National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 248: Delineating the Scope

Chapter 249 Delimiting the Scope

Forensic doctor Zhai first contacted the trace evidence laboratory to confirm the matter of queue jumping, and then discussed the issue of wear identification with the director of his Criminal Science and Technology Center.

The criminal science center of the provincial department is relatively high-level, has a large amount of annual funding, and knows many scientific research institutes.

In fact, the opportunities for criminal science to really use science are not as many as imagined.

Under normal circumstances, crimes such as theft are solved by internal agencies, and everyone must be too lazy to make it too complicated.

There are certain rules and no fixed path to follow when communicating with external organizations, which is really troublesome.

Only in murder cases and major cases, everyone gives a little less favor, and only then can we really get on with it. Only those reports and expenses can be signed by the leader.

But after all, when external resources are really needed, domestic scientific research resources are actually very abundant.

Too many scientific research institutes have already reached the point where "only you can't think of it, but I can't do it".

Things like trace physical evidence were no longer new to high-end research institutes in the 1970s and 1980s. As for the wear and tear of snakeskin bags, it is a bit difficult for the criminal department center to do, but in a laboratory that can do wear and tear experiments, it is simply child's play.

Laboratories that can do wear experiments may be chemical laboratories, inorganic materials laboratories, organic materials laboratories, metal materials laboratories, mechanical laboratories, or professional friction laboratories. , bearing laboratory, powder metallurgy laboratory...

Therefore, when it is said in China that murder cases must be solved, the meaning behind it is "no martial ethics."

Famous foreign criminal investigation agencies often recruit two or three detectives to solve cases, and the support system behind them is nothing more than two or three kittens.

Domestic theft and robbery cases follow almost the same pattern, but when it comes to murder cases, when the time comes, many freshly minted murderers will face the domestic scientific research system and investigation system, and it is very likely that one of them will A young man with little experience faced a group of old guys.

However, this case is most likely caused by an old man. It is not easy to find young people here in Zifeng Mountain.

Forensic doctor Zhai discussed everything and waited until it was time to go to work before calling Xu Taining.

After half of listening, Xu Taining interrupted Medical Examiner Zhai and asked, "Where are you? I'll go over and take a look."

Forensic Doctor Zhai was still a little stunned and said hurriedly: "We are at the funeral parlor in Qinghe City, so you don't need to make a special trip."

"I'll be there as soon as possible." Xu Taining hung up the phone without nagging him, and then scolded Dr. Zhai for being confused.

He didn't come to Zifeng Town for tourism. He was busy and gathered thousands of people just to solve the case.

The experiment done by Jiang Yuan and others, although simple, is really possible to solve the case.

Under such circumstances, Forensic Doctor Zhai actually thought of him...

Xu Taining just saw that Dr. Zhai was too old to curse directly.

In less than two hours, Xu Taining and his two vehicles drove into the funeral parlor in Qinghe City.

Curator Meng Deyuan hurriedly came out to greet him.

Xu Taining didn't care about him. He got out of the car and held his hand for five seconds before saying, "Let's go in first."

Meng Deyuan felt a little disappointed. He looked at the butt of Xu Taining's car and said to his subordinates: "The temperature is lower than the soul."

"Soul egg?" The subordinate quickly gave the definition and silently posted it in the group.

Xu Taining couldn't control that much, and he wasn't afraid of offending the people in Qinghe City, so he went straight to find Jiang Yuan and others, listened to their explanations on the spot, and drew lines on the map.

At this time, forensic doctor Zhai explained a little embarrassedly: "We haven't finished the autopsy yet, and it may take some time to determine the source of the corpse..."

"The determination of the source of the corpse is indeed very important." Xu Taining agreed, and added: "You still have to hurry up and do the work on the source of the corpse. Let's look at the discovery of the body bag first."

Forensic doctor Zhai has been doing technology for so long that he has formed a fixed mindset and always thinks that he can figure out the corpse.

Xu Taining doesn't have such a habit. In his experience, the window for solving a case is often just a small window. He just needs to seize the opportunity and catch the criminal. He doesn't care what means he uses.

For many backlogged cases, most of the methods are actually unworkable. He wants whatever he can find.

In this regard, Jiang Yuan's thoughts are similar.

It is true that he himself is a forensic doctor, but he has accumulated more and more criminal methods. He must solve cases according to the textbook model, which Jiang Yuan no longer accepts.

Jiang Yuan explained the experiment on the motorcycle to Xu Taining in detail, and then the young police officer brought by Xu Taining conducted another experiment with the cow forensic doctor on his back.

