National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 983 Listed Company

"Don't bluff me. When I was bluffing, you were still peeing in the mud!" Lao Pu slammed the table with his handcuffed hands, exerting all his strength, wishing he could pull out the chair.

The interrogating policeman chuckled: "Don't be anxious, Lao Pu. Your character will be ruined if you look like this."

"Don't you want to see how I behave in society? This is how I behave in society." Lao Pu was as angry as a agouti, with his eyes about to burst out.

"You are angry because I was right." The interrogation police officer did not expect it to be so simple. He originally thought it would be a tough battle, but in retrospect, Jiang Yuan had already laid the foundation for it, and Lao Pu faced the death penalty. When threatening, his mood was not as stable as he had shown before.

Lao Pu began to rock the chair, move his buttocks, and struggled to escape from the restraints.

Of course it’s fruitless.

The interrogating policeman waited quietly. When he had vented enough, he said coldly: "Enough is enough, let's continue the interrogation."

Lao Pu whispered: "What you said about tool marks and so on is all nonsense..."

"Do you know why we didn't catch you back then?" the interrogating policeman suddenly asked.


This question was so critical that Lao Pu naturally wanted to know, so he was immediately controlled.

The interrogating policeman and the policeman next to him looked at each other and smiled. Normally, the police will not reveal too much information to the suspect, and may not even reveal any information at all. They will not even tell you why they arrested you, but will let you keep explaining, so that the person who catches you will be arrested. There are also people who go back with a group of ducks.

However, Lao Pu is different. He is a veteran of the world, and he is not the kind of veteran who always struggles at the bottom. He is a veteran who has really made money and made a fortune.

As we all know, the most difficult thing in the world is to put your thoughts into other people's heads and put other people's money into your pocket.

Those who can make money in an industry, especially those who make big money, must at least have a fair understanding of the industry.

As Lao Pu himself said, it is still difficult to bluff him.

This is when we need the real thing, when we need to get evidence.

The interrogating policeman is not Jiang Yuan's kind of policeman who arrests three people an hour. His most important task now is to interrogate Lao Pu. It doesn't matter how many days he spends. Therefore, he was well prepared and said: "We didn't catch you back then." , but the direction of the investigation was wrong. I did not expect that the victim was stabbed to death because of the rental issue of the underlying business. He was more concerned with the distribution and inheritance of property, as well as his former enemies..."

The interrogating policeman smiled and explained in detail: "The rent is based on the market price. Later, I rented it to your boss, which is also considered the market price. And the victim himself is a relatively unruly person. He has thousands of square meters of ground floor business in his name." , it’s not that clean. According to the principle that whoever makes the most profit is the most likely to be the murderer, we went around in a big circle and failed to solve the case. "

The victim's several thousand square meters of ground floor business was a business in the capital. Even 18 years ago, it was still a wealth that was difficult for ordinary people to possess. Coupled with other properties, as well as the competition between his business partners and family members, the victim The police shifted their focus.

The police at the time did not expect that the murderer turned out to be a prospective tenant who wanted to rent these basement businesses.

The investigation went in the wrong direction, and the case was naturally not solved.

When the interrogating policeman said this, he looked at Lao Pu and said with a smile: "But now that we have found you, we are just watching you to investigate this case. What do you think the result will be?"

Lao Pu pretended to be calm and said: "I don't know how you want to wrongly accuse me, but the case happened so many years ago. You can't just tell me what it is."

"That knife of yours is actually quite famous." The interrogating policeman first said, "You really like it, right? You probably threw it away because your boss asked you to."

Lao Pu had a sullen face and said nothing.

The interrogating policeman smiled and said, "Look, you used that knife to commit three injuries and one homicide. You said you didn't commit the murder, and the victim couldn't come forward to testify. But these three injuries The victims of the crime are all alive. If you take your photo, they will recognize it!"

The interrogating policeman clapped his fingers and said, "Did you lend your famous sword to someone else to use?"

