National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 277 Scoring

"Look at this case. There are many footprints at the scene. Although there is no blood, there are quite a lot of traces since it happened in the wild." Liu Jinghui handed a file to Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan took a look at it, confirmed that it was a case he had seen, and said, "70 points." "I will give 80 points, so it will be 150 points, and now it ranks third." Liu Jinghui marked it on his hand, and then carefully read the file. Put it back.

Here, Jiang Yuan handed a case to Liu Jinghui and said, "I'll give this one 75 points.

"I'll give it 60. It's another case in a mountainous area. I have to run until I'm exhausted, and there are no witnesses. I don't think it's going to be good at collecting evidence." Liu Jinghui took notes as he spoke, adding, "135 points, this ranks sixth, the divisions we gave are a bit dense."

"Most of the cases can actually be done." Jiang Yuandao "If you don't look at two cases, just do it."

"It works."

When Yu Wenshu came over, he saw Jiang Yuan and Liu Jinghui whispering to each other on the other side of the conference room.

This group of self-proclaimed elite police officers were sitting at the other end of the conference room, looking over there eagerly.

"What are you two doing?" Yu Wenshu asked. "We are screening cases." Wan Baoming said. "I'm listening to the scoring."

"Well, they score the backlog of cases based on their personal preferences and how difficult they think the cases are, and then work on the case with the highest score after merging."

Yu Wenshu nodded, then looked around and said, "For those of you holding cell phones, put your cell phones on the table. Video shooting and recording are not allowed in the conference room. You must understand the confidentiality regulations."

"These are all sensible people. It's impossible for them to do this." Wan Baoming said and stood up: "Let me help you take a look."

He checked all the mobile phones on the table and then smiled and said, "Read the files if you have nothing to do. Don't touch your mobile phones casually."

Everyone then sat on their chairs obediently and watched Jiang Yuan and Liu Jinghui evaluate their scores.

Jiang Yuan and Liu Jinghui had also read a stack of files. At this time, they stopped and took out the first-ranked file to confirm.

Liu Jinghui shouted, "Captain Yu, let's do this case first. This case from the year before last, the murder case of two raped women, under the Victory Bridge."

The murder cases from two years ago are also backlogged, but compared to the backlogged cases long ago, the probability of detection of this kind of case will be higher.

Yu Wenshu was eager for someone to help with the case. No matter which case Liu Jinghui and Jiang Yuan chose, he would only support it.

Now he came over and took a look at the case. Yu Wenshu said: "We have been struggling with this pervert for three months... Do you have any ideas?"

In a provincial capital city like Changyang City, it is possible to solve the murder case, but in fact it is impossible to do so.

Regarding this case from the year before last, Yu Wenshu was also a little curious as to why Jiang Yuan and Liu Jinghui both gave it high marks.

From his memory, this case was more like a random crime, and no key physical evidence such as fingerprints or DNA was left at the scene. After the victim was brutally killed, very few clues were extracted.

Of course, the backlog of cases that cannot be solved must be of certain complexity. In places like Changyang City, manpower and other resources will only be reduced after all clues are cut off.

Liu Jinghui and Jiang Yuan looked at each other, and Liu Jinghui said, "Let me talk first."

"Okay." Jiang Yuan took the other files to one side and placed the 2 case files in the middle.

Smart young people have come over to help empty cages and change birds.

Liu Jinghui opened his notebook, took a look at it, and said: "The time of occurrence of this case was around 1:20 in the morning on July 2. The victim Liu Juan, a female, was robbed and raped on her way to get off work. Fuck and kill her. Judging from the forensic report, she suffered multiple injuries to her chest and back. At the same time, the victim's chest, perineum and thigh roots all had obvious signs of being bitten or sucked by her teeth..."

After speaking briefly, Liu Jinghui paused and said, "Judging from the murderer's criminal behavior, I think the murderer's main purpose was to rape women, which is a "pornography" crime. Moreover, the criminal has certain sexual and psychological disorders. . I think we can start from this perspective."

Liu Jinghui clicked on the file and continued, "First of all, the victim had 32 stab wounds and 11 fatal injuries. This is not normal.

