonely man who had looked pitiful before and asked to be taken in, had already run ahead. With his speed, he would reach Cangwu City very quickly.

"Old Wei, shall we go to Cangwu City too?"

Xu Shan asked at this time, she also looked expectant.

Who can not look forward to it, Wei Cheng is no exception, but at this moment, he is very calm.

Of course, going to Cangwu City now is a good choice. If you are lucky, you will definitely get a good opportunity in Cangwu City. Three months is a lot of development time. Maybe everyone will be Jiujiazi by then.

But the more this happens, the more it means that Cangwu City cannot be defended.

He had to find a way to obtain more resources, such as the magical crystals dropped by the flaming bird.

"I want to take another trip to the drug circle."

After Wei Cheng thought carefully for a while, he made a decision.

"But boss, the poisonous circle is too dangerous. Entering now is almost like facing the fifth wave of shadow curse. The power has been increased to 200%."

Cheng An was surprised and said that the poisonous circle had left too many shadows on him before, and now he is scared just thinking about it, and he was not a very determined person.

"Old Wei, I'll go with you. I'm Zixia from Qijiazi now, and I'm about to perfect the Wandering Dragon Palm technique, so I shouldn't be too much of a hindrance to you." Liu Sui said without hesitation.

Xu Shan immediately glared at Liu Sui, and then said helplessly: "Well, husband and wife are birds of the same forest. When disaster strikes, we fly together, and I am one of them."

"Go together, go together! Only extraordinary people can do extraordinary things!" Yu Liang laughed, he was always fearless and very open-minded.

"Well, he can be considered an old man. As a post-80s generation, even though I have been photographed on the beach for too long, I am still fearless! I can't embarrass the post-80s generation. Old age makes you stronger, old age makes you stronger, old age never dies, old age is unfair. "My old bones are hard and strong——"

Mei Renli speaks strange words that no one understands. The post-80s generation of the last century is really too far away.

"Then-then I'll go too."

Cheng An grimaced and smiled bitterly. He really didn't want to go, but compared to his fear, he still felt that he had to persevere on some things.

"Okay, then get ready to go."

Wei Cheng looked around and saw that there were many people who had the same idea as him, especially the senior trialists from District B13. There was actually a team of thirty people who stayed and dived in without saying a word. Poisonous circle.

Of course, this group of people is indeed powerful. There are five Jiujiazi moving mountains, four Jiujiazi Lingyan, two Qijiazi Zixia, and one Sanjiazi Qingmu. Among the rest, there are 12 Eight Jiazis moving mountains and six Eight Jiazis. Ling Yan.

Extremely luxurious.

But it also seems to have been pinched out from District C13.

In District B15, there are also two teams left, each with about ten people, and both are very strong.

Xu Shan also wanted to say hello to the other party in a familiar manner, but the other party was indifferent and quickly entered the poisonous circle, with a master's aura throughout the whole process.

"In comparison, our district Bing-14 is the worst. That guy Zhou Wu doesn't even have the courage to enter the poisonous circle again. He's really an embarrassment to me!"

Xu Shan was so angry that she cursed. Since she was a child, she has been good at studying, beautiful, eloquent, and good at both business and intelligence. She has always been a happy little fairy wherever she goes. But now, for the first time in her life, she has hit a wall. Fruitful disregard.


"Let's go!"

Wei Cheng turned around and looked at the black mist behind the sword mark. It was like a river of rolling sand. As soon as he got closer, a sinister and strange aura rushed towards him. A river of blood rolled into Wei Cheng's mind. A horrific scene with heads and corpses everywhere.

With his mental strength being like this, one can imagine how others would feel.

However, when he sensed it carefully, he felt that the black mist was a bit strange, like a living thing, not just a shadow curse.

Because the curse of the shadow only lasts for more than ten seconds, and then disappears without a trace, it is truly invisible and colorless.

But this is not the case with the black mist.

"Old Wei, is there anything strange about this black mist?"

"I don't know, but please try not to get involved in this stuff."

Wei Cheng said in a deep voice that you must be extremely cautious when entering the poisonous circle. Even though the three teams of Bing Thirteen and Bing Fifteen did not see anything wrong after they entered the black mist.

