National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 246 A Cart

Chapter 247 A cart

"Please give way."

"Here comes the pot."

"Add more water."

"Tear off that meat."

In the anatomy room, everyone was shouting while doing things, and the environment was a little noisy.

When encountering such a big case and there are many forensic doctors, it is actually relatively easy to do things. The main reason is that the mental pressure is relatively high.

For example, now, there are six forensic doctors in one autopsy room, and there are replacement hands in the lounge. Even a big job like boiling bones has become easier.

It would be very easy for two people to clamp the big bones that cannot be picked up with one clamp at ordinary times.

General forensic doctors do not like to practice forensic anthropology. In addition to the difficulty and low success rate, the high workload is also one of the reasons.

Unless what you get is a skeletal corpse, most corpses that have only been buried for a few years, or floating corpses fished out of the water, etc., must go through the process of boiling if you want to use the knowledge of forensic anthropology to analyze them.

Not to mention the psychological impact of the whole process, just the physical part is already very tiring.

Most grassroots units have only one forensic doctor.

It would indeed be too difficult for a thin and capable female forensic doctor like Wang Lan to work in a unit with only one position.

She couldn't dismember the body first and then boil it. The tip of the knife would easily leave marks on the bones accidentally. It would be unclear whether it was her own or the murderer's.

Lifting a big pot, filling and pouring water, etc., everything is not easy.

Of course, the above mentioned are all ordinary forensic medicine.

In the criminal investigation industry, in any position, if you really achieve a high technical level, there is no problem in enjoying some special treatment.

For example, the reason why Jiang Yuan was able to apply for the forensic examination in Ningtai County was because Comrade Wu Jun made a big fuss and demanded that the old be respected, the young be respected, the manpower be increased, and the workload be reduced.

And Jiang Yuan now runs out to do work elsewhere every day, and it is because Jiang Yuan is strong enough, and the Ningtai County Criminal Police Team is looked at with a different eye by Shang Feng.

In fact, there is no need to reach Jiang Yuan's technical level. Any forensic doctor with LV2 forensic anthropology skills can still apply for a forensic assistant or the like.

For example, Forensic Doctor Zhai, his forensic anthropology skills are about LV2 PLUS, and he will probably never reach LV3 in his lifetime, but he can still be at home in guiding work throughout the province.

Or the difficulty of anthropology skills is too high.

The difficulty level of this skill is probably similar to the imaging involved in picture scouting. Moreover, unlike imaging, at least there are high-value talents on the market.

Forensic anthropology is not only difficult, but few people learn it. There aren't many opportunities to use it.

Forensic doctor Zhai originally thought that Jiang Yuan's level of forensic anthropology was at most a little more basic, that is, a little better than ordinary forensic doctors, and almost usable - this was what he had already taken a high look at Jiang Yuan.

After all, Jiang Yuan is still very young, and anthropology requires a lot of accumulation.

After Jiang Yuan discovered the special characteristics of the body bag, forensic doctor Zhai already admired Jiang Yuan's sensitivity.

However, when the bones were boiled out and placed one by one on the dissecting table, forensic doctor Zhai discovered that Jiang Yuan's strength was really far from entry level.

From the first step of assembling the body, forensic doctor Zhai was far behind Jiang Yuan's progress.

Speaking of which, assembling corpses is a job that even medical students can do, but when it comes to doing it, it is still second-rate.

The weakest students may have to work from top to bottom, looking for bones one by one, and then constantly adjusting.

A strong person like Jiang Yuan could just take a bone and put it on the dissecting table, and the position would be basically just right.

Forensic Doctor Zhai can do this kind of operation with ease, but it is actually not easy.

Forensic Doctor Zhai is also getting older, and his energy and physical strength are a little bit behind him. After a few moments of trance, he heard Jiang Yuan start to make a judgment:

"Corpse No. 1, aged between 35 and 40 years old, female..."

"Height is about 160cm..."

"Shoulder injuries, cervical spondylosis, knee joint injuries..."

Forensic doctor Zhai was originally putting together the bones from another pot, but when he heard that Jiang Yuan was beginning to come to a conclusion, he simply stopped trying and turned around to look over Jiang Yuan's bones and check them.

Of course you can't go wrong.

For example, when it comes to determining age and gender, Jiang Yuan can almost tell with a piece of bone.

