National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 274 Jingling Community

The morning glow and the dawn.

Jiang Yuan opened his eyes, climbed out of bed, took a short rest, and rushed to the criminal police detachment.

Entering the office of the backlog class, I saw that many people had already arrived in advance.

Wan Baoming happened to come in from the outside. When he saw Jiang Yuan, he said, "Last night, everyone scanned the missing persons based on the suspect information you made. No one has been found yet. We are going to investigate today."

"Do you think an acquaintance committed the crime?" Jiang Yuan asked.

In addition to asking about the situation, the most advantageous aspect of door-to-door investigation is to observe the expressions, movements and demeanor of family members. Some murderers who commit murder for the first time are good at first, but are exposed after a few sentences.

In addition, if you visit the suspect's home and there is a smell of blood, or if the neighbors report that you have been chopping meat for a whole day, no one will believe you if you say you bought a sheep yesterday and cooked it at home.

In general, sophisticated crime-solving methods and confrontations with sophisticated murder plans are rare in the criminal police team.

Generally speaking, one side has to look rougher.

Wan Baoming naturally hoped that the other party would be rougher, but after thinking about it, he thought it was unlikely. He added: "The main thing is to find a stove. He should cut the body into pieces first and then burn it. The environmental requirements are quite high."

"Well, if there are no stairs at home, it's basically impossible to do this job." Jiang Yuan nodded.

"So the community where the incident occurred has always been highly suspected, and this time too, let's see if we can find any clues." Wan Baoming replied uncertainly.

Jiang Yuan looked around and saw that more than half of the people in the conference room were already here, but when it came to taking advantage of the personnel, no one had anything to do.

This is the criminal police team of Changyang City. Everyone is eager to get promoted and get a raise, and they will perform actively even if their attendance is useless.

It's not like in the county bureau, where everyone starts to pay attention to meaning. No one is too lazy to do meaningless things. You can't get a promotion or a salary increase anyway.

"Let's go and see it on site." Jiang Yuan felt that such a group of people could not be wasted in a ppt. Yu Wenshu probably just set up a special class for backlogged cases and was embarrassed to take them away, but without any cases, Jiang Yuan couldn't sit still.

Wan Baoming was a little surprised and said first: "Although Team Yu is in command at the scene, Captain Zhu is in charge. Should I give him a call?"

"Okay." Jiang Yuan said, packing up his things and getting ready to go out.

Wang Chuanxing was standing next to him with his ears pricked up to listen to him, and he quickly followed up: "Captain Jiang, let me carry your bag for you."

He took the initiative to help Jiang Yuan hold the things, and said with a smile: "Let's go over, what are we looking for?"

Wang Chuanxing has really benefited. He has achieved third-class merit and has emerged from the fierce competition of the same kind. He is in a good mood, as if he has won a lottery, and now he is counting on winning another one.

Jiang Yuan thought seriously and said, "I don't know, but I think there is a high probability that the person who discarded the burned bones lives in or near the community."

Wang Chuanxing agreed: "Outsiders can't find such a suitable community. It happens to be a villa area. Moreover, whether you come by car or take a taxi, it will be easily recorded."

Tang Jia also followed up at this time and said: "The bones collected are all so small. I think the other party might have just thrown them into the trash can, thinking that they would not be found. If it hadn't been for stray animals that tore it away If he comes out and is discovered again, then there probably won’t be any case.”

"It should have been thrown into the river." Wang Chuanxing said: "Just a dozen pieces of bones, thrown into the river, you can't find them."

"It's possible that they were washed to the shore. Others were captured by people by the river or by cameras. Li Changyu had a case. Didn't he just block the river and fish out the bone fragments? The case of murdering his wife in Hangzhou was similar. , human tissue fished from septic tanks." Wan Baoming came over and said a few words before following Jiang Yuan out.

After getting in the car, Wan Baoming said again: "The community where the incident occurred, Jingling Community, has more than 3,000 households. Among them, there are more than 1,000 households in the villa area, and now there are more than 500 households living there, and there are 2,000 bungalows. The occupancy rate is 70% to 80%. This is one of the earliest villa communities in Changyang City. The surrounding areas are larger. Moreover, because it occupies the top of a hill, people from nearby communities like to come to Jingling Community. This is the main problem now..."

Bodies dumped from other places are usually dumped on traffic arteries, highway intersections, or on bridges or under bridges.

Just imagine, a person is driving a car thousands of miles away, with a corpse or a basket of burned bones in the car. At this time, when he goes to another place, can he calmly find a villa community far away from the city center, and then abandon it? What about the community trash cans?

Totally unnecessary.

Especially when they are not familiar with local traffic, many car owners are reluctant to take community roads when driving. It is abnormal to bring a basket of bone fragments into the community to find a trash can.

Might as well spread it in the river.

