After traveling forward for more than fifty miles, Wei Cheng suddenly felt a hot breath coming quickly, followed by a violent hurricane.

"Everyone, be careful!"

As Wei Cheng waved his hand, strange talismans appeared quickly. They were five immovable golden bells, holding himself, Liu Sui, Xu Shan, Yu Liang, and Mei Renli inside.

At this time, Yu Liang and Mei Renli had just begun to unite and move the golden bell.

too slow!

Almost at the same time, the terrifying hurricane seemed to tear a huge hole in the sky and the earth, blowing away sand and rocks. Hundreds of kilograms of large rocks were flying in the air like ping pong balls, smashing even the immovable golden bell. There's a bang.

But the five immovable golden bells in Weicheng are obviously better than before. The golden light shines brightly on them, and the towering mountains can be vaguely seen, standing still.

It wasn't until a few minutes later that the hurricane dissipated, and the black fog that had filled fifty miles disappeared without a trace. The five immovable golden clocks also had a slightly dim golden light, without even a crack.

Wei Cheng calmly took back the five immovable golden bells, and the internal energy used to move mountains was still minimal.

Regarding this scene, Liu Sui and Xu Shan were relatively calm, but Yu Liang and Mei Renli were so envious that their eyes almost popped out of their heads.

"Boss, could this be the benefit of your choice to improve the quality of your internal energy?"

"So be it."

Wei Cheng nodded. In fact, the real credit lies in the in-depth refinement of the mountain-moving visualization diagram.

"Old Wei, have we walked through this place before? It feels like the topography has completely changed."

Xu Shan said at this time that without the black fog, they could see clearly, but for some reason, after seeing more clearly, they felt more uneasy.

Especially when they look back, there is no trace of where they came from.

No, they even lost their sense of direction.

"Meditate! Stop thinking!"

Wei Cheng suddenly roared, the sound was like thunder, which shocked several people's brains and shook their bodies. However, when they recovered and looked around again, they were almost frightened into chaos again.

But what he saw in front of him was no longer a desolate area, but a cliff. Under the cliff was a boiling magma river about several hundred meters wide. On the other side of the magma river was a towering mountain.

When did they get here?

Why does the terrain change so much?

Only Wei Cheng is calm about this. This is the terrain change that occurred after the fourth wave of the Shadow Curse. It is probably also related to the mission of the P-headed legion in the underground world of the ruins of Fuyun City.

"Everyone, be careful, here -"

Wei Cheng was about to remind him, but before he could finish his words, he heard a roar.

In the magma sea, a magma giant that was more than fifty meters tall suddenly stood up, then squatted slightly, and with one leap, it brought thousands of tons of magma into the sky and stepped down towards their location.

If this was stepped on, they would probably turn into little meat patties immediately.


Wei Cheng didn't dare to resist, so he held Yu Liang's hands on his left and right, while Mei Renli ran back.

As for Liu Sui, he was picked up by Xu Shan and jumped hundreds of meters away in an instant. There was no other way, no comparison.


The huge feet of the magma giant landed on the ground, and the mudslide-like magma instantly turned into a set of thick, hard flame armor, and part of the magma turned into a flaming sword that was thirty meters long and more than ten meters thick.

But that's not all.

Because this magma giant held a flaming sword in one hand, and the other hand burning with blazing flames was aimed at the magma sea behind him.

I don't know what it did, but the large amount of magma was sucked into its hands like a dragon sucking water. In an instant, it turned into a big fireball with a diameter of three to four meters, and was thrown at Wei Cheng and the others.

It's fast, accurate and really big.

It even broke the sound barrier!

I'm rough!

What kind of monster is this?

Wei Cheng was startled. At this time, he couldn't hide at all, let alone dared to hide. Yu Liang and Mei Renli were really a burden to them.


Using his strength to throw the two of them away, Wei Cheng took a step back, quickly forming seals with his hands, his mental power flowing, and layers of golden talismans flashed in his eyes.


Around him, a series of immovable golden talismans were formed like a flowing stream, as many as fifteen.

That’s really what I said: fast, abundant, and good.

And almost the next moment, the fireball hit Wei Cheng, directly submerging him, and the immovable golden bell around him was like a bubble toy in a child's hand, puff puff puff puff puff puff puff!

Eight of them exploded in an instant, and it was not until the ninth Immovable Golden Bell that it finally resisted the fireball.

It turned out to be nothing more than that.

Wei Cheng sneered in his heart, but did not dare to be careless. In his eyes, the golden talisman kept flashing, and he maintained the fifteen immovable golden talismans anytime and anywhere. He released them instantly when needed and dispersed when not needed.

As expected, the magma giant still has some tricks up his sleeve.

Wei Cheng just jumped out of the hot magma. The magma giant over there had spread its dragon to absorb water again, and the second huge magma fireball broke through the air.

What's even more terrible is that after throwing the magma giant, he actually held a flaming sword and charged at full speed.

In fact, it’s just one step.

Because it's too fast, it's like a combo.

