National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 278: Capture

A group of police officers in the small conference room were like young people participating in an interview. They were automatically matched, automatically combined, and a leader was automatically selected. They began to discuss with each other and begin to allocate provinces.

In the end, the two groups of people merged together again and began to specialize in the data of their own provinces. The other groups of people were not divided according to provinces, but one group of people was responsible for several provinces.

During this period, Yu Wenshu just watched without saying a word.

Wei Zhenguo and others from the county bureau looked at it and couldn't help but feel a little emotional. This way of doing things, which is like a senior white-collar worker, can only be used by municipal bureaus at the provincial capital level. The criminal policemen below still prefer the traditional model.

"I'm going to write a description of criminal behavior." Liu Jinghui was quite familiar with the Changyang Municipal Bureau. When he saw them getting into work, he turned around to do his own thing.

You don’t have to go to work, you can feel at home at home, and your wife and children have gone back to your parents’ home for a long time. You will also want to return to the workplace and regain the long-lost sense of accomplishment.

Jiang Yuan asked people to take out all the physical evidence related to the case and began to examine them one by one.

Now it has been determined that it was a person who was released from prison. If we can get a fingerprint of the murderer, the case will be easier to detect.

The same is true for most cases, especially in scenes with relatively intense conflicts, such as fights or rapes. Logically speaking, the murderer should leave a large amount of physical evidence.

For example, fingerprints, sperm spots, hair or dandruff, or skin tissue, blood, etc. left by the victim's resistance.

The murderer in this case is rather special. Perhaps because of his poor physical fitness and lack of confidence in his control, his starting move was to stab with a dagger.

Jiang Yuan could tell from the blood stains at the scene that the murderer came behind the victim and stabbed him in the back several times, causing the victim to fall to the ground.

A large amount of blood loss will cause the victim to lose the ability to resist and fall into a coma or semi-coma state.

The murderer then raped and tortured the girl, and he wore gloves and condoms relatively calmly.

Even after the incident, he cleaned the area where he had bitten, leaving only tooth marks and no usable DNA.

His calm attitude is not only due to the experience of ex-convicts, but also due to his abnormal mental state.

Liu Jinghui dared to judge whether he was an ex-convict, which was a very bold judgment. Reasonable, but very bold.

If Jiang Yuan is allowed to handle this case independently, he will not first determine the criminal record. He may investigate the mental abnormality and height. In addition, Jiang Yuan feels that there may be a breakthrough by following the slippers.

After all, cheap slippers are often made by small factories, and the sales range of small factory products is often not large.

On the other hand, the murderer's financial embarrassment is also a clue. Making a living from crime is actually a very difficult and demanding thing. The average murderer cannot do it. Most of these guys have to be found near the crime scene. work and residence.

Jiang Yuan was still thinking about how to screen out the murderer, but several policemen from the provincial team had already cheered.

Everyone couldn't help but look over, and someone asked, "Have you found the person?"

"Found it!" The person in charge who was elected by the reorganization was a capable policeman in his 30s. After responding, he immediately said, "He is from Shannan Province."

Yu Wenshu and others were still sighing with emotion, but now they all gathered around.

It is indeed exciting to have major clues in the case. Yu Wenshu and others are also extremely happy, but this kind of happiness is still very different from the detection of the case.

And he knew very clearly that the so-called finding in front of him might really solve the case.

Thinking of this, Captain Yu Wen Shutangtang could not help but swallow his saliva.

Even an experienced hunter who has hunted a lot will have to swallow his saliva when he sees a sika deer coming into range. Even an experienced fisherman who has fished a lot will still have to swallow his saliva when he sees a net full of fish, shrimps and crabs. No matter how many cases the veteran criminal police officer has handled, he will swallow his saliva when he sees another murderer about to enter the execution process.

The elected policeman looked shrewd and capable. Under the gaze of everyone, he said in a steady voice, "Based on big data modeling, we reviewed the list of people released from prison one year before the incident and found a man named Qiao Maishou from Shannan Province.

He is suspected of committing a major crime. "

He looked at his notebook and said, "Qiao Maishou, a native of Shannan Province, 27 years old. He was 25 years old at the time of the crime and 156 centimeters tall. When Qiao Maishou was 13 years old, he was sentenced to three years in a juvenile detention center for robbery and theft. . He was sentenced to an additional year for violating prison regulations in the prison. After he was released from prison, he was sentenced to 5 years for robbery. He was 23 years old when he was released from prison. After that, he returned to his hometown to live. He was detained for 6 months for gathering people to gamble. By the time of the crime, his sentence was completed. Released for 8 months.”

Liu Jinghui stood up after listening, clapped his hands, and said, "I spent time in prison as a teenager. I was isolated for a long time and could not interact with others normally... and he also violated prison rules, which shows that he agrees that he cannot adapt to life in prison." , as a result, it can easily lead to personality distortions and personality quirks."

Now he is not only thinking about arresting people, he is also looking forward to his portrayal of criminal behavior and being able to guess the murderer.

The police officer who identified the murderer was also very excited and said cooperatively: "It's true. Three months after he was released from prison, Qiao Maishou had another conflict with someone and entered the police station. After that, he returned to his hometown to live for a while, and the case Two weeks before the incident, I arrived in Changyang City by high-speed rail. I spent most of the time in an Internet cafe near the crime scene. On July 2, I checked in at a small hotel near the train station for a week...I returned to my hometown to live on July 10. Currently, due to Serving the crime of theft in Yunchang City Prison..."

With today's criminal investigation methods, it is very simple to obtain a person's trajectory. Basically, as long as you know your ID number, you can know the mode of transportation you take and where you stay.

Qiao Maishou may not understand this, or he may not pay too much attention, leaving traces all over the place. However, it is not easy for a person to really be careful not to leave any traces.

The fact is that when there are no clues implicating Qiao Maishou, it doesn't matter if he leaves these tracks. However, once his existence was discovered, almost all the evidence pointed to him.

Yu Wenshu no longer had any doubts and said with a hearty smile: "Okay, the steps of arrest are saved. Tang Jia, please sort out the materials and hurry up and start the process here..."

Tang Jia responded immediately.

Yu Wenshu looked at Jiang Yuan and Liu Jinghui again.

If anything, he was relatively familiar with Liu Jinghui, and he had often asked Liu Jinghui to take action in the past.

However, most of the time, his needs for Liu Jinghui were of a counselor nature, that is, asking Liu Jinghui to make some suggestions and guide some directions in solving the case.

Most of the provincial police chiefs also prefer this method of cooperation. It is easy for themselves and the local area.

At that time, Yu Wenshu only used Liu Jinghui as an ordinary senior police chief.

But this time, Liu Jinghui and Jiang Yuan collaborated, and the results were beyond Yu Wenshu's expectations.

It is no exaggeration to say that it exceeded everyone’s expectations.

"Then, this case is considered passed." Liu Jinghui pushed the file.

Yu Wenshu said "yes" and said with a smile: "No wonder this case was given a high score by you two. Next..."

"I'm so hungry." Liu Jinghui felt his stomach and started to cry.

"Eat first, eat first." Yu Wenshu said enthusiastically, as if inviting the uncle to play.

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