The manner of killing is more consistent with sadism. The same goes for the multiple bite marks on the victim's body, typical of a lover-biter. "

Yu Wenshu nodded and said, "This idea is consistent with the original judgment of the task force. I still roughly remember the conclusion given by the task force at that time. Sexual sadism is the main reason why the murderer inflicts abuse and violence on female victims as a means of sexual excitement. Means, stabbing women and humiliating individuals, resulting in the other party's disability and death..."

Everyone squinted at Yu Wenshu's performance.

Everyone knows that the detachment leader has a photographic memory of this incident, but the detachment leader alone does not remember this incident.

Liu Jinghui coughed twice, and then said, "I think that through this series of actions of the murderer, we can create a portrayal of the murderer's criminal behavior, which may be helpful in solving the case. Jiang Yuan?"

The description of criminal behavior is similar to the criminal profile of the American TV series Riverdale, but it is not very long. It usually involves judging some characteristics of the murderer, which will help with the subsequent investigation or investigation.

Liu Jinghui obviously needs some time to do this, but he is obviously confident.

Jiang Yuan then took over and said, "I looked at some photos of the scene and feel that the murderer's footprints can provide some help."

Yu Wenshu's memory immediately came back and he asked, "Did the murderer wear a pair of slippers?"

"Yes. And they are cheap slippers." Jiang Yuan arranged the photos he had just taken out on the table in order, and said, "The shoe prints on site are block-like patterns, and have the characteristics of small injection holes. The soles are seriously worn and have defects. and crack characteristics, which indicates that the soles are most likely made of PVC material, and the slippers have been worn for a long time.”

"It means that the murderer's living conditions are not very good." Yu Wenshu also simply reasoned.

Jiang Yuan nodded and said, "While committing the crime, the murderer stepped on the flower beds on the roadside. Coupled with the bloody footprints at the scene, it can be seen that at the time of the crime, the murderer was about 25 years old and underweight... …”

Liu Jinghui, who had already started writing key points next to him, raised his head and said, "I agree with this. Most of the causes of sexual sadism are related to family factors. They often grow up surrounded by the opposite sex, the family atmosphere is strong and positive, and the mother-child relationship is not good. Or a state of over-protection. For such people, the time of formation of sexual psychological disorders is generally around 16 years old, and most crimes occur after 8 years. That is, around 24 years old, Jiang Yuan’s time is very reasonable."

Everyone's emotions were also aroused.

Jiang Yuandao, "The footprints at the scene can also provide some valuable information. My preliminary judgment is that the murderer's height is under 160 centimeters, and most likely only about 157 centimeters..."

Everyone was refreshed.

"With this height, a lot of people will be screened out at once." Tang Jia finished speaking in a low voice, and then added, "But many boys wear height-increasing shoes."

"The murderer was wearing slippers at the time." Wang Chuanxing reminded.

Liu Jinghui suddenly stood up, waved his hands, and said, "I originally had a conclusion that the crime location was the old town of Changyang City. The flow of people is actually quite large. The criminals were bold and dared to wear slippers and commit crimes under conditions that were not very mature. I think it's very possible that he has a criminal record, and given his background, I think it's very likely that he's a criminal. And it's very likely that he won't be released for a long time.

Looking at Jiang Yuan, Liu Jinghui said, "If the murderer's height is really less than 160 centimeters, taking into account the factors of ex-convict and age, plus the time of release, I estimate that the list will not be very long."

Yu Wenshu nodded frequently as he listened. When Liu Jinghui finished speaking, Yu Wenshu clapped his hands directly and said to a group of people, "What are you thinking about? One person is responsible for a province, and he will make a list first. The current age is between 23 and 28 years old. Time, height below 160 centimeters, released within one year before the crime."

The list from each province may be very long, but Yu Wenshu believes that there will not be many people who truly meet the requirements, and the murderer is likely to come from Shannan Province or surrounding provinces.

Jiang Yuan and Liu Jinghui looked at each other. Neither of them expected that the effect of confirming each other would be so outstanding.

They haven't started to exert force yet.

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