This scene scared Xu Shan, who was fleeing far away, into screaming, and Yu Liang and Mei Renli were frightened out of their wits.

The magma giant, which is more than fifty meters high, is really impactful.

They wanted to rescue, but the disparity in strength between the two sides was too great. Moreover, they were still within the shock wave of the fireball explosion. The magma giant rushed too fast and it was really too late.


Xu Shan screamed again, but Liu Sui suddenly turned around and fought back, like a purple whirlwind!

But it's still too late.

The second fireball flooded Wei Cheng again in an instant, followed by the flaming sword that cut off his head.

Incredibly fast.

Wei Cheng must die!

However, everyone suddenly heard the sound of roaring river water.

Mountains appeared one after another, with a radius of several hundred meters. A large river flowed down around the mountains, with great momentum.

A ray of golden light seemed to be the sun rising in the east.

A sound sounded, like water flowing or mountain wind.

And the sword that the flame giant slashed with all its strength seemed to become insignificant under the influence of this power, and even went out and disappeared.

It can no longer cause even a little bit of harm to Wei Cheng.

This is when he unleashed his ultimate trump card at this extremely fatal and dangerous moment - the indisputable way.

He didn't dare to release the ultimate form of Immovable Golden Bell because he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to withstand the sword.

Facts have proved that his judgment was correct.

This sword is so powerful that almost no force can confront it head-on except for the Indisputable Way.

Fortunately, after the in-depth refinement of the mountain-moving visualization has reached 95%, the power of the Indisputable Way is unimaginable. It can actually directly introduce the power of a sword into the illusion of mountains and into the momentum of the river.

Relying on the power of mountains and rivers, it was resolved silently.

"Liu Sui!"

Wei Cheng roared wildly at this moment, and then he suddenly activated the ultimate form of the Immovable Golden Bell and buckled the flame giant into it.

But the flame giant is so big that even in its ultimate form, the Immovable Golden Bell can only be buckled down to its waist and restrained for a second.

That's right, in just one second, the immovable golden bell in its ultimate form was directly blasted to pieces.

However, for Liu Sui, who was rushing towards him, this second was Wei Cheng's lifeline. He was able to kill the Immovable Golden Bell at the moment it shattered!

Suddenly a high-pitched dragon roar was heard!

Liu Sui's entire body was wrapped in purple clouds, and the countless purple palm shadows all over the sky were like dragon scales that turned into dragons. Finally, in an instant, they hit the chest of the flame giant heavily.

This is a big move similar to the Immovable Golden Bell that Liu Sui mastered after mastering the sixth, seventh, and eighth levels of the Youlong Palm Technique.

The power is more than ten times stronger than the ordinary Dragon Palm technique.

So even though this flame giant is wearing thick, hard flame armor!

Even though this flame giant has extremely high defense and a huge physique.

However, at this moment, Liu Sui was knocked away by Liu Sui's full-out Dragon Palm Technique. The flame armor on his chest exploded, and his huge chest was dented by a full five to six meters.

However, the flame giant only took four or five steps back in a row, its body was shaky, but it did not fall in the end. It was not killed yet!

He can even slap Liu Sui away with a slap.

But at this moment, a gust of wind passed by, a cold light flashed, and Xu Shan's lightning rushed forward, directly piercing the eyes of the flame giant, and extremely pure golden flames flowed out, like blood.


The flame giant let out an earth-shattering roar and slapped it, but Xu Shan, as the Lingyan of Bajianzi, such an attack was really too slow for her.

A ladder cloud talisman spread out in mid-air. She stepped on it and succeeded in an instant by leveraging the force. With Lingyan's internal strength, she circled around the flame giant's head.

The next second, another knife pierced the other eye of the flame giant.

Xu Shan seems to have found her fighting rhythm and her confidence as a Lingyan professional.

But just as she was about to launch a sharper and more agile attack on the flame giant, the golden flame flowing from the flame giant's eyes burst into flames and burned out hundreds of meters.

Even though Xu Shan was instantly alert, she was still a step too late and was directly burned into a flaming man.

Just as they were about to turn into charcoal, the two immovable golden bells were thrown quickly, but Yu Liang and Mei Renli turned back and rescued Xu Shan and the seriously injured Liu Sui.

But that's all they can do.

At this moment, the flame giant was surrounded by golden flames. Even if they stumbled and were seriously injured, they did not have the strength to rush over.

Or even if they risked everything and rushed over, it would be useless, because at the next moment, the flame giant turned its back to the cliff, fell backwards, and fell.

Below is the river of lava, which will quickly recover.

Mad, you can't beat him and you want to escape?

When did these monsters become so cunning?

Yu Liang and Mei Renzhi cursed in their hearts, but there was nothing they could do.

But at this moment, they seemed to notice a wisp of breeze blowing by. They looked up and saw nothing.

When he turned back, he saw Wei Cheng's figure appearing hundreds of meters away at some point, following the flame giant, leaping down with an indescribable agility.

I'm rough!

At this moment, both Yu Liang and Mei Renli were at a loss of brains.

What's happening here?

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