Xu Taining did not pay much attention to the experiment process. Repeating the experiment was just his verification of the correct results. During this period, Xu Taining took his mobile phone and made several calls in succession.

"The car that dumped the body came from the north." With Xu Taining's urging, the Trace Evidence Laboratory really stepped in for him.

Several police officers stopped looking at the motorcycles and cattle forensics circling in the open space, and swarmed around the map.

"If it wears out, it will take at least an hour or more. It also has something to do with the way you drive and the location of the contact." Xu Taining said: "If they are not sure about the car model and placement, it will be difficult for them to confirm. Give it more time, they said Maybe we can give a more accurate range.”

"At least an hour. If confirmed, it is also a very useful conclusion." Standing on Xu Taining's side was Li Liang, a senior police chief who also came from the provincial department for reinforcements. He was looking at the map at this moment. Said: "In one hour, we actually eliminated Zifeng Mountain and the surrounding towns."

Xu Taining's eyes lit up: "It makes sense."

In the corpse dumping case that occurred near Zifeng Mountain, the biggest suspects must be near Zifeng Town and Zifeng Mountain Coal Mine.

On the contrary, if the distance is widened, the number of suspects will decrease sharply. At this time, considering that the person has an intersection with the Zifengshan Coal Mine, it will be easier to find the suspect.

Jiang Yuan immediately thought of Wang Guoshan.

Wang Guoshan chose to dump his body in the reservoir, which was a similar situation.

He neither worked at the reservoir nor lived near the reservoir, but he knew something about the reservoir. Instead, he chose to drive more than an hour to the reservoir to dump the body.

Li Liang, another senior police chief from the provincial department, also completed the logical construction at this time. He drew on the map with his hand and said: "I think we can try to investigate from these villages and towns 30 kilometers away from Zifeng Town. , prioritizing missing women…”

Forensic doctor Zhai seemed to take a breath at this time and said hurriedly: "We are also analyzing the source of the corpse..."

"You can look for photos of the accessories first." Jiang Yuan opened his mobile phone and took a few photos of the accessories that he had temporarily taken, and said: "The place where these accessories were found belongs to the same place as Corpse Source 2 and Corpse Source 3. The pieces may be jewelry worn or owned by the deceased. I think we can ask the family members of the missing person to see if anyone remembers them."

Given Jiang Yuan's ability to sort garbage, he is quite optimistic about the origin of the jewelry.

People in different cities and incomes throw away garbage in different ways.

Even though they are worthless trinkets, people in Changyang City may throw them away in sets, but residents of Zifeng Town or other nearby towns will not be so wasteful.

Why do concepts like separation and abandonment appear among Tokyoites and become popular in some big cities in China? In the final analysis, the house is still too small. If you want to live more spaciously, you have to have fewer things.

For those very large villas, in order to prevent the room from appearing empty and inviting, the furniture has to be moved to the middle of the room. If you also learn to let go, your room will feel like a ghost house at night.

Xu Taining and others did not need to be educated on these simple concepts, and immediately said: "Okay, just develop some photos of the accessories and show them to the missing family members and neighbors."

Then, he ordered to continue analyzing the source of the corpse.

Forensic Doctor Zhai and Jiang Yuan responded, but neither seemed very confident.

Forensic anthropology is like solving equations. It has simple solutions to certain problems, such as age, race, or height, etc. As long as the bones are complete, these answers can definitely be given, but the confidence level is There is a slight difference.

But for some problems, forensic anthropology may not be able to find solutions. For example, the area where you live, the type of occupation, and even your living habits are all easily misjudged, or even impossible to judge.

Judging from Jiang Yuan's current observations, he is not too optimistic about obtaining career or life information from bones.

There is nothing to say about this. Some people work very hard, or suffer particularly serious labor injuries. If they die at a young age, their occupation or work content can be seen in their bones.

But some people may have a very relaxed job and like to fish every day, so occupational diseases are not obvious, or there may even be no occupational diseases. Then it is more difficult to judge the occupation through bones.

This is why Jiang Yuan recommended using jewelry to find people.

For Xu Taining, he has seen all kinds of situations. As long as he has clues, he can give himself and his subordinates blood.

At this time, Xu Taining's work enthusiasm was already high. He shook hands with Jiang Yuan and others and hurriedly went back to arrange the work.

The group of people came and left quickly like a whirlwind.

At this time, the motorcycle running in circles at a speed of 30 kilometers per hour in the open space was still whirring.

The cow forensic doctor in the back seat lowered his head and had given up struggling. He had even become somewhat accustomed to the space in the back seat of the motorcycle. He could adjust his posture from time to time to make himself a little more comfortable.

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