National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 252 His Home

Chapter 253 His Home

Jiang Yuan put on his duty uniform and walked vigilantly on the right side of Wei Zhenguo.

On the left side of Wei Zhenguo is Wen Ming, his eldest disciple who was specially called here.

To the left of Wen Ming is Mu Zhiyang, his young apprentice, who also came here specially.

The current configuration of this four-person group is the same as the configuration of the old Orion when Jiang Yuan met Wu Longshan that day.

The difference is that none of the four people are equipped with guns this time.

Xu Taining mobilized a team of armed police in front of him, and a team of special police also armed with guns, but ordinary police officers were not equipped with guns.

On the one hand, the headquarters conducted research and judged that the murderer’s force component was not very high. There were no young people in Fang Jinxiang. The murderer was most likely middle-aged and elderly, and there were no signs of weapons.

In addition, the primary purpose of this case is to find Liu Jinghui. Even if the policemen carry guns, their first choice is to capture him alive.

In this case, carrying a gun means asking for trouble for yourself.

In fact, under normal working conditions, police officers are unwilling to carry guns.

When the police arrest people, they always attack more and less. In a more emotionally intelligent way, "Even if there is only one person on the other side, we will all attack together as a squadron." If it is more realistic, it is usually "The other side only has one person, so let's all attack together!" !”

Wei Zhenguo called over Wen Ming and Mu Zhiyang, thinking of using more to defeat less.

The premise is that we can catch another person.

In such a big case this time, as long as the murderer can be brought out, it will be a third-class merit. If we could hold each other's hands with a handful of water, we would go straight to the second-class Gong.

Wen Ming and Mu Zhiyang were very happy to follow Jiang Yuan, and their eyes were staring at the surroundings with vigilance.

"Let's start at the intersection." Wei Zhenguo crossed the road and walked away from the nearest printing stationery store. When the people came out, he said with a warm smile: "Boss, we have a few more questions that we want to ask you."

"Didn't I ask them all?" The boss looked at the four policemen in police uniforms at the door, muttered unhappily, and let them in anyway.

"Boss, do you have a driver's license?" Wei Zhenguo asked with a smile on his face.


"Show us your driver's license." In Wei Zhenguo's police account, he could get the corresponding information by reporting his ID number or scanning his face, but he still wanted to see what the store owner was doing.

Jiang Yuan looked on, more in a learning state.

There are skills in investigation or interrogation. If you are an ordinary member of the criminal police team, you will learn these things from the master in the first two or three years.

Wei Zhenguo is very good at this. When he was young, he caught thieves at train stations and bus stations, and caught robbers in urban-rural areas. As long as he was not caught on the spot, he basically relied on investigation and reporting.

At this moment, Wei Zhenguo was watching the actions of the boss opposite, and he still had time to pay attention to other people in the store.

What is different from other shops in the township is that the owners and clerks of this printing stationery store are generally young, in their thirties and forties, and they are considered the top young talents in the township.

The boss's driver's license looked fine.

Wei Zhenguo checked and asked: "Where is the car? Can you take a look?"

"It's parked in the backyard," the boss said.

Wei Zhenguo immediately moved to the backyard.

There is no such thing as poisonous tree fruit in the country. When necessary, secret investigation can be carried out. Wei Zhenguo asked, it would be considered very polite.

There was a Wuling Hongguang parked in the backyard. It looked a little dirty, but not dirty enough.

Jiang Yuan took the initiative to investigate. Mu Zhiyang and Wen Ming blocked the two doors of the yard one after another to prevent a lunatic holding a kitchen knife from suddenly rushing out.

Jiang Yuan looked at it for a while, shook his head at Wei Zhenguo in disappointment, and then asked the boss: "Where is your motorcycle? Where is the electric car?"

"Inside the door." The boss pointed to the location of the storage room.

Jiang Yuan went to look again, but still found nothing, and said: "Don't put it inside in the future, it is not conducive to fire safety."

Looking back, Jiang Yuan checked many places in the room before slowly coming out of the yard.

He was looking for blood, a chain saw, physical evidence from the deceased, or physical evidence from the scene. Anyway, there are only so many people in Fang Jinxiang. Anyone who owns a motorcycle must carefully identify it.

There are only more than a thousand motorcycles in total, so it is very fast to check them in groups.

If anything, the last time I checked it was very fast, and it was done in an orderly manner.

However, compared with the last investigation, Jiang Yuan's attitude this time was much stronger.

Digging three feet into the ground is what Jiang Yuan really thinks.

That's what he thought, and that's what he did.

From the incident to the present, Jiang Yuan has followed up the entire case. He knew all kinds of evidence and situations, including the corpse and the news from the technical investigation.

It stands to reason that with so much information gathered, the murderer should be revealed.

What is meant by "surfacing" is that you keep pouring water and pouring water. When enough evidence is poured in, the truth will slowly surface.

However, the case has always been stuck with no result. In Jiang Yuan's view, casting the net widely is enough, but not deep enough.

This is Jiang Yuan's own conclusion after solving cases many times.

Sometimes, the idea is good and the idea is normal, but the execution is not in place, and the move is just wrong.

Jiang Yuan thought about it and decided that motorcycles were still the best way to break through.

Sorted waste can provide a lot of information, but it is not clear enough. The jewelry found also shed light on the condition of the victim and his family, but it did not help.

All kinds of information have their own advantages and disadvantages, but in Jiang Yuan's view, motorcycles fit the case most closely.

It is a means of transportation and is necessary for transporting corpses. The involvement of motorcycles was also evidenced by the body bags found on the bodies. On the other hand, this is a big-ticket commodity. Neighbors and relatives can help verify whether a person or a family has bought a motorcycle, ridden it, or even sold it. Don't go there.

