National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 256 Regret

Chapter 257 Regret

"Ouch, ouch, ouch..."

"As an old man like me, I don't know how to be shady. This guy is a wet guy."

"It's uncomfortable. It's uncomfortable lying down, and it's uncomfortable standing up straight."

In front of the little nurse, Liu Jinghui kept complaining.

The young lady from the special care building said very gently: "I'll get you an ibuprofen later. If you feel really uncomfortable, just take one."

"Ibuprofen is a painkiller, right? Hey, I'm worried about being addicted." Liu Jinghui said in a nonchalant voice: "You don't know, police officers like us have to deal with major cases all the time, and we get injured a lot. , don’t dare to use painkillers indiscriminately.”

"If you don't usually take painkillers, it doesn't matter if you take a few less tablets of ibuprofen. You can feel more comfortable. Moreover, ibuprofen is also relatively safe. Among the two commonly used antipyretics for children with colds and fevers, The form and dosage of ibuprofen suspension are different." The nurse helped Liu Jinghui hang up the water, then helped him tuck under the quilt and said, "You have a good rest, and ring the bell if you need anything."

"Okay. Thank you." Liu Jinghui smiled.

"It's okay, you are all heroes. What people say now is that you are carrying the burden forward." The nurse's voice was soft.

Liu Jinghui watched the little nurse leave.

The ward door closed and silence returned to the room.

Ten seconds later, I heard a loud roar: "You pulled out the indwelling needle again. If you pull it out again, I'll get angry! I'll get angry!"

Liu Jinghui silently turned around. He was not alone, nor could it be his gentle, virtuous and beautiful nurse.

Boom boom.

When there was a knock on the door, Liu Jinghui immediately put away his cell phone, extinguished his cigarette, fanned twice, flattened the pillow, lay on his side, and let out the cry of an eagle calling its mother: Ouch...

"We're in." Jiang Yuan, Huang Qiangmin, Wei Zhenguo and others carried fruit baskets and entered the ward.

Liu Jinghui: "Ouch..."

"Liu Chu, I still feel uncomfortable." The corners of Huang Qiangmin's mouth rose three degrees, which can be regarded as the jungle version of enthusiasm.

When digging Liu Jinghui, Huang Qiangmin was also very dedicated and hard-working. He stayed up for several days without sleeping, and even used his own police dog and Jiang Yuan. Many expenses were not reimbursed, and he paid a lot.

However, when Liu Chu was brought out smelling like urine and washed clean, Huang Qiangmin felt less excited.

This is the fact. The police colleagues who are missing and buried are so tragic. Sympathy and empathy flow against the current.

As for a senior police sergeant in a provincial department who is alive and well, this kind of thing is a bit ordinary, especially a third-level senior police sergeant. He doesn't even have a white shirt. Although the chief deputy has a big job, he also wears the word deputy, and the official certification is not special. .

Liu Jinghui let out two more ouches, looked back and saw that Huang Qiangmin was the only one, then he stopped, sat up and said, "I didn't bring any reporters. I thought there were cameras."

Huang Qiangmin pretended to go up to help him and said hurriedly: "Then don't get up so fast. After all, mobile phones also have cameras. What if someone takes a picture?"

"No, I just cooperated with their work. I didn't ask them for anything. I was buried in the mine for 9 days and came out with all my hair. It's not worth what they did for me." Liu Jinghui nodded to the others. He opened a pack of cigarettes, handed them out one by one, and said: "Open a window and stand inside to smoke. Don't let the smell leak into the corridor, and you will get scolded easily."

Huang Qiangmin took the cigarette and said: "I have been missing for 10 days, why do you say it is 9 days?"

"It's not like he fell into the mine directly on the day he disappeared, so the official certification is 9 days. Hey, I won't give you two digits. When people tell people in the future, Xiao Liuzi was buried for a few days, and he's still so pretentious." Liu Jinghui learned. It's lifelike.

"No, it's not. After being buried for 9 days, normal people will die. How difficult it is to survive. I'm ignorant and let him try. Besides, it's not like he was buried for 9 days as promised. If you are not lucky, what you dig out will really be folded inside. Who will you talk to when the time comes? We are simply destined to be lucky, and we are destined to survive a catastrophe."

Liu Jinghui said "yes", but took a deep breath of cigarette, and said: "If you want to say that, that's what happened. I also think that you will definitely be able to find me. I feel that at the end of the day, you Once you found the car, you also found me. I didn’t expect that guy to dump the car in the mine..."

