National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 247 Thermal Effect

Chapter 248 Thermal Effect

The breeze blows slowly.

The pine trees swayed gently.

Ah Piao, dancing on the motorcycle.

The curator had arrhythmia, his eyes were white, his body was as light as a swallow, and he leaned backward.

"Director, Director..." The subordinate quickly grabbed the director's waist.

Meng Deyuan, who has been the director of a funeral home for several years, smiled sadly: "I knew this day would come. Did you see it just now? There were many white things moving quickly."

"Director, those are the forensic doctors riding motorcycles." The subordinate is young and has good eyesight, unlike Meng Deyuan, who has old eyesight, a heart disease, and always likes to think about strange things.

Meng Deyuan said: "You don't even have to worry about making up lies now. I just saw several white ones. Besides, why did the forensic doctor ride a motorcycle?"

The subordinate said helplessly: "There is no need to ride a motorcycle."

"Use honorifics."


"Well... souls who have not yet entered reincarnation. Let's call them that for the time being." Meng Deyuan had studied this issue carefully when he was transferred to the funeral parlor. Unexpectedly, after working for several years, he finally encountered the opportunity to talk properly.

The subordinate looked at the forensic doctors who were playing more and more happily in front of him, sighed and said, "Why don't you change your glasses."

"What did you see again?" Meng Deyuan's eyes were damaged when he was writing materials in his early years. It is not a problem that can be solved by changing glasses.

"It's just that... some souls who haven't been reincarnated are playing with their mobile phones." The subordinate said: "Wait a minute, let me tell you, it is definitely not appropriate to play with mobile phones while riding a bicycle. If something happens, we will handle it directly."

He was too lazy to talk to the curator, so he stepped forward and called out several "riders".

When Meng Deyuan saw this, he went up to take a look and recognized the doctor Niu again.

"Lao Niu? What the hell...why are you riding a motorcycle?" Meng Deyuan felt that it was particularly unreasonable.

A group of medical examiners were riding motorcycles and still in a funeral home. This was so weird.

Forensic doctor Niu looked at Meng Deyuan with confusion and said politely: "Director Meng is here. Let's do an experiment today."

"What experiment?"

"It's about motorcycles." Forensic Doctor Niu smiled and said, "There is a murder case involving this."

"Hmm... If something like this happens in the future, you have to tell me in advance." Meng Deyuan looked at the big truck again, frowned and said: "How many motorcycles have you brought over? Our funeral home is a quiet place, and you have a car like this If someone drives a motorcycle, it is easy to disturb people and other things.”

"Okay, okay, let's finish it as soon as possible." Forensic Niu just said perfunctorily. As for motorcycles disturbing residents, driving a motorcycle in a residential area at 3 a.m. can indeed disturb everyone's sleep. Riding a motorcycle in the courtyard of a funeral home early in the morning can also shake the urn?

"Okay, get busy." Meng Deyuan also knew that he couldn't control Dr. Niu. After confirming that it was not Ah Piao, his heart felt better. He waved his hand again and said, "There is an open space behind the auditorium. You can drive there."

"Okay, let's take a look." Forensic Niu happily rode his motorcycle back.

Compared to cooking corpses in the basement, riding a motorcycle early in the morning is obviously more comfortable.

Meng Deyuan hesitated and followed.

As the director of a funeral home, he is very concerned about everything in the funeral home, except for the souls who have not yet entered reincarnation.

The forensic doctors riding motorcycles didn't care if anyone was watching.

Everyone rode their motorcycles according to their own ideas and studied the temperature of the exhaust pipe.

Different motorcycles have different exhaust pipe temperatures. If there is some isolation in the middle, the situation will be even more complicated.

Under such circumstances, it is basically impossible to conduct a complete and exquisite experiment.

Fortunately, criminal science has never required this.

The goal of criminal science is to solve crimes, so most of the time, criminal technicians just have to discuss one or more possibilities.

In other words, under what circumstances, evidence-related situations may arise, just list a few situations. There is no need to list everything, nor to guarantee the possibility 100%.

Practicality is the most important thing.

