National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 255: Weak and Powerless

Chapter 256 Weakness

Li Li didn't know that when she reported her discovery on the walkie-talkie, the white shirts were almost moved to tears.

too difficult.

The pressure is too much.

The living conditions in mines and towns are difficult, and the detection work is difficult. The most difficult thing is the high psychological pressure.

If you fantasize about finding a scene with Liu Jinghui, you can be as happy as you can imagine, but if you can't find a scene with Liu Jinghui, just thinking about it makes you sleepless.

For a group of middle-aged and elderly cadres, if you ask them to imagine happy happy endings, their thinking will be rigid, but if you ask them to imagine terrible and devastating bad events, their thinking will be as active as when they were young.

Li Li's report freed many people.

Some police officers ran over directly. Some of them were smarter and knew how to get some iron picks and the like, but there were not many of these things, and the empty space in front of the mine was quickly filled.

Fortunately, an excavator and a hook machine came over.

The construction machinery is all ready-made. They were the ones who were busy working in the mines of Zifeng Mountain before, and now they are the ones who are here to prepare for the war.

This is Xu Taining's habit. Regardless of whether the probability is high or low, or whether the cost-effectiveness is appropriate, as long as his superiors dare to give him resources, he will dare to spend them.

In the past, the most outstanding thing in the provincial department was human resources. Xu Taining learned first-hand organizational and coordination skills. When it came to the local level, others would use hundreds of people to handle cases, but he would have to use thousands or even thousands of people. People, fully mobilize the masses and engage in various human sea tactics.

Sometimes, they are criticized by local cadres for this.

But Xu Taining uses a lot of resources and his ability to solve crimes is also strong.

Just like this time. If we change to a leader who is more economical, he may not send construction machinery up immediately, because the situation above is still unclear, and construction machinery is paid on a daily basis.

Similarly, for the more normal senior police chiefs of the provincial department, even if they use dogs, five or six are considered too many. The provincial department's own police dog brigade can meet the needs.

But Xu Taining is different. If he thinks it is necessary, he must make full use of resources. As for spending too much money and causing waste, what should he worry about as a first-level senior police chief who does not care about people or money but only does things? strength.

Just solve the case.

When the excavator arrived, Xu Taining also woke up.

The one that came over first was a normal medium-sized excavator. The master looked quite experienced. After observing the situation, he said: "I'll clear a way out first. I don't know what the entrance of the mine is like. You can ask someone from the coal mine to come and take a look." . They have someone specializing in this.”

Xu Taining agreed and immediately called the leader of the Zifengshan Mining Bureau.

Most of the coal mines under the Zifengshan Mining Bureau have ceased production, but there are still coal mines in production, but the scale has been reduced, and the number of personnel has been reduced very little. There are also quite a few configurations that should be included.

Even because production tasks have become simpler, more people are engaged in work such as production safety and health discipline.

Xu Taining has become familiar with several leaders of the Mining Bureau in recent days. As soon as he called them, support came quickly.

The first group to arrive was the Bureau of Mines’ own mine rescue team.

The mine rescue team is the organization of the fire brigade and the management model of the fire brigade. But unlike ordinary firefighters, the mine rescue team carries person-finding devices, cutting saws, high-foam fire extinguishers, positive-pressure oxygen breathing apparatus and other items.

Moreover, because they are the Mine Bureau's own personnel, the mine rescue team can more easily obtain the mine drawings and understand the drawings. In addition, they are familiar with the local soil conditions, which greatly enhances safety.

However, this mine does not require so many professional skills.

The coal mine resources in Fangjin Township are poor. Most of them are small coal mines that were dug secretly in the early years. The mining was simple back then, but now it has's not that difficult.

The professional team was busy humming. The original large team of thousands of people rested when they needed to and helped out when they could, which also accelerated the progress a lot.

It is still not confirmed that Liu Jinghui is in the mine, and Xu Taining cannot just disperse the team.

What if there's a monkey inside that just likes banging metal?

Jiang Yuan helped around the mine for a while and was quickly replaced.

He didn't know how to operate these large machines, so he simply found a logistics camp and started working as a cook.

He was good at making food for people and had no interest in it, but making food for dogs—Dazhuang had made a meritorious service this time, so he had to have a good meal first.

Soon, the smell of LV5 dog rice spread throughout the camp.

Not only Li Li, but also several police dog handlers were deceived by their own dogs.

Including sunspots.

Of course, everyone is a well-established dog with status and dignity. They don't bark like the dogs outside. They just sit in front of Jiang Yuan with a basin in their mouths and watch him cook.

Jiang Yuan felt everyone's expectations and silently opened three more pots.

Several trainers also took the initiative to help and started to attack Jiang Yuan.

The LV5 dog rice skill looks very fancy on the outside. As long as you see Jiang Yuan operating it, you can notice something different.

Da Zhuang would twitch his sides with his black eyes from time to time.

The police dogs that came to help this time include large dogs such as Rottweilers and German Shepherds, as well as small dogs such as Jack Russell Terriers.

Police dogs of different sizes have very different food intakes, and it is said that the types of food will also change.

Jiang Yuan distributed it evenly with ease.

The first one to get the food was Da Zhuang.

In front of a group of seniors and juniors, Da Zhuang gently put down his rice bowl and received a full portion of dog rice.

Da Zhuang raised his chin proudly and kept it there until Heizi put down the two rice bowls.


Da Zhuang glanced over his head, not even looking at Heizi.

Li Li also ordered at the right time: "Eat."

Da Zhuang buried his head in his meal and had no other worries in the world.

When Liu Jinghui saw the stars in the sky again, his body was weak and trembling, but when he looked at the people around him, his heart was full of nostalgia and sigh for the beautiful world.