"That's why I say it's dangerous. These three people were buried under the mine. If it were me, I would be scared to death."

"Hey, the water has not been completely cut off. The mobile phone is turned on regularly and the electricity is still there. There is nothing to eat. There is still water. There is water dripping from the mine, but I can't take a shower. I was worried that the mine would be flooded. , that would be troublesome, hahahaha..." Liu Jinghui emphasized the issue of water.

Huang Qiangmin and others looked at each other and expressed their agreement.

After smoking a cigarette, Liu Jinghui looked at Jiang Yuan and said with a smile: "I heard that Lao Xu wanted you to go to the provincial department, but you didn't go?"

"It's not really about hiring people, it's about seconding them." Huang Qiangmin quickly emphasized: "The seconded ones have no establishment and no human rights. In a few years, Xu Taining will retire and Jiang Yuan will be sent back to start over. That's a big thank you."

Huang Qiangmin actually doesn't need to say the last half of the words, everyone understands it, and everyone here is an understanding king.

But Huang Qiangmin still wanted to say it out and emphasized it with extra emphasis.

Liu Jinghui chuckled and said: "The provincial department also has advantages. At least I know more people, I can learn a lot more, and the subsidies will be higher..."

Huang Qiangmin looked at Liu Jinghui, and the corners of his mouth gradually became calm.

"Hahahaha..." Liu Jinghui laughed three times, patted Jiang Yuan's shoulder again, and said: "No kidding, I really want to thank you all this time. If it weren't for you, I would have died in the mine. ”

"It can always be found." Jiang Yuan actually reviewed the search activity this time and said: "If the body had not been found, Xu Chu would most likely increase the number of manpower and give the vehicles you use as the first priority. Level search target. Once the search on Zifeng Mountain is completed, or the search is almost complete, we should consider the surrounding mountain topography and traffic conditions."

A vehicle is a large object, and burning it will leave traces. If you want to drive to other places, you have to face cameras at various vehicle bayonet points, which can easily reveal the identity of the driver.

Therefore, if you really can't find the car, then draw a circle within the limits of the vehicle bayonet to check. Of course, finding a car this way is also a big project, but with thousands of people, a few dogs, and the cooperation of various towns and villages, we should be able to find it in about a week.

Xu Taining's ability to draw big circles and conduct investigations is still very recognized. The biggest fear of this mode is lack of confidence and missing the target. The rest is nothing more than a duel between time, resources and pressure.

Liu Jinghui and Jiang Yuan had similar thoughts, but they were in different positions. They couldn't help but sigh: "I didn't expect that you would find the body first..."

"The mine near the parking lot where the tire was punctured has not been searched carefully." Jiang Yuandao: "The only option left."

"When Old Xu is ruthless, his decisiveness is much stronger than mine." Liu Jinghui nodded silently. Based on his reasoning ability, he also believed that it was very possible that there were corpses or other evidence in the mine at that time.

But after sending the water ghosts down and finding no conclusion, Liu Jinghui still didn't make the decision to wait and see.

In my heart, it's not just because of the money, but also because it's time-consuming and not elegant.

As a real policeman of the reasoning school, Liu Jinghui believed that he could still solve the case using other methods. And he himself did not use a corpse or multiple corpses to prove his judgment.

His ultimate desire is to arrest the criminal. As for the body, once the murderer is found, it will be enough to inquire more specifically about it.

Judging from the results, Liu Jinghui was actually right.

Jiang Yuan and others found the body, but the body itself did not actually provide much information. Instead, it was the bag containing the body that pointed them to Fang Jinxiang.

However, Liu Jinghui didn't need this step at all. He reasoned to the mine near Fang Jinxiang based on the wheel tracks, and he didn't even know that it was Fang Jinxiang.

At least it saves millions of dollars and is elegant.

If it weren't for the murderer's excessive execution ability and a little bit of status advantage, which turned Liu Jinghui into a ruined man, this should have been an example of a case that could be used as a teaching material.

"Hey..." Liu Jinghui sighed sincerely.

"However, the murderer Fu Guangyun has never been willing to speak, and his relationship with the previous Wang Guoshan has not been found." Jiang Yuan is still more concerned about this matter.

In fact, Liu Jinghui originally followed the line of Wang Guoshan to Zifeng Mountain to look for the body. However, the body was not found and he was disabled. In the end, the two lines were not even merged.

