National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 982 I Want Your Boss

Wind blows.

The dark clouds in the sky were moving rapidly, like the accelerating scene of a movie, indicating that the bad weather was about to leave, and the once clear skies were about to return to the sky.

The vehicles on the street also speed up unconsciously, as if echoing the sky.

Only when you lower your eyes and look at the ground floor, can you see the frowns, annoyed looks, helpless sighs on the faces of pedestrians who are walking slowly, and those who are running wildly against the wind, even if their skirts are lifted. A silhouette that can't run very far.

A Ford Transit-modified prison van was parked steadily in front of the police station.

"Slow down and get out of the car, don't make any noise, don't cause trouble for me, don't add punishment to yourself!" The police officer in the co-pilot jumped out of the car and said something unpleasant.

Several handcuffed suspects were removed from the vehicle. The man in the head had a gray beard and muscular muscles. He took two steps forward with a calm expression, stood up straight, and looked up at the red banner on the building in front of him:


"Solidly advance the summer security crackdown and rectification operations!"

The man's eyelids twitched: "It's so early this year."

"Stop talking, get in line and follow me." The escorting detective ignored him.

The man with the gray beard smiled and followed him obediently.

In this way, we walked all the way to the detention location and entered the iron gate. The man with the gray beard picked up the topic again: "I passed by here before and there wasn't that red banner. Is it a new one?"

"Yes." After the detective sent the person to the interrogation center, he relaxed, grabbed his finger and rubbed it in the ink pad, and replied smoothly: "Old Pu, just stay here in peace and don't cause trouble."

"Is Jiang Yuan ready to move in?" Old Pu with a gray beard sighed: "Didn't they arrest everyone?"

"Did you call Jiang Yuan's name?" the policeman next to him scolded.

The younger brother who was arrested together said loudly: "Isn't the name just for people to call?"

"Xiaotian!" The gray-bearded Lao Pu stopped his younger brother and said, "It's appropriate to call him Jiang Shen."

"Your little brother's name is Xiaotian? Is he a Xiaotian dog? That's a dog's name." The policeman who was preparing for interrogation had already begun to get into character and began to taunt him.

Lao Pu once again stopped his younger brother with his eyes, smiled gently and said, "It's indeed a dog's name, but it's not Roaring Sky Dog. He was often deceived by bitches and used as a licking dog for others, so he was called Xiaotian."

Xiaotian, who has bulging chest muscles, has an expressionless face, and he just spits on his face.

The detective, who was all ready to be a bad guy, couldn't hold himself back: "If you use such a name to get around in the world, won't others laugh at you?"

Xiaotian looked at the other party calmly: "The world is far away, I am worthy of women and brothers, no one dares to laugh at me."

Lao Pu nodded: "Xiaotian is indeed a good man and a good brother of my Lao Pu, but he is not good to himself."

How could the criminal police let them talk to each other here? He interrupted them directly and said: "Just in time, tell me about your brothers. I will bring them over for you. You can meet again in prison."

"Everyone has basically come in." Old Pu's smile was calm: "I have nothing to say."

The detective sneered: "Coming in is different from coming in."

Lao Pu said calmly: "If more people go in, it will be the same."

"Really? Then I ask Captain Jiang to look through your files? Find out the backlog of cases during your debut years?" The criminal police officer in charge of the interrogation was originally prepared to enter the interrogation room for more pressure, but sometimes, the interrogation is not The purpose is to produce results. Here and now, at this moment, it is still a good opportunity.

Lao Pu, who was showing off in front of his subordinates, gangsters and detectives, suddenly lost his composure for no apparent reason.

Lao Pu knew it, and he also knew that the police knew it. He knew that Lao Pu was not clean when he started his business more than 20 years ago. If Jianghu people want to make a name for themselves, how can they be upright?

However, that was all twenty years ago. As early as 10 years ago, Lao Pu began to gradually come ashore. Now, not only does he himself do legitimate business, but his younger brothers also do legitimate business. At most, they like to engage in more controversial businesses, such as renting cars, selling used car parts, seafood markets, second-hand landlords, etc.

What they do is still quite dark, but it is already dark in another dimension.

Now, even when Lao Pu himself looks back on the past, he still feels that he was as brave and fierce as a dream. In contrast, when he was arrested this time, he was only reported to have participated in small things such as fighting, collecting and selling stolen goods, and contract fraud. He cannot be compared with his experience 20 years ago.

Therefore, Lao Pu was very calm when he got off the car, but not now.

Previous cases... some are really difficult to uncover again!

"Zhang Weili, didn't I give them all to you? You guys are still holding on to them. It's a bit too much, right?" Lao Pu's face was no longer calm, and he looked a little angry. After all, he had really committed a crime. .

The criminal police officer in charge of the interrogation asked: "Did you send it?"

"You are not very good at asking this question. Who can admit that it was given by him?"

The detective sneered: "You're still bargaining. Are you here as Jiang Shen to negotiate with you?"

"Then what are you going to do before you stop?" Lao Pu said as calmly as possible.

"You want to negotiate with the police?" The detective smiled: "Who can you represent? Who do you want to represent?"

Lao Pu was speechless. Crackdown on gangsters and evil was no joke. If he talked nonsense now, he might be completely finished.

"Come on." The police officer in charge of the interrogation smiled and led Lao Pu into the interrogation room.

As soon as the process was completed, the interrogating police officer took a slow sip of water and said, "Old Pu, do you know why I brought you here this time?"

Lao Pu was well prepared: "There was a fight in the seafood market, and you thought it was me. To be honest, I am 50 years old, how can I still fight? I have always advised them to value peace... As the saying goes It's so good that it can't be slapped. Those people who have eaten seafood think that seafood is expensive. They doubt that we used dead fish. If we doubt that you said it in advance, there are only fish bones left in the meal. Tell us that the fish is wrong, the fish is wrong, you eat it. It’s over…”

The interrogating policeman shook his head: "Eighteen years ago, in Tongli Community, there was a business owner who ran around the community in the evening and was stabbed to death with a sharp knife. Do you have any impressions?"

Lao Pu was shocked when he heard the words "Tongli Community". He could only pretend to be disapproving and said: "What, you are now starting to frame someone up to blame?"

"Team Jiang compared the knife marks on the deceased and confirmed that the knife marks on the deceased in this case were exactly the same as the knife marks left in another case." The interrogating police officer smiled lightly and said: "In fact, through this clue, we At least 4 cases have been identified related to you."

The knife marks he mentioned were found by Jiang Yuan based on LV6's tool mark inspection. However, unlike fingerprints or DNA, tool marks are difficult to perform systematic automatic comparisons, so almost all of them are done manually. Jiang Yuan needs to write down some tool marks first, and then look at the ones involved in other cases. Tool marks.

Therefore, this is a very niche method of trace inspection, but Lao Pu understands it.

The most important thing is that he really killed a bottom business owner in Tongli Community.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Lao Pu denied it immediately.

The interrogating policeman chuckled: "Back then, your boss sublet the ground floor of Tongli Community and made a lot of money... Don't rush to quibble, you, I have already made up my mind that you are not the one I want. I want you to be the boss!”

Provide you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters. This book was first published by Situ

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