National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 275 Coming soon

Jingling Community was built nearly 20 years ago, but it was later expanded to Phase II and Phase III, so overall it is still relatively new.

However, because it is a community built very early, there is no separation of people and vehicles in the community. There are only a few meters wide roads in the community, which are not only the route for people to walk on weekdays, but also the route for vehicles to travel.

The maintenance of the community itself is quite good. The trees are shady, the road is neat and clean, and the benches and benches on both sides of the road are wiped down.

It can be seen that in order to sell the house, the developer can sit on the property and make no profit. Just like trash cans, they have a pretty good shape and are mainly made of metal. They are different from ordinary municipal trash cans and have a relatively high density.

But when used to place body parts, the difference is not big.

The trash cans that contained the roasted bone slices that day were all towed away, and the new ones were moved.

But the original position of the trash can was marked with white lines. Looking at the shape of the trash can next to it, it did not affect Jiang Yuan's observation.

"They are all trash cans on the roadside. You can throw them anywhere." Jiang Yuan walked around for a second time and made a judgment when he walked around for the second time.

Wan Baoming has been following him. When he heard Jiang Yuan speak, he immediately said: "Indeed, they are all more convenient places to discard."

"The burned bone fragments were actually put into a bag or something and then thrown away." Jiang Yuan looked back at Wanbao Mingyan.

Wan Baoming said: "We also tend to dispose on foot. The 14 bone fragments are separated into 5 trash cans and the distances are not far away. Parking the car and then getting off the car to discard it will be more conspicuous and unnecessary."

Jiang Yuan nodded and said: "But there is no way to rule out that it was abandoned by residents of other communities?"

"Yes. Moreover, Jingling Community has actually been inspected once. We have sent people in to check if there are commercial stoves or larger stoves at home." Wan Baoming sighed and said, "This resistance They are quite big and have caused a lot of disputes, and it will be quite difficult to expand to five or six communities here."

There are also differences between investigation and investigation. For example, household inspection is very difficult to do, especially if the scope is too large. The people they want to investigate are mainly the residents of the villa, and they have higher requirements for privacy, so it is more difficult to carry out the investigation.

Go into every household, read and search them all. You don't have to think about this kind of thing. It's difficult to do it anywhere. If you don't do it well, you'll end up with nothing.

Jiang Yuan could also understand that if anyone came to his home and said he wanted to take a look at the stove, and maybe pick up the ashes or something, Comrade Jiang Fuzhen would definitely not be willing to do so.

Jiang Yuan continued to wander and think.

Wan Baoming and others followed.

Wang Chuanxing walked around scratching his head and head.

As far as he understood it, this case had reached a dead end, and it was not surprising that it had reached a dead end. There are just a few bone fragments there, which can't be said to be clues at all.

If solving the crime was all about imagination, and if it could be solved, it wouldn't matter if he wanted to.

However, there are hundreds of police officers working on this case in front of them, but really, no one knows what to do...

"Actually, we don't have much right now, especially the evidence, which is too little." When Jiang Yuan said this, he said, "How about asking Liu Chu?"

What Liu Jinghui often does is not the kind of cases without evidence.

Although the detection rate is not very high, compared to normal criminal police officers, Liu Jinghui is already a very good expert.

Wan Baoming was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that after wandering around the scene for so long, Jiang Yuan's plan was to call Liu Jinghui.

On second thought, it's not that big of a problem. One bed is also called, two beds are also called, what does it matter?

"Then I'll report it to Captain Yu, and then ask Liu Chu, and I'll say it was you who called me." Wan Baoming smiled. He and Liu Jinghui were not very familiar with each other. If he wanted to invite someone, it would be best to have a middleman. Furthermore, the case was under the command of Yu Wenshu, and his consent was required for the move.

Jiang Yuan agreed and continued walking around the community.

In the afternoon, Jiang Yuan directly asked someone to find a villa. In the backyard of the villa, he used the owner's barbecue pit to grill meat.

The owner of the villa, Yuan Songping, is a friend of Yu Wenshu. He is a businessman in his forties. He runs a wine business and also owns restaurants and other businesses.

This man was also a wonderful man. He knew a little bit about the case. Seeing that Jiang Yuan seemed to have no taboos, he said, "Why don't we simulate the scene? I'll bring a sheep over, shave off the meat, roast it, and pile up the bones." Broiled in the charcoal."

Jiang Yuan's heart moved, and he said yes, and said: "The hardness of sheep bones is a bit low, why not find some pig bones, pork chops from native pigs, which have a slightly longer growth period, should be able to simulate the state of the found sternum. In addition, I'm also a little curious to find another pork bone and burn it. The tibia is said to be the most difficult to deal with..."

"Okay, I have the most of these things in the hotel. Wait a minute, I'll ask them to bring some fresh ones, as if they were just killed." Yuan Songping looked quite positive.

Jiang Yuan was reminded again and hurriedly said: "If there is stock, you can also bring some frozen bones."

Even if a murderer kills someone, he doesn't necessarily have to burn them immediately.

Many people, especially novice murderers, will be confused after their first murder. Some people will drag the body to bury it. These people are usually impatient.

Some people who are slow to react will let the body sit for a while, wait until it smells bad, then stuff it into the refrigerator, and then consider whether to bury it or throw it away.

Those who choose to burn corpses at home are those who are rich and patient.

Think about it, how much fuel would it take to burn a mouse or cat to the bone? How much smoke must be produced and how much smell must be produced. If you live in a high-rise or apartment building, you basically don’t need to consider this option.

There is much more freedom in the villa. If there was a swimming pool, draining the water and dismembering the body in it would definitely be much more comfortable than in the bathroom.