Lao Pu said nothing. He was an old criminal, and he immediately discovered the hole dug by the interrogating police. If he admits to lending it to others, he will first admit to three crimes of injury, and there may be serious injuries in between.

For the rest, whoever you lend it to must make it clear. It is useless to point fingers at any one person without predetermining the culpability.

For the criminal police, if you want to identify the other person who borrowed the knife, you have to tell the time, place, and reason for borrowing the knife. When the police catch the other person later, they will ask the same questions. If not, then someone must have lied.

When male and female friends quarrel, the quarrel is often unclear because no one records the quarrel, and no voice recorder or video equipment is used. Otherwise, if we follow the interrogation model, there will always be a winner.

Interrogations abroad are actually similar, so lawyers will remind clients to "don't say a word."

In China, unless the criminal police ends the interrogation, the lawyer will not be able to see the person.

Lao Pu relied on experience to resist the interrogation.

The detective sitting opposite him smiled through the iron-barred window, then knocked on the table and said, "You don't shed tears until you see the coffin. What more can I tell you?"

"Please." Lao Pu already felt that things were not going well, but he still wanted to hear what evidence the police had.

He was thinking that the knife had been disposed of. He was young and ignorant back then, and he finally got a good Nepalese knife, so he couldn't bear to throw it away after using it.

Of course, he finally threw away the knife after killing someone with it. As for why he didn't change the knife when he killed someone, it was a murder, so he naturally had to use the most convenient weapon!

18 years ago, Lao Pu was living a life of uncertainty, and he never thought that he would be able to get clean later.


The interrogating police slapped the document and said, "Lao Pu, do you still remember the boasting you made back then?"

Lao Pu was startled and said in an instant, "Boasting is not true."

"Some of the boasting in prison is quite true." The interrogating police paused, "The key is that some people still remember it very clearly, and the details match the on-site investigation. The police didn't announce these to the public!"

On-site testimony is a very important part of criminal cases and an important means to avoid false and wrongful convictions.

Tortured and forced to confess, you ask him to identify the scene, but he can't identify it. If he can't explain the details clearly, the death penalty review will not pass, and it will be difficult for the suspect to send himself away.

From another perspective, if someone's bragging is consistent with the real details of the scene, then this person is worthy of suspicion.

And bragging in prison is an indispensable stage of prison life.

Lao Pu was silent again.

"Also, do you remember the driver who picked you up that day?" The interrogating criminal police mentioned another key person.

This time, Lao Pu couldn't hold it anymore and repeated: "Are you kidding me?"

"What are you kidding? Your boss's driver, nicknamed Run Corpse, right? He has committed many crimes. After being arrested by Jiang Shen, he also gave you up in order to make merit." The interrogating police said it easily.

This evidence is actually not strong enough, because Run Corpse did not see the murder scene. He just stopped at the agreed location and drove away after Lao Pu got in the car.

However, put together with the previous evidence, Lao Pu's room for maneuver is very small.

"What do you want?" Old Pu was a little overwhelmed.

The interrogating police officer simply said: "Your boss."

"Think about it carefully. My boss is the boss of a listed company." Old Pu stared at the other party. He was not afraid of giving up his boss, he was afraid that if he gave up his boss, his boss would be fine.

The interrogating police officer said affirmatively: "What we want is the listed company!"

"Give me a cigarette." Old Pu said the classic saying in the interrogation. In the world of criminal police and criminals, "give me a cigarette" is as common as "I'm going to take a shower" in the world of adult men and women.


The interrogating police officer opened the iron door and came in to light a cigarette for Old Pu.

Old Pu took a puff, and then another puff, and spit it out after holding it for a long time, saying: "I want to see Jiang Shen, I will only confess to Jiang Yuan."

"Jiang Yuan's main job is forensic medicine, and he is not a policeman from the Zhengguang Bureau..." The interrogating police officer said casually.

Old Pu shook his head firmly and said: "I know Jiang Yuan has killed a listed company and was unscathed. I don't believe you!"

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