And, a little bit of trouble.

"There...are human bones inside. The murderer...the murderer was buried here a few years ago..."

Liu Jinghui didn't speak immediately when he saw people in police uniforms. It wasn't until a police sergeant he knew appeared that he solemnly confessed.

Liu Jinghui had already realized that there might be a spy or informant among the people he dispatched.

But Liu Jinghui can't tell this news now, especially not to his colleagues in the provincial department.

The reason is very simple. The senior police chiefs in the provincial department are just like him, they are empty-headed generals without soldiers under their command. It is difficult to solve problems that are too deep-seated.

On the contrary, it is easier for grassroots criminal police captains like Huang Qiangmin to deal with this problem decisively.

Liu Jinghui's eyes roamed the crowd. He believed that Jiang Yuan would participate in the rescue, and when Jiang Yuan came, Huang Qiangmin would probably come as well.

Sure enough, Jiang Yuan's giraffe-like neck was exposed from afar.

Liu Jinghui couldn't help but burst into a smile.

When Jiang Yuan approached, Liu Jinghui immediately waved and said to the surrounding police officers: "Let Jiang Yuan come over."

The police officers, members of the mine rescue team, leaders, and mobilized people who formed a circle spread out layer by layer before Jiang Yuan squeezed in.

At this time, Liu Jinghui and the other two police officers were already lying on stretchers and were carried away from the mine.

The shape of the mine has also disappeared. Under siege by multiple construction machinery, this small coal kiln has experienced unprecedented mining, and it is still free of charge.

That’s why free prostitution is the most punishing.

"Liu Chu." Jiang Yuan came to Liu Jinghui and squatted beside him without disdain.

Liu Chu is already rancid. This is a very objective statement. Even a rag wiped by normal people can emit a very strong smell after being left in a closed mine for more than a week.

That is to say, a forensic doctor like Jiang Yuan can squat down without changing his expression.

"Jiang Yuan. You're here." Liu Jinghui opened his mouth and the strong smell of urine proved that there was not much water in the mine.

"We first searched near the mine where the tire was punctured. We didn't find it, so we moved here." Jiang Yuan directly explained the reason for arriving late, without even a preface. I believe that Liu Jinghui’s reasoning ability is enough to understand.

Liu Jinghui sighed heavily and said happily: "It's great to find this place. I'm still wondering if you can identify the relationship between the various ruts in the parking lot."

"What rut?" Jiang Yuan asked.

Liu Jinghui was stunned for a moment and said, "Didn't you just say that you were looking for holes near the mines where the tires were punctured? Including the scene of my accident, there are motorcycle ruts."


"Have you not considered that most of the sources of these different ruts may come from the murderer?"

Jiang Yuan was stunned and whispered: "Liu Chu, you said they are different ruts. Who in the right mind would consider that they come from the same person?"

"The place is so remote, and as a result, there have been fresh ruts for many days in a row. Isn't it because of our past? Such high mountains and such complicated roads have appeared frequently for many days, but they have not been reported in front of me. They also appeared in The behavior of the police dogs at the car accident scene and parking lot also hints at the possibility that it is the same person, but it cannot be confirmed yet..."

Liu Jinghui must have been holding it back too much. He had been thinking about it these past few days, and when he said it in one breath, his face turned red and angry.

Jiang Yuan digested the information he gave and asked: "Then... what is the relationship between Cheru and Fang Jinxiang?"

Liu Jinghui frowned and looked at Jiang Yuan, and then said, "Is this already Fang Jinxiang?"

"Well...yes." Jiang Yuan nodded.

"We followed the ruts. One of the ruts was particularly deep. It must have come from rainy days or something. We tracked it to a crossroads and determined that it came from the mountain road here. And near the mountain road here, the most valuable and most valuable The places where there may be clues are in these mines..."

Liu Jinghui didn't go into so much detail, but the direction of his reasoning was basically certain.

Jiang Yuan looked at him numbly. Normally, everyone communicates with each other and can understand each other, but this time the distance is a little farther.

In addition, Liu Jinghui had just come out of the mine, his voice was hoarse, he couldn't speak very well, and he smelled bad, so it was even harder to communicate.

Liu Jinghui was lifted up by several police officers.

Liu Jinghui still turned his head to look at Jiang Yuan and said, "I judge that the murderer is a national worker, not necessarily a government employee, but he may be an employee of a public institution or a state-owned enterprise. He is over forty years old, probably fifty." Aged, male, with good physical strength and good physical fitness... Living in such a small town requires concealment..."

"Liu Chu." Jiang Yuan interrupted Liu Jinghui.

"The air outside is good, and my thinking is relatively active. Let me sort out my thoughts..." Liu Jinghui murmured: "I originally wanted to follow the line of Wang Guoshan to check, but then I discovered that they should be very early So we cut it. This line can't be passed. In fact, the best way is to find corpses. Well, there should be several corpses in the mine. We dug out one, which has turned into bones..."

"Liu Chu." Jiang Yuan took advantage of Liu Jinghui's speaking time to put on his gloves, held Liu Jinghui's hand, and said, "You can rest peacefully..."

Liu Jinghui was anxious: "How can I rest? Don't worry about me. Just think that I have been on a diet to lose weight for more than a week. Now I have to seize the opportunity..."

"The murderer has been caught." Jiang Yuan patted the back of Liu Jinghui's hand, as if to comfort him, and said: "The murderer is an employee of a nearby power supply station. Five years ago, he was stationed a few hundred meters away from the mine. At the service point, the motorcycle he used was provided by a repair shop, similar to a rental model..."

As Liu Jinghui listened to Jiang Yuan's description, the strength in his hands became less and less, and he gradually became weak and weak.

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