The criminal police will use their legs, feet and sweat to check these possibilities one by one.

A total of more than 30 motorcycles were transported on the truck, including handsome imitation racing motorcycles, handsome off-road motorcycles, and weighted motorcycles used by motorcycle drivers to solicit passengers, etc.

Most of the motorcycles are old second-hand goods, and I don’t know which second-hand car dealer Xu Taining borrowed them from.

Everyone first rode around casually, and then used snakeskin bags made of the same material as the evidence to test the exhaust pipe.

In the end, you still have to use evidence for experiments, but in the early stages, you can just use evidence of similar materials for experiments. Again, criminal science does not require so much rigor. No matter what conclusion is drawn, it still needs to be verified later.

There were a total of six forensic doctors, but the female forensic doctor Wang Lan was left to continue cooking the bones in the autopsy room. She couldn't ride a motorcycle and didn't want to ride one, so she just came out to get some air and then went back.

The other five forensic doctors were quite happy. They each followed their own ideas and conducted the test in a euphemistic manner.

If you look at how many people choose racing-imitation motorcycles, you will know that people in Zifeng Town are unlikely to buy this kind of motorcycle. If you buy it, you won’t be able to ride it on the mountain. Moreover, this kind of motorcycle is made according to the track. , it’s hard to sit in the back seat, let alone carry a body. The body of the car is too heavy. If it falls and presses on your legs, you may not be able to lift the car up, and you will be GG.

Once Niu Forensic Doctor and others are done having fun, all imitation racing motorcycles will be eliminated.

Everyone tried others one after another. There are also unreliable ones, such as Niu Forensic Doctor Ben Niu, who once again rode the only cruiser in the field, which is a motorcycle with a large longitudinal axis similar to a Harley-Davidson motorcycle - it is almost like a replica racer, as long as this thing leaves the paved road , that is, with a load of several hundred kilograms, it is impossible to climb a mountain.

Others set out to try out most likely street and off-road bikes, while others ran off to try out the pedals.

After some attempts, not only Jiang Yuan, but also several people gradually came up with ideas.

"It has little to do with the car model. It mainly depends on the speed." Jiang Yuan has been doing the test seriously from the beginning.

He had enough of playing with cars when his home was demolished for the second time, and his interest in motorcycles had long gone beyond the superficial understanding of car models.

In a simple test, Jiang Yuan found that vehicle speed has the greatest impact on exhaust pipe temperature. Second should be time.

Jiang Yuan quickly came to the conclusion: "As long as the speed increases, at 50 kilometers, the snakeskin bag next to the exhaust pipe may be burned. Even if the speed is lower, such as around 40 kilometers, If it is turned on for a longer time, such as 10 minutes, the temperature of the exhaust pipe will be very high."

After several tests like this, Jiang Yuan didn't need to use the packaging bag to try, he could just measure the temperature directly.

If there is a difference between models, it is mainly due to the heat dissipation and insulation of the vehicle while driving.

To sum up, it is the thermal effect of motorcycles.

Jiang Yuan had already come to a conclusion, but Niu Forensic had had enough fun, so he repeated the test several times.

"Then the speed must be about 30 kilometers so that the packaging bag will not break?" Niu Forensic Doctor was a little surprised.

"If you climb a mountain, the temperature of the exhaust pipe may rise. The temperature of the exhaust pipe is ultimately determined by the operating conditions of the engine." Forensic Doctor Zhai looked like he was the oldest, but he was the most familiar with motorcycles at the scene. When he was young, he often traveled long distances on a motorcycle when he was on business trips. He had already had experience in it, but when he was riding it now, he discovered the clues.

"Climbing mountains will increase the temperature, and carrying weight will also increase the temperature." Niu Forensic Doctor drew inferences.

Forensic Doctor Zhai nodded and said: "30 kilometers is indeed a bit slow. The motorcycle is not very good?"

"It's not easy to maintain balance while pulling a corpse?" This was Jiang Yuan's guess.

It's just speculation, but the general idea is there, and everyone's mood is lifted.