Liu Jinghui was actually very concerned about this matter, but he just curled his lips and said, "Don't worry yet. Many death row prisoners are very tough before the second trial. When they actually pronounce the death sentence, you will see that their psychology is not good." Same."

"I originally thought it would be relatives, at least people who have intersections in life." Jiang Yuan still looked a little disappointed.

Liu Jinghui chuckled and said: "The two of them are so close and each commits crimes, so it is impossible for them to intersect in life. Think about it, who can tolerate a serial killer in his life circle? Even serial killers can't stand it. ."

Jiang Yuan thought about it carefully and realized that this was really the case.

When a person is not accepted by society, it is not just that he is not accepted by social groups other than himself. In fact, he himself does not accept such social members.

It's like the King of the Sea cannot accept marrying a Queen of the Sea, a gambler cannot lend money to any gambler, and a poisonous insect cannot believe the words of another poisonous insect...

Similarly, when a junior high school graduate becomes a boss, what he wants is not to recruit more low-educated employees, but to be proud of recruiting highly educated employees. Young gangsters will not be proud of the miscalculations of gangsters of the same age. Instead, they will brag, "I know a guy who never attends classes and has excellent grades. If he hadn't been cut off during the college entrance examination..."

Even if a divorced person goes on a blind date with a child, he or she does not want to find a divorced partner with a child.

Serial killers will not be happy because one of their relatives or brothers is a serial killer.

This is at least a competitor.

"Don't think too much. I'll go to the prison to talk to them after a while." Liu Jinghui is not someone who is so anxious to find answers.

On the contrary, he prefers to slowly figure out the taste by himself.

This feeling is like eating Pipi shrimps. The meat of Pipi shrimps should be thick, fresh, their backs should be bulging, and their bodies should be fat, but they also have to have thorns or thorns and just eat meat. , it loses its charm.

For Liu Jinghui, reasoning is a very interesting thing in itself. If there is no goal to pursue, then he would rather take his time.

Liu Jinghui chatted with others for a few more words. When it was over, he held Jiang Yuan's hand again and asked: "Has the autopsy of the body in the mine been completed? What were the findings?"

"There is a male corpse. After DNA testing, the overlapping corpses that are similar to the autopsy are brother and sister. The other four corpses are all female." Jiang Yuan said simply: "Now that they have been identified, plus the four corpses in the mine There were 9 corpses in total, 1 male and 8 females, and the identities of 5 skeletons were determined.”

"There are still four corpses that cannot be identified?" Liu Jinghui was not surprised, but rather regretful.

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly and said, "It's difficult to identify directly from a forensic perspective."

"I know, I'll go back and ask Fu Guangyun." Liu Jinghui sighed.

This is true for most corpses, especially skeletal corpses. Unless the DNA can be matched, otherwise, it will require the cooperation of ground investigation to be able to identify them.

For example, in the previous Wang Guoshan case, using hundreds of police officers and multiple units to cooperate in the investigation, it was relatively easy to find the victim's information.

But as for the murder case of Fu Guangyun, the murderer Fu Guangyun has already arrived at the case. Although it is important to find information about the victim and comfort the family, after all, it is no longer an urgent task, and it is impossible to dispatch thousands of people to investigate, search and demonstrate. .

It would be even harder to confirm if they were merchants or tourists from other places, or were lured by robbery and trafficking in other ways.

In the end, the most likely way to find out the identity of the victim is to ask the murderer.

Jiang Yuan was also helpless about this.

In fact, he would prefer to identify the victim if possible.

The legacy given by the deceased was never owed to him.

This time alone, Jiang Yuan gained three bequests:

Build a wall (LV4)

Winter melon planting (LV3)

Official Document Writing (LV4)

If possible, Jiang Yuan also wanted to study the remaining corpses. However, due to limited abilities and limited conditions, it was finally time to close the case.

After bidding farewell to Liu Jinghui and having a hot pot meal with Huang Qiangmin and others, Jiang Yuan directly asked for leave and went home.

Take five days off.

Judging from Huang Qiangmin's generosity alone, the security situation in Ningtai is really easy.

When Jiang Yuan returned home, he deliberately tried to use the three legacy items.

There is no need to rush when writing official documents. After returning to the police station, there will be plenty of opportunities for you to express yourself.

Winter melon planting is a little out of season, but it is not impossible to grow. Jiang Yuan slightly modified a covered balcony at his home, measured the temperature and started sowing seeds.

During this period, the skill of building walls can also be used, which can be said to be perfect.

It was as if he had reconciled with the world.

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