This sounds like a basic requirement of anthropology, but it is actually extremely difficult.

Ordinary forensic doctors, if they are not good at anthropology, usually need the pelvis to make a judgment.

It doesn't work even if you give me a brain.

For some people, if you look at their heads when they are alive, you can't tell whether they are male or female. It's actually quite difficult to tell whether they are male or female when given a dead skull.

It’s not that it’s completely impossible to judge, but if a forensic doctor made four judgments and once judged the wrong man or woman, would the criminal police team dare to use such a conclusion?

Therefore, for ordinary forensic doctors, the pelvis is still stable, and it can also provide information on age, fertility, etc.

The pelvis can be said to be the cornucopia of poor students.

In fact, here we can also complain about the poor knowledge system of ordinary murderers. There is really no need to cut the body into pieces and hide the head. Except when the head is fresh, you can still recognize the face. If it is stored for a few days, without preservatives, the person next to you will not be able to name the head.

As for skull restoration, except for a few talented people in big cities, how can the average criminal police team have such resources?

Therefore, if you want to counter-reconnaissance when you kill someone, it is better to hide the pelvis than to hide the head. But the meaning of this provocation is more serious - the gang of thieves in Nancun bullied me because I was old and weak, killed people but not the heads, and openly dismembered the bodies and abandoned them in my area.

The final result must be an ordinary forensic doctor from Forensic Anthropology 8, inviting friends, or even an anthropology boss from Level 3.

At the level of LV3, almost every bone can provide a lot of information.

Not to mention judging men and women, one rib can judge the time of death.

However, this is also where the limitations of anthropology lie.

In addition to basic information such as determining male and female and determining the age and height of the deceased, the time of death is never particularly accurate.

With a little more information, accuracy and difficulty are two opposite extremes.

"That's almost it." Jiang Yuan finished assembling a skeleton, and that was all the information he could give.

Judging from the current progress of criminal investigation, there are not many that can be used.

Forensic Doctor Zhai nodded slightly. He couldn't tell more.

"Then let's look at the second body?" Jiang Yuan still looked at Forensic Doctor Zhai.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you." Forensic Doctor Zhai gave way decisively.

What he was originally good at was not looking at bones. When encountering a ruthless person like Jiang Yuan, he simply gives in to the wise.

Jiang Yuan was not polite. He put the bones together in minutes, then analyzed them and said:

"Corpse 2, aged between 30 and 35 years old, female, about 165cm tall. Time of death, 3 to 5 years ago. Hallux valgus, may have often worn high heels, had childbirth scars, had given birth..."

Forensic Doctor Zhai nodded in agreement.

Forensic doctor Niu said: "Those are two women, both relatively young."

Forensic Doctor Zhai, who had been saying "Me too" just now, shook his head and said: "There is no need to draw such a conclusion now. Is the next one ready?"

"It will take a while." The doctor Niu wrinkled his nose, touched his belly, and sighed: "Let's just call it a day to lose weight today."

Jiang Yuan then continued to look at the two corpses just now.

Information such as age and gender have been studied very thoroughly by previous people, and they were compared and studied repeatedly through different bones.

But it's very difficult to get more complex conclusions about things like work. It cannot be given by just looking at it. It often requires comparing and arranging different situations.

Looking at it like this, I saw that they spent most of the night before they dispersed to sleep.

When Jiang Yuan dreams, his brain is filled with bones.

There are also boiled corpse parts.

The floating corpse oil.

There is more corpse oil in the dream, because modern people are generally obese and cook a lot of fat, which is more consistent with probability.

the next morning.

The sixth day after Liu Jinghui disappeared.

Someone came over and informed: "The motorcycle has been delivered."

The forensic doctors, who had been stuck in the meat cooking room for a whole day, all went out in a hurry.

Xu Taining directly got a semi-trailer and drove into the funeral parlor.

The car was covered with black cloth, and it was impossible to tell what was inside.

People who came to the funeral home early to see him off started talking when they saw such a big car.

"Something big happened."

"Serial car accident?"

"I haven't heard of it. Who can kill a truckload of people?"

When the driver heard this, he felt it was inappropriate and drove the car to the funeral parlor.

After a while, the leader of the funeral home who heard the news also came over to take a look.

At this time, they saw several motorcycles spinning in circles in the garden at a fast or slow pace. On each motorcycle, there was a white A Piao shaking...

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