National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 253 Service Point

Chapter 254 Service Point

"The people at the power supply station all live in the family courtyard of the power supply station. Their location is also good..." The fat shop owner said a little slowly.

Wei Zhenguo couldn't wait to interrupt him and asked: "What's the old man's name?"

"Fu... Fu Guangyun." The fat shop owner thought, patting his head.

Wei Zhenguo immediately checked on his mobile phone, then signaled Wen Ming to be optimistic about the shop owner, and then found a corner to call Huang Qiangmin.

The kind of criminal police officer who goes straight to arrest people after receiving information will be sent to a corner after doing two cases in the country.

A serious case was organized by the provincial department, using more than a dozen laboratories, deploying hundreds of vehicles, and organizing thousands of people to investigate. In the end, four criminal police officers got the results of the investigation and went to arrest the person themselves?

If he was caught, his boss would probably hold his nose and admit it. What if he couldn't be caught or would there be a confrontation?

Why don't you think of a way to make use of hundreds of police officers from other units?

For Wei Zhenguo, he has been catching thieves for so many years and is well-informed. He also knows the advantages of more people than fewer people.

Let’s not go too far. A criminal suspect in his right mind may still resist when he sees two or three people. But when he sees a crowd of people, he will give up resistance first.

Of course, he may flee, and he may try his best to avoid capture by any means, but eliminating armed confrontation is already a great success.

Unlike what is shown on TV, the police do not want themselves and their colleagues to be injured, nor do they want the suspect to be injured.

If a criminal suspect is injured, the detention center will not accept him, and will have to send two or even four people to the hospital, with 24-hour shifts to watch... Any criminal police officer with personal heroism will guard the criminal suspect in the hospital for half a month. , almost collapsed.

After Wei Zhenguo reported to Huang Qiangmin, he felt a little more relaxed. He turned around and began to ask the fat shopkeeper about the situation in detail.

Wen Ming and Mu Zhiyang vigilantly walked around the store three times to make sure that the two workers were outside the house before returning to guard the door.

In the store, Jiang Yuan was also quickly collecting information.

The information obtained at this time is not only used to arrest the suspect Lao Fu, but may also be used to rescue Liu Jinghui.

If it's still too late.

Jiang Yuan had not bothered to think about this issue in detail before. Jiang Yuan spent the previous three days in the autopsy room, and before that, searching for corpses and sorting garbage or evidence in the mine.

He also deliberately did not think about this problem.

From the beginning, changing the mode of directly searching for Liu Jinghui to solving the case first and then searching for Liu Jinghui was Jiang Yuan's decision to abandon a lot of emotions and make what he thought was the best plan.

Xu Taining, Huang Qiangmin and others finally approved this plan. Of course, a large part of this is due to their trust in Jiang Yuan - if they didn't trust Jiang Yuan's detection capabilities, they probably would not adopt this indirect plan.

Jiang Yuan also understands this. While he is grateful that the case can be progressed smoothly, he must also bear this heavy pressure.

Pressure is always there, and there is no way to relieve it. We can only work hard and keep going.

This is still the case, and it is far from time to celebrate.

Stories about choosing the wrong suspect for various reasons are always indispensable.

At this time, verification is necessary, but it does not mean that everything must stop.

Under Wei Zhenguo's careful questioning, the fat shop owner gradually felt more at ease, and spoke a little more openly, "I usually drive an old model Daqi, and that car has a lot of minor problems, so I have to come over from time to time to repair it. Their workplace also had a Foton pickup truck, and the old man would occasionally drive it here for repairs and maintenance. Later, as he got more familiar with it, he often borrowed a motorcycle to drive it, saying it was convenient for running on mountainous roads."

"How long does he borrow a motorcycle for?"

"It can be as short as a week, or as long as more than a month. Sometimes when he comes back, he doesn't bother to return the car. He said that if he still wants to use it in a few days, he just makes a call."

"Then how do you calculate the money?"