When you arrive at Jingling Community and look at the scene, you will find that the situation in the community is even more complicated. Jingling Community is located at the top of the mountain, in the middle of the mountain and at the foot of the mountain. There are also five or six large and small communities. Among them, Anji Community at the foot of the mountain is actually still there. An artificial lake was built.

As Wan Baoming said, Jingling Community is open-plan, allowing people from other communities to enter the community to walk and enjoy the cool air, regardless of cars or people.

Similarly, Anji Community has a similar policy, allowing people from other communities to come to enjoy the cool breeze and walk around the artificial lake.

"Why didn't the murderer throw the bone fragments into the artificial lake?" Jiang Yuan stood on the mountain and looked at the sparkling artificial lake at the foot of the mountain, feeling strange.

"Because the artificial lake is regularly desilted every year." The person who spoke this time was Yu Wenshu, the on-site commander, who got the news and came over in person.

Yu Wenshu's style is not as meticulous and hands-on as Xu Taining's. He looks lazy overall. He said: "I talked to the property manager at the foot of the mountain. They desilted last year and caught a lot of fish. They also charged for desilting. , very positive.”

"Captain Yu." Jiang Yuan greeted first.

Others also sent greetings.

Yu Wenshu waited for everyone to finish greetings, bowed his hands and said with a smile: "Just talk about the case, there is no need to engage in this trick."

Jiang Yuan then said: "So, even if you throw bone fragments into the artificial lake here, you won't be able to solve it once and for all."

Yu Wenshu said "En" and said: "The criminal must have taken this into consideration. The garbage here is automatically dumped by garbage trucks, and it is not handled by human hands, which is the best channel for disposal."

"In this case, the criminal should be a resident here, or at least have a good understanding of this place?" Jiang Yuan easily came to this conclusion.

Yu Wenshu nodded solemnly.

It is not difficult to draw the same inference. A normal person drives a car to a strange community and throws away the remaining human bones. He drives to the foot of the mountain and sees an artificial lake. Instead of throwing away the bones, he drives to a community on the mountain to throw away other people's garbage. In the bucket, is this necessary?

If you don't know the rules for collecting garbage and the desilting procedures for artificial lakes, the correct thing to do is to throw it into the artificial lake.

The more correct approach is to throw it into some river.

The most suitable reason for choosing the troublesome one instead of the simpler and more concealed method is the local residents.

However, there is a problem here, which is the latter part of what Jiang Yuan just said. People who "have a good understanding of the community" may actually make the same choice.

For example, residents who still lived here a year or two ago, or tenants, or relatives who visited here.

As far as the existing clues are concerned, Yu Wenshu is reluctant to discuss this issue. If the truth is true, then the route of household investigation is equivalent to being deadlocked, and this case may not even be able to be handled.

Jiang Yuan was also thinking at this time, and said: "Actually, if there is nothing left to deal with, we should burn it again, then smash it and grind it..." Jiang Yuan thought: "A little anxious."

It has been burned to a porcelain state. To be honest, if you smash it, it will be broken into pieces.

Of course, the bone fragments are now very broken. The largest bones are as big as the palm of your hand, and the largest number of vertebrae are each about the same size as a short rib.

At this level, there is a high probability that he has already been smashed. Perhaps the murderer no longer wants to continue smashing, or the workload is too heavy. After hitting this level, his back is already aching...

Or, don’t dare to knock for too long?

Jiang Yuan recalled the bones he had seen, turned around and asked, "Have you asked the residents about the noise? It should be recorded in a short period of time."

"I have asked, mainly in Jingling Community. I have not asked systematically in other communities." Yu Wenshu understood what Jiang Yuan meant and asked: "Are there any signs of being beaten on the bones?"

"I think it should be like this. Burn it first, make it crisper, smash it, and then burn it. Then I remove some edges and smash it casually. This is what it looks like now." Jiang Yuan said, "The scene It will definitely be very messy, and you need a relatively large area to do this, and there will inevitably be knocking sounds, which will take half an hour."

"I asked them to add the noise issue to the list." Yu Wenshu didn't mean to investigate all of them. 30 minutes of noise is an estimate in itself, maybe it should be done separately, or maybe there are provisions for sound absorption?

All in all, from Yu Wenshu's perspective, this clue is not reliable.

And he couldn't be like Xu Taining, who would pile up resources when he encountered a clue.

As far as the Changyang City Criminal Police Detachment is concerned, if it is used once to investigate tens of thousands of people in a case, it will be full. If it is used twice, there must be results, otherwise, someone will have to bear the responsibility. .

Jiang Yuan has experienced many cases and can understand Yu Wenshu's caution.

It is said that leaders only talk and soldiers break their legs. If leaders are called lack of courage because they care about the people, that would be a double standard.

Moreover, the Changyang City Criminal Police Detachment is already quite strong. If it were Ningtai County, an investigation involving several thousand people would be the limit.

After a few more words, Yu Wenshu went off to do his business.

Jiang Yuan strolled slowly, walking around the community, especially near the trash can where the burned bones were found, watching as he walked.

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