Therefore, Jiang Yuan once again proposed to experiment.

The cow forensic doctor was selected first and got on the motorcycle.

Forensic Niu cursed and lay down on the back seat of a streetcar, feeling extremely nervous.

Jiang Yuan also got on the bike a little nervously and started it awkwardly...

Meng Deyuan, the director of the funeral home, stood outside the venue and watched this scene.

Returning to the autopsy room, he retrieved the evidence and carefully studied the travel bag and the red and blue checkered bag. The judgments of several people were confirmed again.

"In this case, the murderer should own a motorcycle. Although it is not a breakthrough yet, it can be considered a direction." Forensic Doctor Zhai looked more relaxed.

Compared to several other junior forensic doctors, his responsibilities are heavier.

Jiang Yuan also breathed a sigh of relief, looked through the red and blue checkered bags again, and fell into deep thought again.

Just knowing the speed of the motorcycle or knowing that the murderer owned the motorcycle was still too far away from solving the case. It was rare to have such good evidence, so Jiang Yuan thought more deeply.

Knowing the vehicle and its speed, what else do you need to know to find the murderer?

direction and time.

There is only one road passing through Zifeng Town. The murderer either lives in the town or passes through the town. Then go to the coal mine from the winding road on this side of the town.

So should he go south or north?

Jiang Yuan didn't think about it anymore. He turned over the damaged area of ​​the travel bag, dug it out, took a cotton swab, moistened it, and wiped it carefully.

"I remember you took the physical evidence here." Forensic doctor Wang Lan immediately noticed Jiang Yuan's movements.

Jiang Yuan wiped the physical evidence, which was very different from others. Not only was his movements skillful, but also the steps were cumbersome, and he had an obvious high need and confidence.

Jiang Yuan said "Yes" and said: "It suddenly occurred to me that the direction of the murderer's coming and going can be compared with the trace evidence in the travel bag. Although I have missed it before, I will guarantee it again."

Wang Lan didn't understand for a while and asked: "How to compare?"

"The outermost side of the travel bag containing the corpse is not only heated, but also has some wear and tear. If you look carefully, it has holes. And it is heated at the exhaust pipe, so it must be very close to the ground. Therefore, the inside of the travel bag, The dust on the outside of the red and blue checkered bags is likely to come from the driving road." Jiang Yuan has now entered the state of on-site investigation, and his words are not only clear, but also the operation is extremely standard.

Just by looking at his actions, several people were subconsciously convinced.

Forensic doctor Zhai came over to take a look and asked seriously: "How do you use this dust?"

"Measure the ingredients and compare the trace evidence." Jiang Yuandao.

"The ingredients have been measured, what next? Who should we compare them with?"

"The soil composition of the road to the south of Zifeng Town is definitely different from that of the road to the north." Jiang Yuan had observed this when he came in. At this moment, he said: "Most of the coal in Zifeng Town is sent to the south. Coal mines have basically stopped production now, but there are still small coal mines secretly producing coal, so the coal in the south will have more ingredients. In the north, the clay fields are still producing, and there are fertilizer factories and pesticide factories. I don’t know the specific ingredients on the ground. But I think the north and the south will take samples separately and compare them in the laboratory, and we will definitely find differences."

Forensic Doctor Zhai nodded slowly. This idea was very clear once it made sense.

Jiang Yuan said, "You have to urge the trace evidence laboratory to produce these pieces of evidence first. Otherwise, if you wait normally, you will have to wait a long time."

Trace physical evidence has to be processed in the provincial department's laboratory. There are many sequences and the speed is slow. Someone needs help to jump in line.

Forensic Doctor Zhai understood and immediately said: "Then let's go to the north and south roads to take samples, and I'll find someone to send them there."

To do this kind of thing, Jiang Yuan did not rely on others and went to get it himself.

Looking back, several people studied the wear and tear of the outer travel bag and gave up decisively. Forensic Doctor Zhai came forward to shake things up again.

The wear and tear problem of plastic bags is too complicated and cannot be experimentally solved in a short time. However, there are always specialized laboratories to do this. "

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