"It's not much about money, it's mainly about repairing the car. It only costs 2,000 or 3,000 yuan to buy this second-hand motorcycle. If he wants to use it for a month, it costs 3,000 to 5,000 yuan. The main reason is that he drives on a mountain road and needs Transporting cables, motors, etc., I often need to repair them when I come back. I will directly calculate them into the cost of repairing the car for him later. You see, if I don’t write monthly statements again..."

"Is it normal to borrow a motorcycle often?"

The fat shop owner said "Hey" and said: "It's the same if he buys one himself. He still has to send it to me every day. The old man often drives back and the rear wheel suspension of the motorcycle is loose. They spend a lot of money driving. , the load is heavy, and the road conditions are bad, so every time I come back, I have to dismantle it, inspect it, repair it and replace it."

After a pause, the fat shop owner pointed to the cars behind him and said, "He borrowed it from me. It's so comfortable. Every time he chooses the car in the best condition, he doesn't like it at the time, so he just breaks a new one and gives it to him." Replace it. If he really wants to buy a motorcycle, he can drive it for a year at most and then it will be ruined. The replacement cost will be more expensive than the car. "

Wei Zhenguo was a little amazed when he heard this, and couldn't help but look at Jiang Yuan.

This really comes from practice. A car repair shop in a big city would definitely not have such services, nor would they rent cars to customers casually. Regardless of whether you make money or not, operating without a license is a problem.

But in a small town like Fangjin Township, compliance or non-compliance is meaningless. Frequent trips to get your car repaired or replaced can easily arouse suspicion. And if the motorcycle is not regularly maintained and maintained, and it breaks down in the middle of the road while carrying a body weighing 100 kilograms, it will really be a disaster.

At the same time, a motorcycle carrying an adult and the adult's body was driving for a long time on a mountain road with poor road conditions. The motorcycle required maintenance, which was also a very reasonable requirement.

From another perspective, the final choice of this corpse-disposal mode must be based on experience.

"In what year did I start borrowing your motorcycle?" Jiang Yuan followed this line of thinking and asked.

The fat shop owner's mind stagnated for a while, and he thought about it: "It was the year they retreated from the mountain, five or six years ago."

"What do you mean by withdrawing?"

"They supply power, so they used to have a point in Xishan. It seems to be to ensure the power supply of surrounding factories and mines. Later, these factories and mines were no longer working, so the power supply station removed the point in Xishan. Lao Fu used to live in Xishan. So I moved down.”

Jiang Yuan looked at Wei Zhenguo again.

Wei Zhenguo secretly called out "Good guy" and immediately went out with his cell phone to call Huang Qiangmin again.

Jiang Yuan asked the fat shopkeeper for a while. Wei Zhenguo came back and asked again.

In terms of interrogation skills, Jiang Yuan and Wei Zhenguo were still far behind.

The two took turns asking questions for more than half an hour, then took the shop owner into the car and headed to the police station.

This fat shop owner is an important witness, and he must make a formal transcript with a camera.

Jiang Yuan and others straightened things out, and an hour passed. As soon as they came out of the interrogation room, they heard that it was already a mess outside.

A man wearing a black hood and blue double-pocket overalls walked in surrounded by seven or eight police officers.

The ritual of the arrest alone is enough to prove his identity.

"Have you been caught?" Wei Zhenguo asked the person who came in later.

Seeing that it was Wei Zhenguo, the other party said "yes" and whispered: "He arrested us as soon as we got there. He didn't resist us when he saw us. He didn't say anything, and he didn't even ask a question."

"Did he participate in our operation? I mean auxiliary work or something like that." Jiang Yuan didn't know who to ask now. Seeing that Wei Zhenguo knew this person, he hurried over.

The other party looked at Wei Zhenguo first, and when he nodded, he said: "The person responsible for all the support tasks of power supply is a public institution. He must have sent people out. He doesn't know if it is true."

At this point, he slapped his head: "Remind me, I'm going to confirm this. The young man is so tall, he must be Jiang Yuan. He has a very bright mind."