However, it is always very time-consuming to burn the corpse cleanly. Neither the furnace nor the temperature of civilian furnaces can reach the level of crematoriums in funeral homes. Thinking about it this way, freezing the body in the refrigerator and burning it slowly is also a more reasonable option.

If this is the case, perhaps the larger and stronger tibia has not been dealt with yet?

Is it possible that the criminal police team started the investigation during the early stages of dumping the body of the murderer?

According to this idea, the murderer's luck seems to be not so good.

Yuan Songping's stove is an American-style braised oven, which is the barbecue stove often seen in American TV series. There are usually two types: coffin-shaped and head-shaped.

The Yuan family's is coffin-shaped, just big enough for a person who is 1.5 meters tall and weighs 150. The basic structure is also very simple. There is a charcoal fire at the bottom and a net on top to grill food. There is another coffin similar to the American style. The curved lid can form a certain amount of heat reflection when closed, thereby heating food more stably.

Jiang Yuan took the charcoal, put it into the ignition stove, and lit an alcohol block underneath.

The alcohol block burns, and all the charcoal fire in the chimney-like ignition path becomes red, then pours it into the oven, and then adds more charcoal.

Everything was ready, and the meat and bones were delivered.

Half a sheep, a pork chop, some beef, and a basket of bones.

Jiang Yuan took two pig tibias, also known as tube bones, and grilled them on the grill. If nothing happened, he threw them into the charcoal fire.

During this period, Yuan Songping took the initiative to take out a large amount of seasonings and marinate the pork chops and mutton.

Everyone divided the work and cooperated, and soon, a lot of smoke was floating up.

"Bake so many things at once, and there won't be a lot of smoke." Jiang Yuan's attention was instantly diverted.

"Because it is roasted over slow fire, if you put the bones directly on the charcoal fire, they will smoke more. If you put the bones on the middle net and flip them, they will not smoke easily." Yuan Songping introduced.

Jiang Yuan nodded slowly: "So, as long as you divide the body and roast it slowly over the fire, it's okay to roast it in the yard?"

Yuan Songping's scalp was about to explode after hearing this, and he hurriedly said: "No problem, no problem, but people can't be so perverted..."

Before Jiang Yuan could say anything, several detectives nearby laughed.

Yuan Songping shook his head: "I'll get you some drinks. I can't listen to this during meal time."

He turned around and left, giving Jiang Yuan and others some time to chat alone.

Jiang Yuan turned over the pieces of meat and looked at the bones on the charcoal fire. He couldn't help but said: "The burnt bone fragments involved in the case seem to have been burned at least twice."

Wan Baoming frowned: "You mean, the murderer burned it on a stove like this first, and then burned it somewhere else?"

"Well, the murderer's purpose should be to reduce the weight and volume of the corpse. Then he can use a large furnace first, wait until the bones can no longer be burned, and then process them slowly later."

"Then... we ask the stove seller to repair it?" Wan Baoming was a little unsure.

"Or, I think we can look for carbon." Jiang Yuan corrected, then pointed to the slow oven in front of him, and said: "This guy used such a large amount of carbon, the murderer had to buy a lot of carbon to prepare it."

Wanbaoming was not sure, but still nodded and said: "This is easy to check. I asked the express company to list the weight of the goods in the past few months, so that I can know who bought the heavier express delivery... However, the suspect It’s also possible to go to the market and buy carbon.”

"Then I can't control it. Well... maybe the real estate agent saw it, like a truck of coal, so I should stop and register it."

Wan Baoming nodded repeatedly: "I'll go and ask. Well, I have to be suspicious about the property management side. These guys also rented two rough houses as dormitories."

He immediately went to inform Yu Wen and Shuhe to arrange work.

When Wan Baoming came back, Liu Jinghui was almost there.

"Have you encountered a problem?" Liu Jinghui burst out laughing when he saw Jiang Yuan.

After asking for help for many years, I finally saw Jiang Yuan's request for help. Although there was no such thing, Liu Jinghui still laughed all the way when he heard Jiang Yuan's request.

Jiang Yuan handed Liu Jinghui a skewer of mutton and said, "Because there was too little evidence, I thought of you."

"Tell me about it." Liu Jinghui ate the meat, his mouth full of oil.

Jiang Yuan waved and called Tang Jia over, saying, "I'll tell Liu Chu."

Tang Jia then described the ins and outs of the case in detail.

Liu Jinghui held his chin, lost in thought.

Jiang Yuan didn't bother him and just barbecued in silence.

Tang Jia looked at the two of them and suddenly felt very excited. Liu Jinghui is a wonderful person in Shannan Province's criminal investigation community. Many people will use him as an example, sometimes in a good way, sometimes not. But it is undeniable that the cases Liu Jinghui solved are somewhat legendary.

Nowadays, Jiang Yuan has suddenly become famous in the criminal investigation community of Shannan Province. Just look at the detachment leader Yu Wenshu and you will know that his attitude towards Jiang Yuan is more respected than that of many leaders.

These two people are now ready to cooperate to face a murder case...

Tang Jia felt happy just thinking about it.

Just as he was thinking about it, Liu Jinghui spoke slowly: "Now, if these are the only clues, then I think it is not easy to detect the case forward. It is better to lure the snake out of the hole and think of a way to draw out the murderer..."

While he was talking, Wan Baoming's cell phone rang.

"Sorry, I'll pick it up." Wan Baoming said and quickly picked up.

Then, I heard Wan Baoming say "en" and "en" in succession, and then exclaimed: "Really found it? Wait, we will come right away!"

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