"I'll open the way, you follow closely. Don't look around, let alone have random thoughts. Especially if you, Cheng An, are uneasy, you might as well go to Cangwu City. Have you forgotten Sister Zhao's lesson? "

Wei Cheng shouted, his mental power could sense the uneasiness in Cheng An's heart, this was a taboo, as he could be affected by the Shadow Curse anytime and anywhere.

I remember that in the sixth level, it was Cheng An who couldn't bear it first. His cultivation qualifications were good, but his mental quality still needed to be sharpened.

Before he even started to enter the poisonous circle, his condition was already extremely tense.

"Boss, I——"

Cheng An's face turned pale. Of course he had not forgotten how Sister Zhao died.

However, he couldn't just leave his companions behind, he still wanted to lose face——

"There is no need to force it. Going to Cangwu City is actually a choice to ensure harvest in droughts and floods. Three months of development time is enough for you to break through Jiujiazi. And if we fail to explore the poisonous circle, we have to go to Cangwu City to develop. You can do it for us first Explore the way.”

Wei Cheng suddenly softened his tone and comforted him with a smile.

In Cheng An's case, he really didn't recommend it.

As early as during the defense battle of Fuyun City, Cheng An retreated once. Although it was not a betrayal, to him, it was like a demon in his heart. It had become a hurdle that he could not overcome. If he could not break through, , no one can help him.

"Then - well, boss, Yu Liang, Liu Sui, Lao Mei, Xu Shan, you must be careful. If you encounter a BOSS that you cannot defeat, quickly retreat."

Cheng An finally wavered.

Wei Cheng smiled slightly, turned around to face the black mist with snarling teeth and claws in front of him, and slowly circulated his inner strength.

It was slow at first, but in the blink of an eye it surged forward. The visualization diagram of moving mountains was activated instantly, and then it formed the sound of dragons and tigers roaring on the top of the mountains, and even set off huge waves to the sky. Such momentum gathered in one place, and the next moment, his tongue Spring thunder blooms.


As soon as the roar came out, within a hundred meters around him, an illusion of mountains covering the sky and the earth was formed.

There is also a big river roaring like a dragon. All people within this range have a desperate feeling of facing the river directly and being suppressed by the mountains. They can't breathe and can't think. Everywhere in their bodies, even their The internal energy is stagnant and frozen!

But, in fact, what they endured was just the aftermath!

Weicheng's roar really showed its power and spread out in a 100-meter-wide fan-shaped area directly in front.

The black fog that was originally baring its teeth and claws was directly shaken and destroyed by this roar. The black fog within an entire area of ​​several hundred meters was dispelled, and the weird aura disappeared without a trace.


This black mist seemed to be a living thing. Even though Wei Cheng roared and dispersed hundreds of meters of space, it squirmed again and quickly closed up in just ten seconds.

But Wei Cheng did not hesitate and once again used his inner strength to move mountains and opened the way with his roar, not giving the black mist a chance to get closer.

"Boss Wei, does this consume too much internal energy? I think if we turn on the golden bell shield and continuously circulate the internal energy, it will be enough to resist this black mist. Although this thing looks weird, it doesn't seem like the Shadow Curse."

Mei Renli suggested at this time.

Now, he and Yu Liang can also activate the visualization diagram of moving mountains, circulate the internal force of moving mountains, and form huge thunder waves.

But the price is not small. Even if they have been able to move mountains for eight years, completed two fine-tunings, mastered the second level of the mental method of moving mountains, and actually have the internal strength of twenty-five years, they still cannot withstand such consumption.

"It doesn't matter, I know it well."

Wei Cheng was surprisingly calm, because the roar that Yu Liang and Mei Renli used to open the way, which seemed to consume a lot, was really insignificant to him.

With his current total internal strength, he can roar a thousand miles in one breath.

As for the confidence to do so, of course it was because he chose to improve the quality of his internal strength during the two fine-tunings.

Coupled with the advantages brought by the second level of the mountain-moving mental method.

As well as the benefits borrowed from the Aoki Heart Technique, and the bonus brought by facing the fourth wave of shadow curse.

But in addition to the above, the most important thing is that the mountain-moving visualization diagram has deepened the details to 95%.

Other people who move mountains may have to work hard to roar, but he only needs to release the visualization diagram of moving mountains, and rely on the aftermath of the internal force of moving mountains to naturally form the power of the roar.

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