The other party was about the same age as Wei Zhenguo. He smiled and praised and went to work.

Wei Zhenguo smiled, turned around and whispered to Jiang Yuan: "Li Ji. He is from the Jianjiang City Criminal Police Team. He used to be the captain of the plainclothes brigade. Now he should be engaged in electronic fraud."

Jiang Yuan nodded.

There seemed to be a lot of detectives present watching the fun, but in fact they all had work to do. In a matter of minutes, they dispersed, like fallen leaves on a windy day, leaving only a mess on the ground.

Not long after, Xu Taining rushed over.

Huang Qiangmin and many other responsible persons gathered spontaneously.

"Did Lao Zhou go in?" Xu Taining was talking about interrogation expert Zhou Chuanwen.

Xu Taining called him over a few days ago, and he probably felt that it was time to dig out the suspect.

Unexpectedly, it was so difficult for the suspect to dig. Zhou Chuanwen was on standby for several days because of this.

The subordinate knew what Xu Taining was thinking and immediately said: "We've been in for a quarter of an hour. The interrogation should begin."

"Go over and have a look and talk as we walk." Xu Taining called the director of the local police station and they went to the monitoring room to watch the interrogation.

These are all standard equipment for police stations. However, the equipment of township police stations is inferior, the layout inside is a bit messy, and the area of ​​the monitoring room is not large enough. A few people in white shirts entered and stood in the middle, leaving only a group of people in blue shirts. The person in charge can only watch the video in the cracks.

Xu Taining looked both ways and waved: "Let Jiang Yuan come in and listen together. The case is not over yet."

Jiang Yuan was also pulled in.

The crowd became even more uncomfortable, and they could only focus on the monitor screen.

In my ears, the interrogator's voice came:

"Fu Guangyun, I was dispatched by the provincial department and made a special trip to Fangjin Township to wait for you."

"If you don't speak, it won't affect the progress of the case..."

"Fu Guangyun, this is your last chance!"

What came out of the loudspeaker was the voice of the interrogator.

Those who stood in the monitoring room and listened attentively could hear Xu Taining's gradually heavier breathing.

It is not uncommon for criminal suspects to remain silent and try to fight the iron fist with silence. Xu Taining believed that with Zhou Chuanwen's ability, it would only take a short time to break through the suspect's psychological defense.

Xu Taining has seen many similar cases.

The only thing he was not sure about was whether Liu Jinghui could endure it and whether he was still there.

The same anxiety also spread in Jiang Yuan's mind.

After waiting quietly for a few minutes, Jiang Yuan couldn't help but whispered: "I have a suggestion."

The atmosphere in the monitoring room was already depressing enough. As soon as Jiang Yuan spoke, a group of people looked at him.

It's just that Jiang Yuan was a little too high, which made the leaders not feel very good.

"Tell me about it." Xu Taining looked forward to it.

Jiang Yuandao: "When Captain Wei and I asked the owner of the repair shop before, we got a piece of information that Fang Jinxiang Power Supply Station previously had a service point in Xishan, but it was canceled five and a half years ago. Previously, the service shop was responsible for ensuring Nearby factories and mines use electricity. Later we learned that the service point has a yard with three employees on duty alternately. Including the suspect Fu Guangyun."

After a pause, Jiang Yuan continued: "During duty, according to regulations, two people are required, but the three employees at the service point privately changed their duty hours and worked two days off and three days off. Therefore, there was always only one employee at the service point. In addition, the service point is equipped with motorcycles and has water and electricity supply. The daily task is to go to various factories and mines to do repair and maintenance work."

Jiang Yuan spoke very objectively, but in fact, he described a separate place where corpses could be dismembered.

Everyone understood it and started reasoning in their minds.

Xu Taining said directly to Jiang Yuan: "You continue."