Jiang Yuan came to Fang Jinxiang in the hope of implementing this investigation idea.

Fortunately, Xu Taining is not the kind of arbitrary leader. In other words, because he has engaged in such big scenes many times and encountered many situations, he does not have the habit of being arbitrary.

With sufficient manpower and resources, he was still willing to let criminal investigators like Jiang Yuan implement his own ideas.

As for the result...if the case is solved, everyone will be a contributor and share the honor. If the case is overturned, just let it go quietly.

Jiang Yuan thought he had thought clearly. When he arrived at the scene, he no longer thought about what-ifs and what-ifs. I just focused on checking the list in order.

From time to time, Jiang Yuan also turns on his mobile phone to check the status of other groups.

After the team checked twenty groups, the "Ningtai Zifeng Police Group" in the WeChat group was already wailing:

Criminal Detective Liu Wenkai: [We are halfway through the investigation, but there is nothing. Almost the same as last time. 】

Zhang Mingyuan, the current surveyor: [You use the same method as last time to check the houses you checked last time. Can you find anything different? For example, if we use different methods to check the people we checked last time, we can still get the same conclusion! 】

Detective Liu Wenkai: [If you use the same method to find girls, whether you find the same girl, or find a different girl, can you all come to the same conclusion? Maybe he is sick this time? 】

Huang Qiangmin: [ @Criminal Detective Liu Wenkai? 】

Detective Liu Wenkai: [I mean, everyone plays football in the same way, plays the same position, and plays the same tactics, but some countries’ football teams can come up with different results. I’m talking about Sri Lanka. . 】

Current survey Zhang Mingyuan: [Isn’t the result of the national football team the same every time? I'm talking about the Sri Lankan national football team. 】

Jiang Yuan put away his cell phone.

Under Liu Jinghui's spring... No, during the period of disappearance, I'm afraid I didn't have a mobile phone to play with, and I had no reason to hang out.

Passing by a closed shop, Wen Ming slapped it away and asked.

The shopkeeper didn't expect to be disturbed even after he closed the door, and he mumbled impatiently again.

Wei Zhenguo said: "Tell me, who owns a motorcycle around your house and hasn't been asked twice or three times?"

The shop owner looked around: "Who can't afford a motorcycle now? You might as well go door to door and ask."

"We are asking from door to door." Wei Zhenguo added: "If you find something we have leaked, tell us, and we will reward you. If you verify a motorcycle, it will cost at least 5,000 yuan."

This is equivalent to offering a reward for clues, and the county bureau can release relevant information.

The store manager groaned for a long time, and when Wei Zhenguo was about to leave, he suddenly said: "I know someone lent a motorcycle to someone, does this count?"

"You mean Boss Tang from the street repair shop?" Wei Zhenguo was somewhat familiar with the surrounding environment.

"You know?" The store manager said "Hmm" unhappily and said, "Who did he lend his motorcycle to? You can't find the person, so you need to find someone."

Jiang Yuan looked at Wei Zhenguo as he listened.

Wei Zhenguo said calmly: "He has an account book. The motorcycles he has there are also lent to customers. If customers come to repair their cars or something, and they don't have a car for the time being, they can borrow it from his shop without wasting time. Service The model is similar to that of a luxury car store, except that the prices have fallen sharply.”

Jiang Yuan nodded in understanding, and then said: "Go and check on him first. There will be more people borrowing cars."

The four people quickly completed the inspection, and then rushed to the repair shop without stopping.

The boss is a fat man with a big belly. Just looking at his image, he doesn't have the ability to throw away corpses all the time.

If this was a murderer who was serious about killing people, he should have trained his body to some extent. Killing is still a highly confrontational sport, and looking at the way the boss weighs two hundred and dozens of pounds, wins every fight, and looks so white and tender that he has never been harmed, that is too martial arts.

Wei Zhenguo raised his eyebrows at Jiang Yuan. There was a reason why he did not focus on this store for inspection.

"The main thing is to look at the person who borrowed the motorcycle." Jiang Yuandao.

"You've all read the account book several times. Did you take pictures?" The fat shopkeeper took out a booklet from under the counter and placed it on the glass counter for the few people to read.

Jiang Yuan flipped through it briefly, and then used his literary inspection skills to check.

It's a journal-style car rental record, and it's not frequent, just a few times a month.

This shop is not only a repair business, it also has a garage for car washing and a workshop for repairing cars. The rented motorcycles are just a small project, there are three in total, placed alone in the corner.

"Is there anyone who borrows the car who is not on the account?" Jiang Yuan's words were no different from before.

The fat shopkeeper said calmly: "Everything is basically paid into the account, and some borrowed and repaid, it's impossible not to remember both times."

Jiang Yuan nodded and continued to look through the accounts.

The account was soon going to be turned over. Just when Jiang Yuan was about to close it up and return it to the other party, a word caught Jiang Yuan's eyes.

"What does monthly fee mean?" Jiang Yuan pointed to the brackets after a number.

"It means monthly settlement." The fat shopkeeper said casually: "The old man from the power supply station has to travel to the mountains from time to time, so he asked me for a car, and he can issue an invoice for reimbursement."

Without Jiang Yuan talking, several people were energetic.

"Why did he borrow the car from you?" Wei Zhenguo asked.

"You can't use a private car to do official business. That's what he said. He even asked me to issue a ticket before." The fat shop owner said cheerfully, "The old man is a nice person. He will give me a ticket every time he delivers the car." Come, I’ll clean the car too.”

"Old Fu...where is your home?" Wei Zhenguo became excited.

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