"Yes." Jiang Yuan looked at Huang Qiangmin and said: "When Liu Chu disappeared, he was accompanied by two police officers. The suspect should not have enough force to confront him head-on. There is no reason to confront three police officers head-on. . Previously, Liu Chu’s tire was punctured, which shows part of the suspect’s strategy..."

Jiang Yuan did not continue to speculate and instead said: "The location where Liu Chu's tire was punctured for the first time should be near the mine where the body was dumped. We also invested a lot of manpower in searching near the mine. There is no Result. Judging from the information currently available, Liu Chu may have found the Xishan service point near the power supply station, or may have encountered a similar situation."

"Do you think the service point in Xishan will be the early dumping place for the murderer?" Xu Taining asked.

"It's very possible. We have dug very deep in the mine in Zifeng Mountain. The death time of the earliest corpse was exactly more than four years ago. And judging from the decomposition of the corpse's body parts, the source of corpse No. 4 is definitely not Victim No. 1." Jiang Yuan said with great certainty: "In addition, there are corpses but the skull has never been found. It is very reasonable to speculate that the murderer had an earlier dumping point and burial point closer to where he lived or worked. "

Compared with Fang Jinxiang, Zifeng Mountain is still a little far away.

It takes almost two hours to travel dozens of kilometers of mountain roads by motorcycle at a speed of less than 30 kilometers, and the actual time may be longer.

To be honest, an inexperienced murderer with insufficient psychological quality would not dare to transport corpses so far even in the wilderness.

Experience and psychological quality can be developed.

For people like Fu Guangyun, the early stage of killing may be rough. It is the most normal reaction to deal with it in a hurry near the place of residence or work.

But after gaining experience, he can have more choices and the mode can be more hidden and safer.

For things like borrowing a motorcycle, he might even consider the economics.

Xu Taining was more familiar with Liu Jinghui than Jiang Yuan, and he subconsciously agreed with Jiang Yuan's reasoning.

Liu Jinghui is the kind of reasoning genius who can find clues without evidence. For a detective like Xu Taining who likes to work step by step, Liu Jinghui also has innate intuition.

He always makes incredible assumptions and ultimately proves them.

Therefore, Liu Jinghui wandered around the mine several times, used police dogs near the murderer's body dump many times, and dispatched more than average manpower to search, which undoubtedly stimulated the murderer.

It is conceivable that if there was not an imminent crisis, the murderer would not easily try to poke the police's tires.

This was one of the reasons why Xu Taining agreed when Jiang Yuan proposed pumping water out of the mine. He did this not only because of abundant resources but lack of clues, but also because he believed in Jiang Yuan's judgment. At the same time, Xu Taining also believed that Liu Jinghui would not wander around the mine for so long without aim.

However, the search near the mine failed to find Liu Jinghui, which was quite frustrating. The thinking at the time was that maybe the mine was too complicated, or the mountain road was too difficult and dangerous, so that he fell or fell passively.

Now it seems that Liu Jinghui may have found the place where the murderer dumped his body separately - this is unusual for a normal criminal police officer. A normal criminal police officer, after encountering a car accident, would definitely have to desperately search for the cause.

But for Liu Jinghui, even if he used himself as a matchmaker, the evidence he produced was only part of the case.

He always uses his own ideas to solve cases easily and skillfully.

If Liu Jinghui had any fault, perhaps he underestimated the murderer's growth.

The murderer poked the tire for the first time and caused a car accident, allowing Liu Jinghui to escape. The second time, the murderer probably also evolved.

"Go find a map of Fang Jinxiang and a map near Xishan." Xu Taining no longer hesitated.

The subordinates responded and left.

Jiang Yuan coughed lightly and said in a low voice: "I think we can dispatch police dogs. It would be best to dispatch a few more. Not only can we try to smell the corpses, but we can also use Liu Chu and the missing police officers' belongings as sniff sources. It would be best. , is to use the criminal suspect as a sniffer."

"Okay, call the technical investigators and check the suspect's mobile phone to see if we can draw a range." Xu Taining fought for wealth and never showed mercy when using resources.

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